33 research outputs found

    Corpora Sanctorum In Pace Sepulta Sunt Et Vivent Nomina Eorum In Æternum : Gründlicher Bericht Hoch-feyrlicher hundert-jähriger Ubersetzungs-Festivitet Beyder heiligen Leiber der glorwürdigen Blutzeugen Christi Mariani und Getulii, Wie selbe gehalten worden in dem loblichen Consistorial-Gotts-Hauss Mariæ Meerstern Vulgo Wettingen des H. Eximirten Cistercienser-Ordens ; Im Jahr 1752. den 9. Julii mit beygesetzter Lob- und Ehren-Predigt

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    Hymnus [Sancti martiires Marianus et Getulius] ; Das Volck sange beygesetztes andächtiges LiedMarianus Und Getulius, Zwey Christliche Blutzeuge Ein Singspiel Auf das hundert-jährige Ubersetzungs-Fest ... / Modulos Musicos composuit ... Casparus Bürgisser ...Glaubens-Triumph Der zwey H. H. Martyrer Mariani und Getulii ... in darbei gehaltener Ehren-Predigt einem zahlreichen Auditorium vorgetragen / von ... Synesio Ursariense ...Der erste Teil stellt die Prozessionsordnung darDatierung des Singspiels: "Den 9. Heumonat 1752"; Datierung der Ehrenpredigt: "Im Jahr 1752, den 9. Tag Iulii".Aus dem Vorbesitz des Klosters Rheinau; Bibliographische Notizen auf dem vorderen Vorsatzblat

    Synesii Cyrenaei calvitii encomium

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    Synesius ; ad fidem complurium codicum mss. recensuit interpretatione Germanica instruxit et Dionys. Petavii suasque annotationes adiecit Ioannes Georgius Krabingeru

    Synesiou Episkopou Kyrēnēs hapanta ta heuriskomena : Synesii episcopi Cyrenes Opera quae extant omnia

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    Synesius Cyrenensis ; interprete Dionysio Petavi

    Synesiu Episkopu Kyre-ne-s Hapanta ta heuriskomena

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    SYNESIU EPISKOPU KYRE-NE-S HAPANTA TA HEURISKOMENA Synesiu Episkopu Kyre-ne-s Hapanta ta heuriskomena ( -

    Synesii Cyrenaei Katastasis, seu constitutio in qua Pentapolis calamitas describitur

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    Preceden al tít. caracteres griegosTexto en griego y latí

    Barbarians and politics at the Court of Arcadius

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    The chaotic events of A.D. 395-400 marked a momentous turning point for the Roman Empire and its relationship to the barbarian peoples under and beyond its command. In this masterly study, Alan Cameron proposes a complete rewriting of received wisdom concerning the social and political history of these years. Our knowledge of the period comes to us in part through Synesius of Cyrene, who recorded his view of events in his De regno and De providentia . By redating these works, Cameron offers a vital, new interpretation of the interactions of pagans and Christians, Goths and Romans.In 394/95, during the last four months of his life, the emperor Theodosius I ruled as sole Augustus over a united Roman empire that had been divided between at least two emperors for most of the preceding one hundred years. Not only did the death of Theodosius set off a struggle between Roman officeholders of the two empires, but it also set off renewed efforts by the barbarian Goths to sieze both territory and office. Theodosius had encouraged high-ranking Goths to enter Roman military service; thus well placed, their efforts would lead to Alaric's sack of Rome in 410. Though Cameron's interest is in the particularities of events, the book conveys a wonderful sense of the general time and place. Cameron's rebuttal of modern scholarship, which pervades the narrative, enhances the reader's engagement with the complexities of interpretation. The result is a sophisticated recounting of a period of crucial change in the Roman Empire's relationship to the non-Roman world

    Habes Itervm Morias Encomiũ pro castigatissimo castigatius una cũ Listrij cõmentarijs & aliis complusculis libellis ...

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    Ludus L. Annaei Senecae, De morte Claudij Cæsaris, nuper in Germania repertus cum Scholijs Beati RhenaniSynesius Cyrenẽsis de laudibus Caluitij, Ioãne Phrea Britãno interprete, cũ scholijs Beat. RhenaniErasmi Roterodami Moriæ Economium, cum commentariis Gerhardi Listrii, trium linguarum peritiEpistola apologetica Erasmi Roterodami ad Martinum Dorpium theologumImpressum gemäss VD 16Dem Titel vorangesgtellt: Ioannes Frobenivs LectoriDruckjahr auf Bl. C₆recto: An. MDXV; Druckjahr gemäss BLC: 1515, gemäss VD 16: [1516]Bogensignaturen: a-h⁴, a-z⁴, A-B⁴, C

    Grec 2939 A

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    LYSIAS. OrationesSYNESIUS Cyrenæus. De regno, ad Arcadium impSYNESIUS Cyrenæus. DionNumérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution.(1) Lysiæ apologia pro cæde Eratosthenis ; — (4 v°) oratio in Simonem ; — (8 v°) de vulnere es industria illato ; — (10) oratio apologetica de sacræ olivæ trunco ; — (13) accusatio ad familiares obtrectatores ; — (14 v°) oratio pro milite ; — (16) adversus Theomnestum orationes duæ ; — (19) adversus Eratosthenem, e triginta tyrannis unum ; — (26 v°) contra Agorati delationem et judicium ; — (33 v°) adversus Alcibiadem orationes duæ ; — (38) adversus Paracleonem ; — (39) ad delationem, quod cum impotens non esset a republica pecuniam acciperet ; — (41) pro Mantitheo ; — (44) Synesii oratio de regno ad Arcadium imp ; — (62) ejusdem Di

    Grec 1040

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    ARISTIDES. sacræPLATO. EpistolæSYNESIUS Cyrenæus. Ægyptius, seu de providentiaSYNESIUS Cyrenæus. Calvitii encomiumSYNESIUS Cyrenæus. Concio in laudem AnysiiSYNESIUS Cyrenæus. De dono astrolabii, ad PæoniumSYNESIUS Cyrenæus. De insomniisSYNESIUS Cyrenæus. De regno, ad Arcadium impSYNESIUS Cyrenæus. DionSYNESIUS Cyrenæus. EpistolæSYNESIUS Cyrenæus. HomiliæSYNESIUS Cyrenæus. Orationes in magnam barbarorum excursionemNumérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution.(1) Synesii epistolæ CIV-CLVI ; — (30) oratio habita in maximam barbarorum excursionem ; — (33) homilia de regno, ad Arcadium imp ; — (55) Dio ; — (74 v°) concio in laudem Anysii ; — (75 v°) homiliæ duæ ; — (77 v°) encomium calvitii ; — (94 v°) Ægyptius, sive de providentia libri II ; — (125 v°) ad Pæonium, de dono astrolabii ; — (130 v°) de insomniis ; — (143) Aristidis rhetoris sermonum sacrorum libri V ; — (206) Platonis epistol