53 research outputs found

    Professional Stressors and Coping Strategies Among Nurses

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    Stress affects the work life balance and quality, which is also inclusive of happiness, interpersonal relations and family related life. Additionally, it argued that stress may also result in unnecessary work absenteeism, high level of turnover, early retirement from the job, low efficiency and effectiveness, and also the low quality of products and services (European Foundation for the Improve­ment of Living and Working Conditions, 2014; (Jacobs et al., 2018). In health sector nurses are facing the high level of stress, highly disturbed work life balance etc. Previous studies suggest that nurses which do experience high level of work-related stress, such kind of higher degree stress can endanger their health and lives of the patients, (Phillips, Hall, Elmitt, Bookallil, & Douglas, 2017). A Quantitative descriptive cross-sectional design was used in this study. Findings of this study showed that respondent’s experienced high level stress from the stressors at work, with the highest level of stress obtained from work organizational issues was the greatest stressor for the respondents. Work related stress is linked to the unease, nervousness, depression, and restlessness. The present study also showed that ‘‘relational issues’’ caused low level stress for the nurses. The study concludes that organizational issues are more important cause of work related stress. The convenient sampling method was use to select the respondents. Sample size of this study was 175 Nurses. Keywords: Stressors; stress; coping strategies

    Linking social perception and provision of ecosystem services in a sprawling urban landscape: a case study of Multan, Pakistan

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    Urban sprawl causes changes in land use and a decline in many ecosystem services. Understanding the spatial patterns of sprawl and exploration of citizens’ perception towards the sporadic urban expansion and its impacts on an ecosystem to deliver services can help to guide land use planning and the conservation of the urban ecosystem. Here, we spatially examined land use changes in Multan, Pakistan, and investigated public perception about urban sprawl and its impacts on the quality and provision of ecosystem services, using a survey instrument. The spatial analysis of the historical land cover of Multan indicated an exponential expansion of the city in the last decade. Large areas of natural vegetation and agricultural land were converted to urban settlements in the past two decades. The citizens of Multan believe that the quality and provision of ecosystem services have declined in the recent past and strongly correlate the deteriorating ecosystem services with urban sprawl. Education and income levels of the respondents are the strongest predictors of urban ecosystem health literacy. Citizens associated with laborious outdoor jobs are more sensitive to the changes in ecosystem services. We concluded that the rapidly expanding cities, especially in the tropical arid zones, need to be prioritized for an increase in vegetation cover, and economically vulnerable settlements in these cities should be emphasized in climate change mitigation campaigns


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    Introduction: Burn wound infection are one of the most significant and possibly genuine complications that happen in the intense period following injury. Roughly 180,000 expiries happen due to burn each year evaluated by world health organization in 2018. Reducing the spread of disease and human care services related burn infection in the burn unit of public hospital. WHO has revealed a lot higher occurrence in Pakistan roughly 1388/100000 yearly when contrasted with worldwide frequency of 110/100000 for every annum Implementation of rules will lessen the rate pace of burn wound contamination in the burn unit. Methodology: quantitative observational descriptive study design was used to assess the nurses’ knowledge and practices regarding prevention of infection in burn patient. In order to assess nurses practiced, data was collected through the standardized checklist and questionnaire regarding prevention of infection in burn patient. The checklist and questionnaire consist of 55 items. Results: The findings of this study revealed that there are poor knowledge and practices of nurses regarding prevention of infection in burn patient. Conclusion: Based on the findings of the study, it is concluded that nurses working in burn units of hospital of Lahore, Punjab region have low knowledge and practices regarding prevention of Infections among burn patients. Therefore, hospitals are required to organize adequate trainings and to develop unit specific clinical infection control guidelines and protocols Key words: Infection, Practice, Knowledge, Burn, Patient. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/74-11 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Corruption in Health Sector

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    Corruption has profound roots in each field in Pakistan. We are on the whole exceptionally mindful of the corruption that keeps running into billions of rupees; however it is the little scale defilement that we don't pay heed, which is gradually spreading its limbs in the public arena. There is expanding interest in health policymaker, organizer and contributors in how debasement influence human services survey and results and what should be possible to battle defilement in health care division. Attempts to explain the peril of abuse of depended control for private increment have reviewed the associations among debasement and various pieces of the board, financing and organization. Direct analysts and anthropologists moreover pointed the individual and social characteristics which sway the lead of government master and client this article present a comprehensives structure for depicting and assessing how openings, weight and legitimization sway defilement in medicinal services area. It is in like manner discusses execution for mediation. Keywords: corruption, health sector DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/68-14 Publication date: November 30th 201

    Linking pattern to process: intensity analysis of land-change dynamics in Ghana as correlated to past socioeconomic and policy contexts

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    Spatio-temporal analysis of transitions in land cover is critical to understanding many ecological challenges, especially in environmentally vulnerable regions. For instance, in Sub-Saharan Africa, large-scale cropland expansion is expected due to the increasing demand for fuel, food, and fibre. Clearing land for cropland expansion is a driving factor in the degradation of natural ecosystems. We present a spatio-temporal analysis of land-cover change in Ghana’s Northern, Upper East, and Upper West provinces using Intensity Analysis on the periods from 1992 to 2003 and 2003 to 2015. The objectives of this study were to determine whether the intensity of land-use and land-cover (LULC) change is consistent between the two periods and to investigate the direction and extent of change for different LULC categories in northern Ghana. The methodology measures land-cover changes at the interval, category, and transition levels. The results suggest that the annual rate of land change was higher between 1992 and 2003 compared to that between 2003 and 2015. Furthermore, the category-level analysis reveals that the gains in the arable land and tree/forest-cover classes during both time intervals were higher than the uniform intensity. The transition-level analysis results indicate that most of the gains in arable land and tree/forest-cover came at the cost of semi-arid shrublands during both periods. There is also evidence of local increases in forest-cover, likely linked to afforestation policies established by the Ghanian government; however, overall, there has been a loss of natural habitat. The study provides data to improve our understanding of the magnitude and direction of land-cover change, essential for the development of policies designed to mitigate the impact of land-cover change on the livelihoods of local people and the environment at the national and sub-national levels
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