202 research outputs found
Politikusok Ă©s választĂłk - a biztosság kĂ©rdĂ©se a politikai ĂtĂ©letalkotás folyamatában
Jelen tanulmány egy korábbi vizsgálat adatainak másodelemzĂ©sĂ©re Ă©pĂĽl. Az eddigi kutatás kiemelten foglalkozott a kongruitás elvĂ©vel, az egyĂ©nnek egy forráshoz valamint a forrástĂłl származĂł kijelentĂ©shez valĂł viszonyával, Ă©s igazolta, hogy a forráshoz valĂł viszony befolyásolja a kijelentĂ©s megĂtĂ©lĂ©sĂ©t. Ezen dolgozatban Ăşj kĂ©rdĂ©st fogalmaztunk meg, melynek alapján összevetettĂĽk a magukat biztos szavazĂłknak tartĂłkat a „bizonytalanabb" választĂłkkal. AbbĂłl a feltevĂ©sbĹ‘l indultunk ki, hogy a fent emlĂtett kongruitás elv határozottabban jelentkezik a biztos szavazĂłk körĂ©ben, mĂg a nem biztosak esetĂ©n a forrás befolyásolĂł hatása gyengĂ©bb. FeltĂ©teleztĂĽk továbbá, hogy a „biztosság" meghatározásában több tĂ©nyezĹ‘ szerepet játszik (pl. a nem vagy az Ă©rdeklĹ‘dĂ©si kör). Szegedi egyetemistákbĂłl állĂł mintán (N=277 fĹ‘), kĂ©rdĹ‘Ăves mĂłdszerrel vizsgáltuk meg három kijelentĂ©s elfogadottságát, Ăşgy, hogy az adott kijelentĂ©shez, más-más vezetĹ‘ politikus nevĂ©t jelöltĂĽk meg forráskĂ©nt. A kapott eredmĂ©nyek alátámasztják azon elkĂ©pzelĂ©st, mely szerint biztos szavazĂłk esetĂ©n a kongruitás elve erĹ‘teljesebben nyilvánul meg. This study is based on a second analysis of an eárlier research's database. The previous research studied the theory of congruition, and demonstrated that the attitudes to a source affect the judgment formation about his/her political statements. This study wants to demonstrate, that the tendency mentioned above is more typical by the electors with exact opinion, than by more indecisive electors. Moreover it supposes, that certain factors affect the resolution of an elector, like the gender or the range of interests. It examines with a questionnaire three statements' acceptance on a sample of 277 students of the University of Szeged, the statements are connected to different politicians. The results supports our hypothesis, that the theory of congruition can be detected rather by the electors with exact opinion
Robosztus objektumfelismerĂ©s mobil robotokhoz, Kinect szenzor segĂtsĂ©gĂ©vel
Geometriai jellemzĹ‘kkel megadott objektumdefinĂciĂł alapĂş objektum felismerĹ‘ rendszer LabVIEW-ban kĂłdolva, ahol a felvĂ©teleket Kintect szenzorral oldottuk meg
KĂłla, politika, sĂĽlt krumpli, avagy a politikai ĂtĂ©letalkotás kĂĽlsĹ‘ Ă©s belsĹ‘ tĂ©nyezĹ‘i
DöntĂ©si Ă©s ĂtĂ©letalkotási folyamatainkra bizonyos kĂĽlsĹ‘ Ă©s belsĹ‘ tĂ©nyezĹ‘k kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ mĂ©rtĂ©kben gyakorolnak hatást. Tanulmányunkban ezek közĂĽl kiemelten foglalkozunk az asszimiláciĂłs Ă©s kontraszthatás befolyásával politikai kijelentĂ©sek megĂtĂ©lĂ©se esetĂ©n. A magyar kulturális hagyományokat, illetve az ezekkel kapcsolatos vizsgálatokat figyelembe vĂ©ve feltĂ©telezzĂĽk, hogy hazánkban inkább elutasĂtĂł magatartás jelenik politikai vĂ©lemĂ©nyek megĂtĂ©lĂ©sekor. HipotĂ©ziskĂ©nt fogalmaztuk meg továbbá, hogy ezen kijelentĂ©sek forrásának, kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ konkrĂ©tsági fokának megjelölĂ©se eltĂ©rĹ‘ elfogadási arányokat eredmĂ©nyez. Certain internal and external factors affect our judgment formation to different degrees. This study focuses on the influence of the assimilative and contrast effects on judgment formation about political statements. Taking into consideration the Hungarian cultural traditions and the related research, we will demonstrate that in Hungary, as opposed to the findings of research conducted in the Unites States, rejective attitude is more prevalent in judgment formation about political opinions. We extend our hypothesis with the supposal that the amount of information given about the source of these political opinions affects the proportions of acceptance and rejection
