60 research outputs found

    Impact of investment behaviour on financial markets during COVID-19: a case of UK

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    This study aims to determine the impact of investment behavior on financial markets during COVID-19 with respect to the UK. This study is quantitative, where the data has been gathered from the primary sources of information, i.e., through a survey questionnaire. The researcher adopted the non-probability convenience sampling through which 337 responses were gathered. The questionnaire was self-administered, which was based on 7 points Likert scale. Concerning the analysis, the SEM technique has been adopted in which CFA and path analysis were carried out to determine the impact of variables. The study’s analysis determined significant moderation of COVID-19 uncertainty over the relationship of risk perception and general risk to tolerance. Similarly, the moderation of COVID-19 uncertainty over the relationship of risk perception and financial risk to tolerance was also determined. Additionally, the profitability rate’s effect was determined by the financial risk tolerance and general risk tolerance. Moreover, the effect of risk perception was also determined over the financial risk to tolerance. Lastly, the effect of satisfaction was determined to be significant over the general risk to tolerance

    Effect of alloying elements on the compressive mechanical properties of biomedical titanium alloys: A systematic review

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    Due to problems such as the stress-shielding effect, strength-ductility trade-off dilemma, and use of rare-earth, expensive elements with high melting points in Ti alloys, the need for the design of new Ti alloys for biomedical applications has emerged. This article reports the effect of various alloying elements on the compressive mechanical performance of Ti alloys for biomedical applications for the first time as a systematic review following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines on this subject. The search strategy in this systematic review used Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed databases and searched the articles using (Beta-type OR β) AND Titanium AND (Mechanical property OR Microstructure) AND Alloying element keywords. Original articles from 2016 to 2022 published in English have been selected for this study as per the inclusion criteria. The results have shown that Nb can be used as the primary alloying element with Ti as it is a strong β-stabilizer element which also reduces the elastic modulus of Ti alloys. The β-eutectic elements (Fe, Cr, and Mn) have also emerged as cost-effective alloying elements that could improve the mechanical performance of Ti alloys. Ti-Nb-Zr-Ta alloyed with Si has shown potential to withstand the strength-ductility trade-off dilemma. The combination of a Ti-Nb binary alloy has emerged as an attractive material for designing low elastic modulus Ti alloys. The mechanical performance of the Ti-Nb alloy can be further improved using the β-eutectic (Fe, Cr, and Mn) and neutral (Zr, Sn) elements to be alloyed with a Ti-Nb binary alloy. The strength-ductility trade-off issue can be overcome using Si as an alloying element in Ti-Nb-Zr-Ta alloys

    Characterization and calibration of multiple 2D laser scanners

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    This paper presents the comparative evaluation of multiple compact and lightweight 2D laser scanners for their possible backpack based scanning and mapping applications. These scanners include Hokuyo URG-04LX, Slamtec RPLidar A1-M8 and Hokuyo UTM- 30LX-EW scanners. Since the technical datasheets provide general information and limited working details, this research presents a thorough study on the performance of each scanner related explicitly to indoor mapping operations. A series of scanning experiments have been performed for the characterization of each scanner using statistical analysis. During the testing, all the scanning data has been recorded using Robot Operating System (ROS) and then computed in offline processing. In initial tests, each scanner's drift effect on range measurements has been tested and presented in the relevant section of the paper. In continuation, the effect of various scanning distances on measurement accuracy has been evaluated and discussed. Later the impact of various materials typically found in indoor vicinities and their respective properties of color and smoothness have been tested and provided in the paper. Finally, a Kalman Filtering based mathematical formulation has been utilized to calibrate each scanner and to reduce the measuring uncertainties as observed in various tests for each scanner

    Prevalence, Comparison, and Determinants of Smoking among Young Schoolchildren in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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    BACKGROUND: Smoking is one of the most serious health issues among all age groups, particularly in children globally including the Gulf region. However, there are little data about the prevalence in public and private schools and determinants of smoking among adolescents in Saudi Arabia. AIM: The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence, compare, and determine smoking habits among male children in public and private schools. METHOD: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Dammam city, KSA. The data were collected from 866 male children studying in public and private schools. Sample was calculated through stratified random sampling. The modified “Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS)” was used to collect information. RESULTS: The total number of children recruited was 866 (223 from private and 643 from public schools). The mean age of children studied was 14.20 ± 1.03 years in both groups. The result shows that overall 27.8% of children tried to smoke cigarette both in public and private schools. The prevalence of smoking is higher in public schools’ children than in private schools (30% vs. 21%; p = 0.005). In addition, wrong perception of comfortable feeling after smoking, easy access to cigarettes, parent’s addiction, and smoking in front of children are the determining factors. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that the prevalence of cigarettes smoking among children exists in considerable proportion. It is higher in public schools children. The health and education authorities should take urgent steps to encounter this major health issue

    Development of a STEP-compliant design and manufacturing framework for discrete sheet metal bend parts

