164 research outputs found

    Morphometric changes of the Bodrog River from the Late 18th c. to 2006

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    The river regulations of the 19th century have affected each of our rivers to a different degree. In the case of the River Bodrog it was stronger than the average. In our paper a section of the river between Bodroghalász and Szegi was examined, the extent and intensity of river channel changes was intended to be determined. The applied series of maps and aerial photos was georeferred and the river channel was vectorized. The morphometric parameters of the channel were measured and the changes were evaluated using the created database. From methodological aspect we concluded that the 9 variables can be grouped into 3 factors therefore most of the indexes can be substituted. We measured the changes of length and lateral shift of the channel using GIS methods. Three development periods were identified based on our results. In the first period the development of the river was characterized by natural processes. Then, the development of the river altered owing to the antropogenic impacts. In this transient phase the average shifting of the channel was 7.43 m/y. In the third term this value reduces to 0.2 m/y as the river is getting to reach the equilibrium stage

    Validation of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging as an Early-Stage Biomarker of Parkinson's Disease in Animal Models

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    Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI), which is a mathematical extension of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), assesses non-Gaussian water diffusion in the brain. DKI proved to be effective in supporting the diagnosis of different neurodegenerative disorders. Its sensitively detects microstructural changes in the brain induced by either protein accumulation, glial cell activation or neurodegeneration as observed in mouse models of Parkinson's disease. We applied two experimental models of Parkinson's disease to validate the diagnostic utility of DKI in early and late stage of disease pathology. We present two DKI analysis methods: (1) tract based spatial statistics (TBSS), which is a hypothesis independent data driven approach intended to evaluate white matter changes; and (2) region of interest (ROI) based analysis based on hypothesis of ROIs relevant for Parkinson's disease, which is specifically used for gray matter changes. The main aim of this chapter is to provide detailed information of how to perform the DKI imaging acquisition and analysis in the mouse brain, which can be, to some extent translated to humans

    Morphometric changes of the River Bodrog from the late 18th century to 2006

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    The river regulations of the 19th century have affected each of our rivers to a different degree. In thecase of the River Bodrog it was stronger than the average. In our paper a section of the river betweenBodroghalász and Szegi was examined, the extent and intensity of river channel changes wasintended to be determined. The applied series of maps and aerial photos was georeferred and the riverchannel was vectorized. The morphometric parameters of the channel were measured and the changeswere evaluated using the created database. From methodological aspect we concluded that the 9variables can be grouped into 3 factors therefore most of the indexes can be substituted. We measuredthe changes of length and lateral shift of the channel using GIS methods. Three development periodswere identified based on our results. In the first period the development of the river was characterizedby natural processes. Then, the development of the river altered owing to the antropogenic impacts. Inthis transient phase the average shifting of the channel was 7.43 m/y. In the third term this valuereduces to 0.2 m/y as the river is getting to reach the equilibrium stage

    Vízió, vágy, ideológia: a szülők idegennyelv-tanulással kapcsolatos motívumai

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    In the globalised 21st century, the importance of learning and speaking foreign languages has attracted much attention, and new directions have emerged in foreign language learning research over the past decades. Our article introduces one of these, the so-called ’social turn’ of second language acquisition, whose advocates, while not rejecting cognitive and personality approaches, examine the importance and the factors of the social embeddedness and the social environment of learning foreign languages. Both international and Hungarian studies have established correlation between access to and achievement in learning foreign languages and socio-economic status. One of the most crucial components of access to and success in learning foreign languages is family background, including parental motives concerning the language learning of their children. Studying parents’ motives is a relatively new area of research into foreign language learning; there are few empirical studies, which approach this issue from several different aspects – there is no common conceptual framework or definition applied. Still, besides Bourdieu’s theory of different capitals and habitus, new theoretical approaches have taken shape, of which this article introduces two: foreign language learning as the projection of parental visions and desires about their children’s future and foreign language learning as parental investment into their children’s future in order to pass on or strengthen their social status.Az idegennyelv-tanulás és -tudás jelentősége a globalizált 21. században különösképp előtérbe került, és az elmúlt évtizedekben az idegennyelv-tanulás kutatásában új irányok jelentek meg. Ezek közül cikkünk az idegennyelv- tanulás kutatásának úgynevezett „társadalmi fordulatát” ismerteti, amelynek képviselői az idegen�- nyelv-tanulás kognitív és egyéni megközelítése mellett a tanulás társadalmi összefüggéseinek és környezetének fontosságát és elemeit vizsgálják. Mind a nemzetközi, mind a magyar kutatások összefüggést mutattak ki a nyelvtanuláshoz való hozzáférés és a szocioökonómiai státusz, illetve az idegennyelv-tanulás eredményessége és a szocioökonómiai státusz között. A nyelvtanulás lehetőségének és sikerességének egyik fontos tényezője a tanuló családi háttere, ezen belül a szülők gyermekük nyelvtanulásával kapcsolatos motívumai. A szülői kutatások tekintetében kevés empirikus vizsgálat áll rendelkezésünkre a nyelvtanulás-kutatásban, azok pedig különbözőképpen közelítik meg a kérdést, nincs egységes fogalomhasználat, definíció. Ennek ellenére a bourdieu-i tőke- és habituselmélet mellett új elméleti megközelítések is kibontakoztak, amelyekből cikkünkben kettőt mutatunk be: a nyelvtanulás mint a szülők víziójának, vágyainak kivetítése gyermekükre, illetve a nyelvtanulás mint a szülők befektetése gyermekük jövőjébe annak érdekében, hogy saját státuszukat továbbadhassák, vagy azt erősítsék