5 research outputs found


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    Актуальным направлением исследований является разработка новых противорубцовых средств с протеолитическими ферментами. Целью проведенной фармацевтической разработки являлось создание то-пического средства с улучшенными потребительскими (сенсорными) свойствами на основе коллагеназы кам-чатского краба, доступного отечественного сырья. В качестве лекарственной формы выбран олеогель. Выбор оптимальной основы проводили на основании следующих характеристик: внешние признаки, распределение по коже, термостабильность. Была выбрана оптимальная комбинация вспомогательных веществ, включавшая диметикон, каприл/каприлик триглицериды, аэросил, а также концентрация коллагеназы в геле. Предложен-ный гель обладает приемлемыми сенсорными свойствами и технологическими характеристиками, позволя-ющими рекомендовать его для дальнейших исследований в качестве средства для фармакотерапии рубцовых изменений кожи


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    The aim of this study was to assess the coverage of studies of collagenolytic enzymes (collagenases) in the sphere of their use in wounds and scars treatment, the resource of their production and the range of collagenase products to identify the areas for their improvement. Materials and methods. The information from retrieval and library databases (eLIBRARY, PubMed, Scopus, ScholarGoogle, ResearchGate), patent information databases (freepatent.ru , ntpo.com , fips.ru ), the State register of medicines (GRLS) and the State register of medical devices, as well as technical information provided by manufacturers of medicines and medical devices, was used in the article. Results. The analysis of the information database has shown that collagenolytic enzymes are effective proteolytic complexes because of their ability to provide the breakdown of collagen, the main component of wounds and scars. Hepatopancreas crustaceans is currently one of the available raw resources of collagenases in Russia. It is noted that proteolytic enzymes from the Paralithodes camtschatica hepatopancreas are characterized by a broad specificity: they are able to hydrolyze both native collagen and other protein substrates. There are data confirming the capability of collagenases to accelerate the process of reparation in addition to wound cleansing from a necrosis. The results of clinical studies of collagenases anti-scar properties, indicate the effectiveness of their use for the skin scar correction. The content analysis has shown that there is a small amount of collagenase-based products in the Russian pharmaceutical market: lyophilized powder for preparation of the injection solution "Collalysin", recommended for scars treatment; a medical dressing "Digestol" with collagenase, recommended for wounds and necrotic lesions treatment; "Fermencol" (gel and powder), the "Karipain plus" gel for scars treatment. Drugs are represented by only powder lyophilisate "Collalysin". Conclusion. The development of gel compositions (Aerosil-based oleogels) and atraumatic dressings with collagenase from Paralithodes camtschatica hepatopancreas as the most affordable raw materials can be considered problem number one of practical pharmacy at present. This provides for the creation of the dosage forms, improved in terms of stability and efficiency, as well as ease of use

    Investigation of the bischofite gel reparative effect on the linear wound model

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    Introduction. The currently available information on the bischofite mineral pharmacodynamics makes it possible to assume that bischofite-based gels have wound-healing properties. Materials and methods. Experiments were performed on 36 male rats. Using a blade, a linear wound of 50 mm long was modeled. Animals were divided into 4 groups: 1) Control; 2) Bishofit (500 mg of gel with bischofite on the wound area for 7 days); 3) Actovegine (500 mg of Actovegine gel on the wound area for 7 days); 4) Contractubex (500 mg of contractubex gel on the wound area for 7 days). The wound healing effect of the drugs was evaluated through studying the physicomechanical properties, assessing the morphological picture, determining the concentration of hydroxyproline (HP) and calculating the ratio of types I and III collagen. Results. The strongest healing effect on the wound defect, significantly greater than that in the control (p Actovegine> Control> Contractubex. A similar trend is demonstrated by the morphological picture of tissues in the area of the wound defect. Conclusion. The study showed that the best results were obtained with external use of bischofite gel. Actovegine has a less significant, but quite pronounced reparative, effect on this model. The least satisfactory results were obtained when applying contractubex

    Modern means for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of periodont: Used forms, perspectives of improvement with the use of the components of mineral origin

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    The review presents modern methods of therapeutic treatment of periodontal disease using a variety of drugs. The advantages and disadvantages of the use of drugs in various dosage forms and medical devices are presented. The actual direction in development of new means of hygiene and care of the oral cavity based on the use of natural mineral salts for non-drug therapy of periodontal diseases is revealed. © 2018 Stavropol State Medical University. All Rights Reserved

    Stimulation of reparation in a linear wound model in rats by Bischofit gel

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    The aim of the article is to evaluate Bischofit gel reparative activity in a linear wound model in rats. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted on 36 male Wistar rats weighing from 193 to 218 grams. On the 8th day after modeling a linear wound defect 50±1 mm long, the reparative effect of bischofite, Actovegin and Contractubex in the gel compositions was evaluated. The evaluation was carried out using: the following methods: 1) studying the physicomechanical characteristics of the wound defect (a wound-tearing machine Metrotest REM-0.2-1); 2) morphological examination of the skin graft taken from the wound area (stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Van Gieson's solution); 3) determining the ratio of collagen types I and III in a polarizing microscope (the picrosirius was red); 4) cоlorimetric analysis of the hydroxyproline concentration in the wound surface tissues. Results. On the 8th day, the wound defects sampled from the bischofite treated animals, were characterized by the most pronounced strength (the average force at the rupture moment was 13.70 N), which was significantly higher (p Actovegin (0.67±0.017) > Control (0.56±0.012) > Contractubex (0.38 ±0.020). Conclusion. The carried out study showed that Bischofit has a pronounced ability to stimulate the regeneration of the skin wound defect. Hereby, the reference drug Actovegin showed less activity, and Contractubex worsened wound healing. © 2019 Volgograd State Medical University, Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute. All rights reserved