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    Metal sheets have the ability to be formed into nonstandard sizes and sections. Displacement-controlled computer numerical control press brakes are used for three-dimensional sheet metal forming. Although the subject of vendor neutral computer-aided technologies (computer-aided design, computer-aided process planning and computer-aided manufacturing) is widely researched for machined parts, research in the field of sheet metal parts is very sparse. Blank development from three-dimensional computer-aided design model depends on the bending tools geometry and metal sheet properties. Furthermore, generation and propagation of bending errors depend on individual bend sequences. Bend sequence planning is carried out to minimize bending errors, keeping in view the available tooling geometry and the sheet material properties’ variation. Research reported in this article attempts to develop a STEP-compliant, vendor neutral design and manufacturing framework for discrete sheet metal bend parts to provide a capability of bidirectional communication between design and manufacturing cycles. Proposed framework will facilitate the use of design information downstream at the manufacturing stage in the form of bending workplan, bending workingsteps and a feedback mechanism to the upstage product designer. In order to realize this vendor neutral framework, STEP (ISO 10303), AP203, AP207, and AP219 along with STEP-NC (ISO14649) have been used to provide a basis of vendor neutral data modeling.N/

    Awareness and Knowledge on Epilepsy Among Undergraduate Medical Students in Pakistan

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    Background:  Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder which affects millions of people throughout the world. However, it has been discovered that there is a great degree of ignorance regarding the science of epilepsy among the general masses as well as the populace of medical students.  Studies have been conducted whose results have shown that, there has been fabrication regarding the clinical presentation & treatment of epilepsy among the common man. Numerous appear to link epilepsy to evil spirits and possession that can be healed by spiritual treatments by certain specialists given the designations of ‘demonologists’,’ paranormal investigators’ or ‘mystics’. In such circumstances, medical students can prove to be a major source to educate the society at large. Therefore, it is crucial that their knowledge & attitude towards epilepsy is accurate and thus, must be evaluated at an early stage in their medical career, so that these future physicians may play a pivotal role in the public awareness of epilepsy.  Method:  This study was conducted in Pakistan, at a Government sector medical college, namely, Karachi Medical and Dental College. This is a cross-sectional study. Data was collected between October to December of the year 2014. 270 medical students were given the KAP (knowledge, attitude & practice) form of epilepsy to fill out. The software used to interpret and tabulate the results was SPSS v.16 for Windows. The chi-square test was employed to determine the proportion of knowledge of epilepsy among medical students. The p-value calculated was equal to 0.05.   Findings:  In this study, 270 medical students were recruited, of which 90 were males (33.3%) where as 180 were females (66.6%). The ages of the student participants were within the range of 18 to 24 years. The analysis of our study demonstrates that: 85.1% of the medical students consider epilepsy to be a neurological disorder; 6.66% believe epilepsy is an infectious disease; 4.44% believe it to be a hereditary disease, whereas, 3.7% of the students reckon it is a psychiatric illness. Generalized tonic clonic seizures was deemed to be the most common form of epilepsy (25.5%) with complex partial seizures being the least common form(1.85%) , as well as relatively unknown by the students.             It was discovered through this study that, students were much less acquainted with the knowledge regarding the treatment of the disorder: multiple drug therapy was considered as the treatment by 56.66% of the students, spiritual treatment by 3.7%, spiritual treatment with medication by 20%, surgical treatment by 17.4% & 2.22% deemed epilepsy as a self limiting disease.  Conclusion:  It has been observed with this survey that the medical students of Pakistan are well aware of the knowledge of epilepsy and it being a medical condition. However, the students need to be educated early on in their training to be physicians, about certain aspects and details of the neurological disorder, for instance, the appropriate treatment of epilepsy, where their knowledge is lacking

    An implementation of electroencephalogram signals acquisition to control manipulator through brain computer interface

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    Brain computer interface (BCI) technology can be used to design a robotic arm whose decision would be based on the brain activity and brain signals. This proposed design can be more beneficial for the paralyzed people and the patients who are suffering from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Locked in syndrome (LIS), or neurodegenerative disease. Due to these disease patients would not be able to hold and grip the objects properly. Extensive literature review showed that various EEG signal analysis has been completed with the accuracy of 70% to 85%. The suggested solution would be beneficial to the patients in terms of performing every day functions easily like draws opening, holding dishes and opening and closing of doors as well with more accuracy. In the proposed research electroencephalogram signals were observed and used to classify the type of the motion. Data acquisition comprised of three stages amplification can be considered as cost effective signal conditioning. High pass filter, low pass filter and then converted from analog to digital. Open vibe software was used to design the basic neuron scenario for the brain signals and then classified into alpha and beta waves. Robotic arm movement was based on the alpha and beta waves were performed precisely. Simulated results proved that proposed EEG signals acquisition performed better and can be acknowledged as cost effective. Researchers showed the successful execution of the brain wave signal classification with less false alarm rate for the robotic arm movement by modulation, digitization of the brain signal. Moreover, comparative analysis has been performed of Quadratic Discriminant analysis, k-NN and Medium Gaussian SVM in terms of accuracy prediction speed and training time. Comparative analysis proved that Medium Gaussian SVM worked better than the other classifiers with the accuracy of 95.8%. It was also proved that Medium Gaussian classifier has the capability to predict 10000 observations per second in 0.75466 training time. © 2019 IEEE

