9 research outputs found

    AI-Based Analytics for Hawkers Identification in Video Surveillance for Smart Community

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    Street hawking is a widespread phenomenon in urban areas globally, presenting challenges for local authorities such as traffic congestion, waste management, and negative impacts on the city's image. This research addresses key issues faced by authorities in managing hawkers, including the resistance to formalization, maintaining urban aesthetics, waste disposal, and understanding user preferences. The study investigates the performance of the You Only Look Once (YOLO) algorithm, utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for real-time object detection. To achieve thisobjective, the YOLOv5 algorithm is trained with a custom image dataset collected from the same camera along the street in the city area to detect five classes of objects, namely umbrella, table, stool, car, and people. Real images that were captured via camera and video surveillance were compiled as datasets which are then used to train and test the algorithm. The study aims to provide insights into the data collection process of hawkers along the street around the areas and the development of real-time hawker detection for the smart city application

    Performance Analysis of the Microsoft Kinect Sensor for 2D Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Techniques

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    This paper presents a performance analysis of two open-source, laser scanner-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) techniques (i.e., Gmapping and Hector SLAM) using a Microsoft Kinect to replace the laser sensor. Furthermore, the paper proposes a new system integration approach whereby a Linux virtual machine is used to run the open source SLAM algorithms. The experiments were conducted in two different environments; a small room with no features and a typical office corridor with desks and chairs. Using the data logged from real-time experiments, each SLAM technique was simulated and tested with different parameter settings. The results show that the system is able to achieve real time SLAM operation. The system implementation offers a simple and reliable way to compare the performance of Windows-based SLAM algorithm with the algorithms typically implemented in a Robot Operating System (ROS). The results also indicate that certain modifications to the default laser scanner-based parameters are able to improve the map accuracy. However, the limited field of view and range of Kinect’s depth sensor often causes the map to be inaccurate, especially in featureless areas, therefore the Kinect sensor is not a direct replacement for a laser scanner, but rather offers a feasible alternative for 2D SLAM tasks

    RF-based moisture content determination in rice using machine learning techniques

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    Seasonal crops require reliable storage conditions to protect the yield once harvested. For long term storage, controlling the moisture content level in grains is challenging because existing moisture measuring techniques are time-consuming and laborious as measurements are carried out manually. The measurements are carried out using a sample and moisture may be unevenly distributed inside the silo/bin. Numerous studies have been conducted to measure the moisture content in grains utilising dielectric properties. To the best of authors’ knowledge, the utilisation of low-cost wireless technology operating in the 2.4 GHz and 915 MHz ISM bands such as Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) have not been widely investigated. This study focuses on the characterisation of 2.4 GHz Radio Frequency (RF) transceivers using ZigBee Standard and 868 to 915 MHz UHF RFID transceiver for moisture content classification and prediction using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models. The Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) from the wireless transceivers is used for moisture content prediction in rice. Four samples (2 kg of rice each) were conditioned to 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% moisture contents. The RSSI from both systems were obtained and processed. The processed data is used as input to different ANNs models such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Random Forest, and Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP). The results show that the Random Forest method with one input feature (RSSI_WSN) provides the highest accuracy of 87% compared to the other four models. All models show more than 98% accuracy when two input features (RSSI_WSN and RSSI_TAG2) are used. Hence, Random Forest is a reliable model that can be used to predict the moisture content level in rice as it gives a high accuracy even when only one input feature is used

    Predictive Analysis of In-Vehicle Air Quality Monitoring System Using Deep Learning Technique

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    In-vehicle air quality monitoring systems have been seen as promising paradigms for monitoring drivers’ conditions while they are driving. This is because some in-vehicle cabins contain pollutants that can cause drowsiness and fatigue to drivers. However, designing an efficient system that can predict in-vehicle air quality has challenges, due to the continuous variation in parameters in cabin environments. This paper presents a new approach, using deep learning techniques that can deal with the varying parameters inside the vehicle environment. In this case, two deep learning models, namely Long-short Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) are applied to classify and predict the air quality using time-series data collected from the built-in sensor hardware. Both are compared with conventional methods of machine learning models, including Support Vector Regression (SVR) and Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP). The results show that GRU has an excellent prediction performance with the highest coefficient of determination value (R2) of 0.97

    2D LiDAR Based Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Target Path Planning in Unknown Environment

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    Global path planning techniques have been widely employed in solving path planning problems, however they have been found to be unsuitable for unknown environments. Contrarily, the traditional Q-learning method, which is a common reinforcement learning approach for local path planning, is unable to complete the task for multiple targets. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a modified Q-learning method, called Vector Field Histogram based Q-learning (VFH-QL) utilized the VFH information in state space representation and reward function, based on a 2D LiDAR sensor. We compared the performance of our proposed method with the classical Q-learning method (CQL) through training experiments that were conducted in a simulated environment with a size of 400 square pixels, representing a 20-meter square map. The environment contained static obstacles and a single mobile robot. Two experiments were conducted: experiment A involved path planning for a single target, while experiment B involved path planning for multiple targets. The results of experiment A showed that VFH-QL method had 87.06% less training time and 99.98% better obstacle avoidance compared to CQL. In experiment B, VFH-QL method was found to have an average training time that was 95.69% less than that of the CQL method and 83.99% better path quality. The VFH-QL method was then evaluated using a benchmark dataset. The results indicated that the VFH-QL exhibited superior path quality, with efficiency of 94.89% and improvements of 96.91% and 96.69% over CQL and SARSA in the task of path planning for multiple targets in unknown environments