102 research outputs found

    A general stochastic model for sporophytic self-incompatibility

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    Disentangling the processes leading populations to extinction is a major topic in ecology and conservation biology. The difficulty to find a mate in many species is one of these processes. Here, we investigate the impact of self-incompatibility in flowering plants, where several inter-compatible classes of individuals exist but individuals of the same class cannot mate. We model pollen limitation through different relationships between mate availability and fertilization success. After deriving a general stochastic model, we focus on the simple case of distylous plant species where only two classes of individuals exist. We first study the dynamics of such a species in a large population limit and then, we look for an approximation of the extinction probability in small populations. This leads us to consider inhomogeneous random walks on the positive quadrant. We compare the dynamics of distylous species to self-fertile species with and without inbreeding depression, to obtain the conditions under which self-incompatible species could be less sensitive to extinction while they can suffer more pollen limitation

    When ecology meets genetics: Towards an integrated understanding of mating system transitions and diversity

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    International audienceA recommendation of:Yang X, Lascoux M, and Glémin S. Variation in competitive ability with mating system, ploidy and range expansion in four Capsella species. bioRxiv 214866, ver 5 peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Evol Biol (2018). DOI: 10.1101/21486

    Stochastic dynamics of adaptive trait and neutral marker driven by eco-evolutionary feedbacks

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    How the neutral diversity is affected by selection and adaptation is investigated in an eco-evolutionary framework. In our model, we study a finite population in continuous time, where each individual is characterized by a trait under selection and a completely linked neutral marker. Population dynamics are driven by births and deaths, mutations at birth, and competition between individuals. Trait values influence ecological processes (demographic events, competition), and competition generates selection on trait variation, thus closing the eco-evolutionary feedback loop. The demographic effects of the trait are also expected to influence the generation and maintenance of neutral variation. We consider a large population limit with rare mutation, under the assumption that the neutral marker mutates faster than the trait under selection. We prove the convergence of the stochastic individual-based process to a new measure-valued diffusive process with jumps that we call Substitution Fleming-Viot Process (SFVP). When restricted to the trait space this process is the Trait Substitution Sequence first introduced by Metz et al. (1996). During the invasion of a favorable mutation, a genetical bottleneck occurs and the marker associated with this favorable mutant is hitchhiked. By rigorously analysing the hitchhiking effect and how the neutral diversity is restored afterwards, we obtain the condition for a time-scale separation; under this condition, we show that the marker distribution is approximated by a Fleming-Viot distribution between two trait substitutions. We discuss the implications of the SFVP for our understanding of the dynamics of neutral variation under eco-evolutionary feedbacks and illustrate the main phenomena with simulations. Our results highlight the joint importance of mutations, ecological parameters, and trait values in the restoration of neutral diversity after a selective sweep.Comment: 29 page

    Convergence of knowledge in a cultural evolution model with population structure, random social learning and credibility biases

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    25 pagesUnderstanding how knowledge is created and propagates within groups is crucial to explain how human populations have evolved through time. Anthropologists have relied on different theoretical models to address this question. In this work, we introduce a mathematically oriented model that shares properties with individual based approaches, inhomogeneous Markov chains and learning algorithms, such as those introduced in [F. Cucker, S. Smale, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc, 39 (1), 2002] and [F. Cucker, S. Smale and D. X Zhou, Found. Comput. Math., 2004]. After deriving the model, we study some of its mathematical properties, and establish theoretical and quantitative results in a simplified case. Finally, we run numerical simulations to illustrate some properties of the model

    Inference with selection, varying population size and evolving population structure: Application of ABC to a forward-backward coalescent process with interactions

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    Genetic data are often used to infer history, demographic changes or detect genes under selection. Inferential methods are commonly based on models making various strong assumptions: demography and population structures are supposed \textit{a priori known}, the evolution of the genetic composition of a population does not affect demography nor population structure, and there is no selection nor interaction between and within genetic strains. In this paper, we present a stochastic birth death model with competitive interaction to describe an asexual population, and we develop an inferential procedure for ecological, demographic and genetical parameters. We first show how genetic diversity and genealogies are related to birth and death rates, and to how individuals compete within and between strains. {This leads us to propose an original model of phylogenies, with trait structure and interactions, that allows multiple mergings}. Second, we develop an Approximate Bayesian Computation framework to use our model for analyzing genetic data. We apply our procedure to simulated and real data. We show that the procedure give accurate estimate of the parameters of the model. We finally carry an illustration on real data and analyze the genetic diversity of microsatellites on Y-chromosomes sampled from Central Asia populations in order to test whether different social organizations show significantly different fertility

    The fate of recessive deleterious or overdominant mutations near mating-type loci under partial selfing

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    Large regions of suppressed recombination having extended over time occur in many organisms around genes involved in mating compatibility (sex-determining or mating-type genes). The sheltering of deleterious alleles has been proposed to be involved in such expansions. However, the dynamics of deleterious mutations partially linked to genes involved in mating compatibility are not well understood, especially in finite populations. In particular, under what conditions deleterious mutations are likely to be maintained for long enough near mating-compatibility genes remains to be evaluated, especially under selfing, which generally increases the purging rate of deleterious mutations. Using a branching process approximation, we studied the fate of a new deleterious or overdominant mutation in a diploid population, considering a locus carrying two permanently heterozygous mating-type alleles, and a partially linked locus at which the mutation appears. We obtained analytical and numerical results on the probability and purging time of the new mutation. We investigated the impact of recombination between the two loci and of the mating system (outcrossing, intra and inter-tetrad selfing) on the maintenance of the mutation. We found that the presence of a fungal-like mating-type locus (i.e. not preventing diploid selfing) always sheltered the mutation under selfing, i.e. it decreased the purging probability and increased the purging time of the mutations. The sheltering effect was higher in case of automixis (intra-tetrad selfing). This may contribute to explain why evolutionary strata of recombination suppression near the mating-type locus are found mostly in automictic (pseudo-homothallic) fungi. We also showed that rare events of deleterious mutation maintenance during strikingly long evolutionary times could occur, suggesting that deleterious mutations can indeed accumulate near the mating-type locus over evolutionary time scales. In conclusion, our results show that, although selfing purges deleterious mutations, these mutations can be maintained for very long times near a mating-type locus, which may contribute to promote the evolution of recombination suppression in sex-related chromosomes

    Convergence of knowledge in a cultural evolution model with population structure, random social learning and credibility biases

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    Understanding how knowledge is created and propagates within groups is crucial to explain how human populations have evolved through time. Anthropologists have relied on different theoretical models to address this question. In this work, we introduce a mathematically oriented model that shares properties with individual based approaches, inhomogeneous Markov chains and learning algorithms, such as those introduced in [F. Cucker, S. Smale, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 39 (1), 2002] and [F. Cucker, S. Smale and D.~X Zhou, Found. Comput. Math., 2004]. After deriving the model, we study some of its mathematical properties, and establish theoretical and quantitative results in a simplified case. Finally, we run numerical simulations to illustrate some properties of the model
