157 research outputs found

    The Casualties of U.S. Grand Strategy: Korean Exclusion from the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Pacific Pact

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    From August 1945 to September 1951, the United States had a unique opportunity to define and frame how it would approach its foreign relations in the Asia-Pacific region. As the dominant power in the Pacific after World War II and claiming direct authority over vanquished Japan, the United States had the liberty to design its own post-war vision for the entire region. Until 1951, American State Department diplomats and government planners, attempted—ultimately unsuccessfully—to harmonize the competing motivations of lingering World War II multilateralist idealism and Cold War geopolitics in a postcolonial, postwar world. This thesis examines U.S.-Korean relations in context of how both sides grappled with the requirements of addressing a history of colonialism and wartime sacrifice, which came to be overshadowed by American Cold War-inflected concerns. U.S. policymakers ultimately shelved multilateralist defense schemes such as the Pacific Pact, which would have been a NATO in Asia. Through a series of short-term tactical decisions, U.S. diplomats also transformed the San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan from a post-war agreement of reconciliation and moral redress into a Cold War device that would reinstate Japanese strategic advantages, albeit under American control. Emblematic of this shift was the exclusion of Korea from both the peace treaty itself and its complementary defense negotiations. State Department officials avoided the responsibility of resolving persisting wartime issues even while attempting to implement a new postwar vision for Asia. U.S. diplomats had long-standing racialized assumptions about Korean cultural and political inferiority which corresponded with Americans’ growing distaste for rehashing the legacy of Japanese imperialism in Asia. The stark reality was that Cold War geopolitics had left little room for long-term multilateralist visions for the future. By failing to address Korean concerns in the San Francisco Peace Treaty and its complementary defense structure, the U.S. in turn generated a postwar design for the Asia-Pacific guided solely by efforts to maximize American tactical advantages in both diplomatic and military contexts, to its long-term detriment

    Rational Radicals: Japanese Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First Century

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    From the Washington University Office of Undergraduate Research Digest (WUURD), Vol. 12, 05-01-2017. Published by the Office of Undergraduate Research. Joy Zalis Kiefer, Director of Undergraduate Research and Associate Dean in the College of Arts & Sciences; Lindsey Paunovich, Editor; Helen Human, Programs Manager and Assistant Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences Mentor: Colin Basset

    Legitmacy and Constraint:The Failure of Multilateralism in SEATO

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    From the Washington University Office of Undergraduate Research Digest (WUURD), Vol. 13, 05-01-2018. Published by the Office of Undergraduate Research. Joy Zalis Kiefer, Director of Undergraduate Research and Associate Dean in the College of Arts & Sciences; Lindsey Paunovich, Editor; Helen Human, Programs Manager and Assistant Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences Mentor(s): Elziabeth Borgward


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    Background.  The Global Burden of Disease Study (2017) estimated that oral diseases affect 3.5 billion people worldwide, with untreated dental caries being among the most prevalent non-communicable diseases (WHO, 2017). The main objective of this study was to determine the factors affecting the utilization of oral and dental services at Katate Health Centre IV, Kanungu district. Methodology.  A descriptive cross-sectional study was done on 61 randomly sampled respondents from whom data was collected using a questionnaire and then analyzed using SPSS version 21. Results.  The study identified individual factors affecting the utilization of oral and dental services which were; traditional beliefs (4.6%), traditional healers being part of dental care (67%), use of native herbs (63.9%), lack of awareness (80%), myths and misconceptions (21.3%) and some believe that dental caries and tooth extractions do not require medical interventions (9.8%). More still, the study revealed different socio-economic factors which included; high costs of dental service (71%), unemployment (19.7%), lack of insurance (75%), low levels of education (77%), and low family income (50.8%). Health system-related factors were; poor transport systems (55.7%), long distances (47.4%), poor relationship with the health workers (23%), long waiting times and delays (19.7%), lack of confidentiality (29.5%), inconveniences at oral and dental care clinics (32.8%). Conclusion.  Factors affecting Utilization of Oral and Dental Services include Traditional beliefs and traditional healers, myths, and misconceptions, Unemployment, low education levels, low family income, and high costs. Long waiting times, lack of confidentiality, and poor relationship with health workers. Recommendation.  There is a need for the administration of Katate Health Centre IV in Kanungu district in conjunction with the Ministry of Health to ensure that dental services including dental equipment, sundries, drugs, and medical dental practitioner available for clients at every level of health care.

