172 research outputs found

    Opciones de polĂ­ticas para la paliaciĂłn de la pobreza

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    (Disponible en idioma inglĂ©s Ășnicamente) Este trabajo se fundamenta en investigaciones anteriores para desarrollar una metodologĂ­a que simplifique la identificaciĂłn de las mejores opciones de polĂ­ticas para paliar la pobreza en un paĂ­s dado. Cuando se puede dividir una poblaciĂłn en subgrupos segĂșn alguna caracterĂ­stica fĂĄcilmente identificable, se puede entender el problema del alivio de la pobreza mediante un mecanismo dirigido a sectores especĂ­ficos como una elecciĂłn entre tres opciones: i) provocar un cambio marginal en el ingreso promedio de ciertos subgrupos; ii) modificar la distribuciĂłn de ingresos dentro de subgrupos marginales y iii) generar un cambio marginal en las diferencias entre los subgrupos. Se aplican datos recientes de MĂ©xico.

    The 1990s in Latin America: Another Decade of Persistent Inequality, but with Somewhat Lower Poverty

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    This paper processes 76 household surveys from 17 Latin American countries to document changes in poverty and inequality during the 1990s, and performs an analysis of the effect of economic reforms on inequality and poverty by using an expanded data base of 94 surveys spanning the 1977-2000 period. We show that there is no country in Latin America where inequality declined during the 1990s. Poverty declined in 10 or 11 out of the 17 countries for which household surveys are available to us, depending on the poverty measured used. Persistently high inequality inhibited further poverty reduction. One important factor contributing to the persistently high inequality level is financial liberalization. Trade liberalization and slight inequality-reducing effect.inequality, poverty, Latin America

    Los años 90 en América Latina: otra década de desigualdad persistente, pero con un poco menos de pobreza

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    (Disponible en idioma inglĂ©s Ășnicamente) En este trabajo se procesan 76 encuestas de hogares de 17 paĂ­ses latinoamericanos, para documentar las variaciones de la pobreza y la desigualdad durante los años 90. Mostramos que no hay ningĂșn paĂ­s en AmĂ©rica Latina donde la desigualdad haya disminuido durante los años 90. La pobreza disminuyĂł en 10 u 11 de los 17 paĂ­ses de los que tenemos disponibles datos de encuestas, dependiendo de la medida de la pobreza empleada. Lo persistentemente elevado de la desigualdad impidiĂł una mayor disminuciĂłn de la pobreza.

    What's Behind the Inequality we Measure: An Investigation Using Latin American Data

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    The use of income distribution indicators in the economics literature has increased considerably in recent years. This work relies on household surveys from 18 LAC countries to take a step back from the use of these indicators, and explore what`s behind the numbers, and what information they convey. We find: a) that the way countries rank according to inequality measured in a conventional way is to a large extent an illusion created by differences in characteristics of the data and on the particular ways in which the data is treated; b) Our ideas about the effect of inequality on economic growth are also driven by quality and coverage differences in household surveys and by the way in which the data is treated; c) Standard household surveys in LAC are unable to capture the incomes of the richest sectors of society; so, the inequality we are able to measure is most likely a gross underestimation. Our main conclusion is that there is an important story behind each number. This story influences our judgement about how unequal countries are and about the relation between inequality and other development indicators, but it is seldom told or known. Perhaps other statistics commonly used in economics also have their own interesting story, and it might be worth trying to find out what it is.

    Los mercados laborales en América Latina: el argumento de la oferta

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    (Disponible en idioma inglĂ©s Ășnicamente) En este trabajo se muestra que los factores que inciden en la oferta laboral fueron determinantes claves de los cambios en el empleo, el desempleo y las diferencias de ingreso en AmĂ©rica Latina durante los años 90. Las dos fuerzas principales que impulsan la oferta laboral en la regiĂłn han sido los factores demogrĂĄficos y la educaciĂłn.

