867 research outputs found

    An efficient bandwidth demand estimation for delay reduction in IEEE 802.16j MMR WiMAX network

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    IEEE 802.16j MMR WiMAX networks allow the number of hops between the user and the MMR-BS to be more than two hops. The standard bandwidth request procedure in WiMAX network introduces much delay to the user data and acknowledgement of the TCP packet that affects the performance and throughput of the network. In this paper, we propose a new scheduling scheme to reduce the bandwidth request delay in MMR networks. In this scheme, the MMR-BS allocates bandwidth to its direct subordinate RSs without bandwidth request using Grey prediction algorithm to estimate the required bandwidth of each of its subordinate RS. Using this architecture, the access RS can allocate its subordinate MSs the required bandwidth without notification to the MMR-BS. Our scheduling architecture with efficient bandwidth demand estimation able to reduce delay significantly

    Monetary-fiscal-trade policy and economic growth in Pakistan: Time series empirical investigation

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    This study empirically examines the effect of monetary, fiscal and trade policy on economic growth in Pakistan using annual time series data from 1981 to 2009. Money supply, government expenditure and trade openness are used as proxies of monetary, fiscal and trade policy respectively. Cointegration and error correction model indicate the existence of positive significant long run and short run relationship of monetary and fiscal policy with economic growth. Result also indicates that monetary policy is more effective than fiscal policy in Pakistan. In contrast, trade policy has insignificant effect on economic growth both in the short run and in the long run. In light of the findings, it is suggested that the policy makers should focus more on monetary policy in order to ensure economic growth in the country. It is also recommended that further research should be conducted to find out such components of exports and imports which lead to the ineffectiveness of trade policy to enhance economic growth in Pakistan.Monetary, Fiscal, Trade, Economic Growth

    Assessing osteoporosis in the young adult

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    Osteoporosis in the young adult is a relatively rare phenomenon, and its diagnosis needs careful assessment of the affected person. The emphasis in the assessment of bone health is gradually shifting from a simple quantitative assessment of bone mineral density to one that includes bone quality. This may be particularly important in the young adult, where the aetiological cause of osteoporosis may be a primary genetic condition or secondary to another chronic condition

    Dense 3D Face Correspondence

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    We present an algorithm that automatically establishes dense correspondences between a large number of 3D faces. Starting from automatically detected sparse correspondences on the outer boundary of 3D faces, the algorithm triangulates existing correspondences and expands them iteratively by matching points of distinctive surface curvature along the triangle edges. After exhausting keypoint matches, further correspondences are established by generating evenly distributed points within triangles by evolving level set geodesic curves from the centroids of large triangles. A deformable model (K3DM) is constructed from the dense corresponded faces and an algorithm is proposed for morphing the K3DM to fit unseen faces. This algorithm iterates between rigid alignment of an unseen face followed by regularized morphing of the deformable model. We have extensively evaluated the proposed algorithms on synthetic data and real 3D faces from the FRGCv2, Bosphorus, BU3DFE and UND Ear databases using quantitative and qualitative benchmarks. Our algorithm achieved dense correspondences with a mean localisation error of 1.28mm on synthetic faces and detected 1414 anthropometric landmarks on unseen real faces from the FRGCv2 database with 3mm precision. Furthermore, our deformable model fitting algorithm achieved 98.5% face recognition accuracy on the FRGCv2 and 98.6% on Bosphorus database. Our dense model is also able to generalize to unseen datasets.Comment: 24 Pages, 12 Figures, 6 Tables and 3 Algorithm

    Monetary-fiscal-trade policy and economic growth in Pakistan: time series empirical investigation

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    This study empirically examines the effect of monetary, fiscal and trade policy on economic growth in Pakistan using annual time series data from 1981 to 2009. Money supply, government expenditure and trade openness are used as proxies of monetary, fiscal and trade policy respectively. Cointegration and error correction model indicate the existence of positive significant long run and short run relationship of monetary and fiscal policy with economic growth. Result also indicates that monetary policy is more effective than fiscal policy in Pakistan. In contrast, trade policy has insignificant effect on economic growth both in the short run and in the long run. In light of the findings, it is suggested that the policy makers should focus more on monetary policy in order to ensure economic growth in the country. It is also recommended that further research should be conducted to find out such components of exports and imports which lead to the ineffectiveness of trade policy to enhance economic growth in Pakistan.Monetary, Fiscal, Trade, Economic Growth

    Virtual networks for exchanging information and biomaterials: future directions

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    Clinical and research networks for rare conditions are increasingly common nowadays. Given the rarity of many such conditions, there is a need to cover more conditions, yet there is also a need to sustain and improve the quality and effectiveness of existing networks. This review will discuss the qualities that are required by a virtual network using some international clinical and research networks that are currently active in the field of rare endocrine conditions affecting sex and adrenal development as exemplars

    Treating cancer with heat: Hyperthermia as promising strategy to enhance apoptosis

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    The fundamental idea and the effects of heat on cancer cells are well known. However, the results obtained in therapy by hyperthermia (HT) alone have been only partially satisfactory. Treatment at temperatures between .40 and 44 degrees C is cytotoxic for cells in an environment with a low oxygen partial pressure and low pH, conditions that are found specifically within tumour tissue, due to insufficient blood perfusion. Under such conditions radiotherapy is less effective, and systemically applied cytotoxic agents will reach such areas in lower concentrations than in well-perfused areas. Therefore, clinically, it is preferred to use hyperthermia in combination with radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Hyperthermia can be applied by several methods: local hyperthermia by external or internal energy sources; regional hyperthermia by perfusion of organs or limbs, or by irrigation of body cavities; and whole-body hyperthermia. Number of studies have reported the combination of thermo-radiotherapy. Consequently, much attention has been focussed on identifying agents among the conventional chemotherapeutic substances that can sensitise tumour cells to hyperthermia-induced damage with minimal effects on normal cells. In this review, we overviewed important mechanisms of hyperthermia-induced apoptosis and the substances which can act as heat sensitisers in cancer therapy

    Triple valve endocarditis by mycobacterium tuberculosis: a case report.

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    BACKGROUND: Granulomas caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis have been observed at autopsy in the heart, pre-dominantly in the myocardium and endocardium, but rarely involving the coronary vessels and valvular structures. Mycobacterium tuberculosis valvular endocarditis is extremely rare, with most reports coming from autopsy series. CASE PRESENTATION: We report the case of a 17 year old immunocompetent girl who presented with history of fever, malaise, foot gangrene and a left sided hemiparesis. On investigation she was found to have infective endocarditis involving the aortic, mitral and tricuspid valves. She had developed a right middle cerebral artery stroke. She underwent dual valve replacement and tricuspid repair. The vegetations showed granulomatous inflammation but blood cultures and other biological specimen cultures were negative for any organisms. She was started on antituberculous treatment and anticoagulation. CONCLUSION: This is the first reported case of triple valve endocarditis by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in an immunocompetent host. Especially important is the fact that the right heart is involved which has been historically described in the setting of intravenous drug abuse.This implies that Tuberculosis should be considered in cases of culture negative endocarditis in endemic areas like Pakistan even in immunocompetent hosts

    H1N1 2009 in Karachi: a situational analysis

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