13 research outputs found

    A quantitative description for optical mass measurements of single biomolecules

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    Label-free detection of single biomolecules in solution has been achieved using a variety of experimental approaches over the past decade. Yet, our understanding of the magnitude of the optical contrast and its relationship with the underlying atomic structure as well as the achievable measurement sensitivity and precision remain poorly defined. Here, we use a Fourier optics approach combined with an atomic structure-based molecular polarizability model to simulate mass photometry experiments from first principles. We find excellent agreement between several key experimentally determined parameters such as optical contrast-to-mass conversion, achievable mass accuracy, and molecular shape and orientation dependence. This allows us to determine detection sensitivity and measurement precision mostly independent of the optical detection approach chosen, resulting in a general framework for light-based single-molecule detection and quantification

    A Quantitative Description for Optical Mass Measurement of Single Biomolecules

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    Label-free detection of single biomolecules in solution has been achieved using a variety of experimental approaches over the past decade. Yet, our understanding of the magnitude of the optical contrast and its relationship with the underlying atomic structure as well as the achievable measurement sensitivity and precision remain poorly defined. Here, we use a Fourier optics approach combined with an atomic structure-based molecular polarizability model to simulate mass photometry experiments from first principles. We find excellent agreement between several key experimentally determined parameters such as optical contrast-to-mass conversion, achievable mass accuracy, and molecular shape and orientation dependence. This allows us to determine detection sensitivity and measurement precision mostly independent of the optical detection approach chosen, resulting in a general framework for light-based single-molecule detection and quantification

    Folding cooperativity and allosteric function in the tandem-repeat protein class.

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    The term allostery was originally developed to describe structural changes in one binding site induced by the interaction of a partner molecule with a distant binding site, and it has been studied in depth in the field of enzymology. Here, we discuss the concept of action at a distance in relation to the folding and function of the solenoid class of tandem-repeat proteins such as tetratricopeptide repeats (TPRs) and ankyrin repeats. Distantly located repeats fold cooperatively, even though only nearest-neighbour interactions exist in these proteins. A number of repeat-protein scaffolds have been reported to display allosteric effects, transferred through the repeat array, that enable them to direct the activity of the multi-subunit enzymes within which they reside. We also highlight a recently identified group of tandem-repeat proteins, the RRPNN subclass of TPRs, recent crystal structures of which indicate that they function as allosteric switches to modulate multiple bacterial quorum-sensing mechanisms. We believe that the folding cooperativity of tandem-repeat proteins and the biophysical mechanisms that transform them into allosteric switches are intimately intertwined. This opinion piece aims to combine our understanding of the two areas and develop ideas on their common underlying principles.This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'Allostery and molecular machines'.LSI acknowledges the support of a Senior Fellowship from the UK Medical Research Foundation. AP was supported by a BBSRC Doctoral Training Programme scholarship and an Oliver Gatty Studentship. MS was supported by a BBSRC Doctoral Training Programme scholarship

    RapI_mode3.mpg from Folding cooperativity and allosteric function in the tandem-repeat protein class

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    This clip shows the motion of RapI along the third lowest vibrational mode. This motion involves largely the N-terminal three-helix bundle which twists in a screw-like manner orthogonal to the superhelical axis, while the C-terminal repeats simply open and close with respect to the superhelix

    RapI_mode2.mpg from Folding cooperativity and allosteric function in the tandem-repeat protein class

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    This clip shows the motion of RapI along the second lowest vibrational mode. The whole molecule moves in a screw-like motion that loosens and tightens the superhelical twist

    Supplementary Information: Folding cooperativity and allosteric function in the tandem-repeat protein class

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    Supplementary Information providing the mathematical basis and structures used to generate Elastic Network Models, in addition to some figures that further insight to the results presented in the paper

    RapI_mode2.mpg from Folding cooperativity and allosteric function in the tandem-repeat protein class

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    This clip shows the motion of RapI along the second lowest vibrational mode. The whole molecule moves in a screw-like motion that loosens and tightens the superhelical twist

    Supplementary Information: Folding cooperativity and allosteric function in the tandem-repeat protein class

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    Supplementary Information providing the mathematical basis and structures used to generate Elastic Network Models, in addition to some figures that further insight to the results presented in the paper