    The 1990s in Latin America: Another Decade of Persistent Inequality

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    This paper argues that there is no country in Latin America where we can confidently say that income inequality improved during the 1990s. We document this fact for the 15 countries where comparable household surveys, covering most of the population, are available. What we observe are genuine distributive changes, which are being driven neither by differences in the characteristics of the data nor by the way in which the data is treated. In 10 of the countries, the lack of progress is driven by increases in inequality among the first nine deciles. In the remaining 5, the reason is a greater concentration among the richest 10% of the population. We also observe that in 7 countries, the dynamics among individuals with 14 years or more of schooling are the main reason why income distribution has not improved in the 1990s. However, the lack of progress in income distribution is not exclusive to this region. We compare Latin America internationally and find that, with few exceptions, inequality has increased less in this region than in developed countries and in Eastern Europe.

    Inequality and the Family in Latin America

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    In this paper, social mobility is measured by looking at the extent to which family background determines socioeconomic success. An index of social mobility for developing countries is proposed based on the correlation of schooling gaps between siblings.

    ¿Qué hay detrås de las diferencias en la desigualdad entre los países?

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    (Disponible en idioma inglĂ©s Ășnicamente) En este trabajo se presentan tĂ©cnicas de simulaciĂłn microeconĂłmica para analizar quĂ© es lo que hay detrĂĄs de las diferencias en la desigualdad de un paĂ­s a otro. La simulaciĂłn descompone las diferencias de desigualdad de un paĂ­s a otro en la importancia de las decisiones individuales, tales como la fertilidad, la elecciĂłn de pareja, la participaciĂłn en la fuerza laboral y la estructura del hogar, mientras que al mismo tiempo se incluye informaciĂłn sobre la importancia de diferentes fuentes de ingresos. La descomposiciĂłn se aplica a datos de encuestas de hogares de 35 paĂ­ses de seis regiones del mundo. Los resultados empĂ­ricos brindan nuevas percepciones sobre los mecanismos de transmisiĂłn a travĂ©s de los cuales se genera la desigualdad.

    Sacudidas salariales y variabilidad del consumo en México durante los años 90

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    (Disponible en idioma inglĂ©s Ășnicamente) En este trabajo se presentan elementos de juicio sobre la relaciĂłn entre las sacudidas econĂłmicas y el salario relativo de los varones y los cambios de consumo de los hogares en MĂ©xico durante los años 90, un perĂ­odo caracterizado por una inestabilidad elevada. AdemĂĄs de realizar esta clase de anĂĄlisis con MĂ©xico por primera vez, el trabajo presenta dos aportes principales. El primero es el uso de fuentes alternativas de datos para construir variables instrumentales de salarios. El segundo es analizar las diferencias entre cuatro categorĂ­as de consumo: bienes perecederos, bienes no perecederos, educaciĂłn y salud. Nuestros resultados en cuanto al consumo de bienes perecederos rechazan la hipĂłtesis de que los hogares mexicanos son capaces de asegurarse contra el riesgo idiosincrĂĄsico. En cuanto a las comparaciones entre categorĂ­as de consumo, la conclusiĂłn es que en MĂ©xico los hogares tienden a reaccionar a sacudidas pasajeras contrayendo el consumo de bienes que representan inversiones de mĂĄs largo plazo en el capital humano, lo que los hace mĂĄs vulnerables en el futuro.

    Persistent Poverty and Excess Inequality: Latin America, 1970-1995

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    This work assesses the changes in aggregate poverty and inequality that have taken place in Latin America during the past 26 years. With this objective, we put together the largest number of observations on income distribution for the region for the period from 1970-1995. We find that poverty and inequality have not declined during the 1990s in spite of improvements at the macroeconomic level. The characteristics of our data allow us to perform various comparisons between countries. Our results show that even though there are differences in levels across countries, inequality and poverty in most of them follow similar trends during the period under study.Poverty; Inequality; Latin America