    RAGGA NYC : Michèle Pearson Clarke, Martine Gutierrez, Oreka James, Aaron Jones, Tau Lewis, Sondra Perry, Diamong Stingily, Camille Turner, Christopher Udemezue, Syrus Marcus Ware

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    "RAGGA NYC is a growing collective of Queer Caribbean artists and allies. Founded by Christopher Udemezue (Neon Christina), the group was created to make space for and nurture ties amongst a group of artists who feel a deep commitment to their ancestral and diasporic histories. Working across various disciplines, ranging from visual art and poetry to performance and fashion, RAGGA NYC interweaves art-making, cultural practice and community building. The collective has at its base a longing for an authentic and extended network that could support one another through ideas and activity centered around solidarity, visibility and expression. [...] For Mercer Union’s summer season, the gallery has handed over resources to the collective as they make space for and incite new collaborations, friendships and expanded networks of support.

    Evaluation of mass selection for yield in corn as measured by random Sb1 slines and their test crosses

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    A mass selected com population (MS 13), and the parent variety Jellicorse (Je) were evaluated at Knoxville and Crossville using random S1 lines per se and S0 lines topcrossed to an unrelated single cross. The selected population (MS 13) had undergone thirteen generations of mass selection for ear com yield. S1 lines and their testcrosses of MS 13 did not demonstrate statistically significant average yielding superiority over lines of Je at either Knoxville or Crossville, or the two locations combined. Both S1 and testcross progenies of MS 13 were greater in yield than Je at Crossville (14.3 percent and 7.9 percent) where more favorable environmental conditions existed for the tests. Indications are that frequencies of favorable yield genes were greater in progenies of MS 13 than in corresponding progenies of Je. Differences are attributable to the effect of mass selection on the parent variety but the unfavorable conditions of the test locations did not allow the selected plants to express maximum yield potential. The top yielding S1 and testcross progenies of the study came from the selected population. Correlations between S1 and testcross yields for Je and MS 13 were + 0.40** and + 0.48**, respectively. Genotypes of MS 13 produced more ears/plant with greater nubbin weights, produced taller plants with higher ear placement, and produced more lodged plants. Genotypes of MS 13 flowered later but they produce grain having slightly less moisture at harvest than genotypes of Je. However, differences in all measured traits were not great and generally nonsignificant at the .05 level of probability. Variance estimates show that genetic variability among S1\u27s exceeded that among testcrosses for most traits, as expected, and that S1 and testcross progenies of Je had less genetic variability in yield and yield related traits than S1 and testcross progenies of the corresponding MS 13. The results suggest that mass selection increased genetic variance and particularly additively genetic variance of MS 13 relative to Je. The significant yield variability in MS 13 genotypes indicates that continued yield improvement is possible in the selected population from further cycles of mass selection under favorable environmental conditions

    Teorinės mechanikos kurso namų darbų uždavinių generavimo bei tikrinimo informacinė sistema

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    The technology for automatization of lecturer’sworkplace is presented in the paper, enhancing and simplifying the preparation of assignments for practical works and their inspection. The main focus of paper is placed on the inspection of students’works.  The informational system created and exploited at the department of EngineeringMechanics, Vilnius Gediminas TechnicalUniversity, is described. Similar principles may be employed also for analogical systems of generating of assigments for practical works as well as inspection of them for other subjects (mathematics, informatics, etc).Straipsnyje aprašoma technologija, kuri leidžia dėstytojui automatizuoti savo darbč ruošiant bei tikrinant studentų savarankiškus darbus. Pagrindinis straipsnio akcentas skiriamas automatiniam studentų darbų tikrinimui. Aprašoma informacinė sistema, kuri buvo sukurta ir yra eksploatuojama VGTU teorinės mechanikos katedroje. Panašūs principai gali būti taikomi, kuriant analogiškas sistemas ne tik teorinės mechanikos, bet ir kitų disciplinų (matematikos, informatikos, fizikos ir kt.) studentų savarankiškų darbų generavimui bei tikrinimui

    An attempt to re-balance the balanced scorecard towards a sustainable performance measurement system / Noel Yahanpath and Syrus Islam.

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    Despite the use of new performance measurement systems (PMSs), such as Balanced Scorecard (BSC), organisations worldwide have collapsed, leaving few clues before their collapse. So, two questions arise: ‘Why does it happen?’ and ‘How can it be addressed and resolved?’ The motivation of this research paper is to address these two questions. The study is a ‘multi-case study’ comprise of four cases for which the ‘documentary review procedure’ has been used to analyse data. For the development of theproposed model, this study used ‘analytic generalisation’ where BSC is used as our initial template. This study found that strong business performance can quickly be negated if the associated risk factors in achieving KPIs are not taken into account explicitly. It is also found that ignoring or paying insufficient attention to all relevant stakeholders in designing PMS makes an organisation more vulnerable to collapse. The basic limitation of case study research is applicable to this study. Further research can be carried out to test empirically the validation of our proposed model in different geographical settings. The study uncovers the underlying weakness of existing PMSs which fall short of meeting the challenges of the 21st century. Based on the balanced scorecard, our proposed Performance-Risk Linkage Model (PRLM) will have the potential to demonstrate a revamped conduit in strategic performance measurement systems, which will enable practitioners to get a competitive edge in managing the performance of complex organisations. This is one of the very few studies that examine the scope of the integration of key risk factors and all relevant stakeholders with performance measurement systems and, to our knowledge, the first of its kind in the Asia-Pacific Region

