2 research outputs found

    A Novel Hybrid Biometric Electronic Voting System: Integrating Finger Print and Face Recognition

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    A novel hybrid design based electronic voting system is proposed, implemented and analyzed. The proposed system uses two voter verification techniques to give better results in comparison to single identification based systems. Finger print and facial recognition based methods are used for voter identification. Cross verification of a voter during an election process provides better accuracy than single parameter identification method. The facial recognition system uses Viola-Jones algorithm along with rectangular Haar feature selection method for detection and extraction of features to develop a biometric template and for feature extraction during the voting process. Cascaded machine learning based classifiers are used for comparing the features for identity verification using GPCA (Generalized Principle Component Analysis) and K-NN (K-Nearest Neighbor). It is accomplished through comparing the Eigen-vectors of the extracted features with the biometric template pre-stored in the election regulatory body database. The results of the proposed system show that the proposed cascaded design based system performs better than the systems using other classifiers or separate schemes i.e. facial or finger print based schemes. The proposed system will be highly useful for real time applications due to the reason that it has 91% accuracy under nominal light in terms of facial recognition. with bags of paper votes. The central station compiles and publishes the names of winners and losers through television and radio stations. This method is useful only if the whole process is completed in a transparent way. However, there are some drawbacks to this system. These include higher expenses, longer time to complete the voting process, fraudulent practices by the authorities administering elections as well as malpractices by the voters [1]. These challenges result in manipulated election results

    Learning by Aligning Videos in Time

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    We present a self-supervised approach for learning video representations using temporal video alignment as a pretext task, while exploiting both frame-level and video-level information. We leverage a novel combination of temporal alignment loss and temporal regularization terms, which can be used as supervision signals for training an encoder network. Specifically, the temporal alignment loss (i.e., Soft-DTW) aims for the minimum cost for temporally aligning videos in the embedding space. However, optimizing solely for this term leads to trivial solutions, particularly, one where all frames get mapped to a small cluster in the embedding space. To overcome this problem, we propose a temporal regularization term (i.e., Contrastive-IDM) which encourages different frames to be mapped to different points in the embedding space. Extensive evaluations on various tasks, including action phase classification, action phase progression, and fine-grained frame retrieval, on three datasets, namely Pouring, Penn Action, and IKEA ASM, show superior performance of our approach over state-of-the-art methods for self-supervised representation learning from videos. In addition, our method provides significant performance gain where labeled data is lacking.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 202