Női és férfi kéz a betegellátás szolgálatában – ápolástörténeti kitekintés
Az ápolás egyidĹ‘s az emberisĂ©g lĂ©tezĂ©sĂ©vel, ennĂ©l fogva alapjai mĂ©lyen gyökereznek törtĂ©nelmĂĽnkben. A társadalomfejlĹ‘dĂ©ssel párhuzamosan ismeretanyaga folyamatosan bĹ‘vĂĽlt Ă©s jelentĹ‘s mĂ©rföldköveinek tĂĽkrĂ©ben vált mára önállĂł tudománnyá. Az elsĹ‘ Ărásos feljegyzĂ©sek az Ă“korbĂłl származnak, Ă©s egĂ©szen Kr.e. 250-ig Indiába vezetnek vissza, ugyanis itt nyĂlt meg az elsĹ‘ ápolĂł iskola. Az idĹ‘ mĂşlásával, a törtĂ©nelmi korok váltakozásával az ápolás Ă©s betegellátás Ăłriási változásokon ment keresztĂĽl
HuSpaCy : an industrial-strength Hungarian natural language processing toolkit
Although there are a couple of open-source language processing pipelines available for Hungarian, none of them satisfies the requirements of today’s NLP applications. A language processing pipeline should consist of close to state-of-the-art lemmatization, morphosyntactic analysis, entity recognition and word embeddings. Industrial text processing applications have to satisfy non-functional software quality requirements, what is more, frameworks supporting multiple languages are more and more favored. This paper introduces HuSpaCy, an industryready Hungarian language processing toolkit. The presented tool provides components for the most important basic linguistic analysis tasks. It is open-source and is available under a permissive license. Our system is built upon spaCy’s NLP components resulting in an easily usable, fast yet accurate application. Experiments confirm that HuSpaCy has high accuracy while maintaining resource-efficient prediction capabilities
Hybrid lemmatization in HuSpaCy
Lemmatization is still not a trivial task for morphologically rich languages.
Previous studies showed that hybrid architectures usually work better for these
languages and can yield great results. This paper presents a hybrid lemmatizer
utilizing both a neural model, dictionaries and hand-crafted rules. We
introduce a hybrid architecture along with empirical results on a widely used
Hungarian dataset. The presented methods are published as three HuSpaCy models.Comment: published at the conference XIX. Magyar Sz\'am\'it\'og\'epes
Nyelv\'eszeti Konferencia (XIX. Hungarian Computational Linguistics
Advancing Hungarian Text Processing with HuSpaCy: Efficient and Accurate NLP Pipelines
This paper presents a set of industrial-grade text processing models for
Hungarian that achieve near state-of-the-art performance while balancing
resource efficiency and accuracy. Models have been implemented in the spaCy
framework, extending the HuSpaCy toolkit with several improvements to its
architecture. Compared to existing NLP tools for Hungarian, all of our
pipelines feature all basic text processing steps including tokenization,
sentence-boundary detection, part-of-speech tagging, morphological feature
tagging, lemmatization, dependency parsing and named entity recognition with
high accuracy and throughput. We thoroughly evaluated the proposed
enhancements, compared the pipelines with state-of-the-art tools and
demonstrated the competitive performance of the new models in all text
preprocessing steps. All experiments are reproducible and the pipelines are
freely available under a permissive license.Comment: Submitted to TSD 2023 Conferenc
Hybrid lemmatization in HuSpaCy
Lemmatization is still not a trivial task for morphologically rich languages. Previous studies showed that hybrid architectures usually work better for these languages and can yield great results. This paper presents a hybrid lemmatizer utilizing both a neural model, dictionaries and hand-crafted rules. We introduce a hybrid architecture along with empirical results on a widely used Hungarian dataset. The presented methods are published as three HuSpaCy models
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