    L’Histoire de l’organisation politique de l’espace en Iran

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    Cet article aborde la longue évolution, depuis l’Empire Mède au Ve siècle av. J.C, des divisions territoriales du territoire iranien. Il montre comment les structures territoriales politiques d’aujourd’hui sont héritées des premières adoptées durant l’Antiquité.This article approaches the long evolution, since the Empire Mede in 5th century av. J.C, territorial divisions of the Iranian territory. It shows how the political territorial structures of today are inherited from the first ones adopted during the Antiquit


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    With the occupation of India by one of the global powers namely Britain (1770), and its territorial expansion toward the West and Iran’s borders, Russia (the other global power) started to expansionism and move toward Indian Ocean and Iran’s north borders from the first of 19th century (1804-1813/ 1826/1828). Britain from East and South and Russia from North intruded on Iran’s borders, and buffered Iran and Afghanistan in order to not to collide with each other. In the rivalry pattern of buffered states, their geographic spaces should be separate. Low power geographic space is required between the powers. Geopolitical boundaries of these two powers should not contact because in such a case, the possibility of conflict can arise. So, the buffer space takes the form of vacuum space between the buffered powers.The research main question is that what are the nature, functions, characteristics and political behavior of geographic buffer space? Which geographic values and functions cause buffer space act as a buffer space and attract great powers?In this research, a new definition of buffer space is presented, and the process of formation of buffers (the whys and wherefores), functions and characteristics of buffers in two internal and external dimensions are investigated. Then, the validity of the variables is investigated using library and field findings, and is used in the process of evaluation of internal and external experts. The results are analyzed using statistical methods and SPSS. Finally, these variables are evaluated in the context of Iran.The research findings show that the pattern of geopolitical rivalry of great powers has been reflected in Iran’s space in the last two centuries, namely not only foreign relations, but also Iran’s internal political situation are reflections of the pattern of rivalry of great powers resulted from Iran’s buffer situation. The behavior of Iranian politicians and people have been affected by the behavior of buffered powers. This situation has caused some behaviors to be created like xenophobia, lack of trust in politicians, de-utilization etc. The buffer space cannot make decision without considering the interests of buffered states. In the buffer space, all of the political phenomenon are the reflection of buffered space.  Com a ocupação da Índia pela Grã-Bretanha (1770), uma das potências mundiais a época e sua expansão territorial em direção às fronteiras do Ocidente e do Irã, a Rússia, também grande potência, iniciou seu expansionismo avançando em direção ao Oceano Índico e às fronteiras ao norte do Irã no século XIX (1804-1813 / 1826- 1828). A Grã-Bretanha, pelo leste e pelo sul, e a Rússia pelo norte adentraram as fronteiras iranianas transformando seu território em uma zona tampão juntamente com o Afeganistão a fim de evitar um enfrentamento direto. No padrão de rivalidade pelos Estados tampão, seus espaços geográficos devem estar separados. É necessário que o espaço geográfico entre as potências concorrentes detenha poder relativamente baixo. As barreiras geopolíticas entre as duas potências não devem entrar em contato porque, se este for o caso, a possibilidade de conflito pode aumentar. significativamente Portanto, o espaço tampão assume a forma de vácuo entre as potências que o produzem, amortecendo sua competitividade. Dito isso, a principal questão desta pesquisa é discutir quais são as origens, as funções, as características e o comportamento político do espaço geográfico de um Estado-tampão? Quais valores e funções geográficas fazem com que o espaço atue como um espaço tampão atraindo grandes potências? Para tanto, esta pesquisa apresenta uma nova definição de espaço tampão, definindo o processo de formação desses espaços (por quê são formados e pelo que são formados), suas funções, investigando suas características em duas dimensões: a interna e a externa. Em seguida, a validade das variáveis é verificada utilizando dados da bibliografia especializada e da pesquisa de campo presentes no processo de avaliação de especialistas. Os resultados são analisados usando métodos estatísticos e SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Finalmente, essas variáveis são avaliadas no contexto do Irã