    Policy priorities for strengthening smokeless tobacco control in Bangladesh:A mixed-methods analysis

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    Introduction Smokeless tobacco (ST) remains poorly regulated in Bangladesh. This study describes the prevalence and trends of ST use in Bangladesh, presents ST-related disease burden, identifies relevant policy gaps, and highlights key implications for future policy and practice for effective ST control in Bangladesh. Methods We analyzed secondary data from the two rounds (2009 and 2017) of The Global Adult Tobacco Survey, estimated ST-related disease burden, and conducted a review to assess differences in combustible tobacco and ST policies. In addition, we gathered views in a workshop with key stakeholders in the country on gaps in existing tobacco control policies for ST control in Bangladesh and identified policy priorities using an online survey. Results Smokeless tobacco use, constituting more than half of all tobacco use in Bangladesh, declined from 27.2% (25.9 million) in 2009 to 20.6% (22 million) in 2017. However, in 2017, at least 16947 lives and 403460 Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) were lost across Bangladesh due to ST use compared to 12511 deaths and 324020 DALYs lost in 2010. Policy priorities identified for ST control have included: introducing specific taxes and increasing the present ad valorem tax level, increasing the health development surcharge, designing and implementing a tax tracking and tracing system, standardizing ST packaging, integrating ST cessation within existing health systems, comprehensive media campaigns, and licensing of ST manufactures. Conclusions Our analysis shows that compared to combustible tobacco, there remain gaps in implementing and compliance with ST control policies in Bangladesh. Thus, contrary to the decline in ST use and the usual time lag between tobacco exposure and the development of cancers, the ST-related disease burden is still on the rise in Bangladesh. Strengthening ST control at this stage can accelerate this decline and reduce ST related morbidity and mortality

    Variation of hepatic enzymes with Vitamin B12 and D3 levels in cirrhotic patients

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine variation of hepatic enzymes Vitamin B12 and D3 levels in cirrhotic patients.DESIGN: Cross sectional study.SETTING: Cirrhotic patients in Abbasi Shaheed Hospital.PARTICIPANTS: 250 patients in Abbasi Shaheed Hospital with diagnosis of cirrhosis including 141 males and 109 females.VARIABLE PARAMETERS: They include mean ALT, GGT, Alkaline phosphatase levels along with Vitamin B12 and D3 levels in blood.RESULTS: Vitamin B12 levels were 1249.59±487.01pg/ml and 1422.28±627.75pg/ml in males and females respectively while Vitamin D3 levels were found to be 17.15±10.45 nmol/L in males and 14.80±14.24 nmol/L in females. Vitamin B12 levels were found to be positively correlated with the elevation of ALT and were negatively correlated with elevation of ALT, GGT and Alkaline Phosphatase. The ALT levels were 50.0±21.88 in males and 14.80±14.24 in females, Alkaline phosphatase to be 311.46±107.98 in males while female Alkaline phosphatase were 346.47±101.60. GGT levels to be 41.70±10.62 in males and 45.01±13.74 in females.CONCLUSION: Cirrhotic patients suffering from severe hepatocellular damage have their elevated levels of Vitamin B12 and depressed Vitamin D3 levels in plasma accompanied by a positive association with elevated ALT and GGT plasma level

    Time to endoscopy for acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding: results from a prospective multicentre trainee-led audit

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    Background: Endoscopy within 24 hours of admission (early endoscopy) is a quality standard in acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding (AUGIB). We aimed to audit time to endoscopy outcomes and identify factors affecting delayed endoscopy (>24h of admission).Methods: This prospective multicentre audit enrolled patients admitted with AUGIB who underwent inpatient endoscopy between Nov-Dec 2017. Analyses were performed to identify factorsassociated with delayed endoscopy, and to compare patient outcomes, including length of stay and mortality rates, between early and delayed endoscopy groups.Results: Across 348 patients from 20 centres, the median time to endoscopy was 21.2h (IQR 12.0- 35.7), comprising median admission to referral and referral to endoscopy times of 8.1h (IQR 3.7- 18.1) and 6.7h (IQR 3.0-23.1) respectively. Early endoscopy was achieved in 58.9%, although this varied by centre (range: 31.0% - 87.5%, p=0.002). On multivariable analysis, lower Glasgow-Blatchford score, delayed referral, admissions between 7am-7pm or via the Emergency Department were independent predictors of delayed endoscopy. Early endoscopy was associated with reduced length of stay (median difference 1d; p= 0.004), but not 30-day mortality (p=0.344).Conclusions: The majority of centres did not meet national standards for time to endoscopy. Strategic initiatives involving acute care services may be necessary to improve this outcome