93 research outputs found
Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru Matematika Smk Dalam Mengembangkan Komunikasi Matematik Di Kelas Melalui Pendampingan Dengan Pendekatan Lesson Study Semester Genap Tahun 2014/2015
One of the discoveries in the academic supervision is math teacherdifficult in developing mathematical communication in the classroom, this causes the math achievement unsatisfied. Purpose of research is to improve the ability of teachers to develop mathematical communication in the classroom through assistance with lesson study approach. The research was conducted in two cycles. The research result is improvement activity of lesson plans 7%, 10% mathematical communication skills, and student achievement 6%. Supervisor suggested using mentoring lesson study on the activities of academic supervision
Kepemimpinan Abad 21
Kalau kita mengamati berbagai telaah mengenaikepemimpinan untuk menentukan apa yang melahirkanseorang pemimpin yang efektif dan apa yang membedakanpemimpin dari bukan pemimpin. Literatur kepemimpinanberlimpah, dan banyak itu membingungkan dankontradiksi. Untuk menjelajah hutan ini, kita perlumemperhatikan beberapa pendekatan tentang apa yangmembuat pemimpin efektif
Hybrid Contract Dalam Produk Rahn Di Pegadaian Syariah
Perkembangan dan kemajuan keuangan syari'ah menghadapi tantangan yang makin kompleks. Salah satu pilar penting untuk menciptakan produk keuangan syari'ah dalam menyahuti tuntutan kebutuhan masyarakat mo-dern adalah pengembangan hybrid conctract (multi akad). Tulisan ini meng-analisis produk rahn yang banyak dipraktikkan di lembaga keuangan sya-ri'ah, khususnya pegadaian syari'ah, dari sudut hybrid contract. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus di Pegadaian Syariah Jombang. Teknik pengumpulan data salah satunya be-rupa dokumentasi, yakni dokumen perjanjian transaksi rahn antara nasabah gadai dengan pihak pegadaian syari'ah Kabupaten Jombang. Analisis data kajian ini di samping menggunakan pendekatan fiqh juga menggunakan pendekatan substantif-normatif dalam pemikiran hukum Islam. Hasil pe-nelitian menunjukkan bahwa produk rahn di pegadaian syari'ah masih dipertanyakan kesyari'ahannya. Jika dikaji lebih mendalam berdasarkan kriteria hybrid contract yang dibolehkan, maka produk ini bisa termasuk ke dalam hybrid contract yang dilarang, karena ia termasuk ke dalam penggabungan jual-beli dengan hutang-piutang yang dilarang oleh hadits dan ulama, karena ia menggabungkan dua akad yang bertentangan ka-rakter dan sifatnya.Copyright (c) 2016 by KARSA. All right reserved DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v24i2.112
Revitalisasi Ilmu Fiqh di Pesantren:agenda Memperkuat Kontribusi terhadap Ekonomi Islam di Indonesia
Islamic boarding school is a kind of Indonesian Islamic culture and education treasure. In education history lifetime in Indonesia, the existence of Islamic boarding school is undoubtedly. Before the state or private school started their existence, the Islamic boarding school have already
given a massive contribution towards the education development and the human resources establishment in Indonesia. The Islamic boarding school have yielded many national and International figures, such as KH. Hasyim Asy\u27ari, KH. Wahid Hasyim, KH. Mahfudz Tremas, KH. Nawawi Banten and many others. Islamic studies, as any other studies, have always been developing and actively interacting with the realities and modern life styles. Due to that matter, the Islamic boarding school as the centre
of Islamic studies are obligated to develop itself and made an open-minded view of recent realities. Nowadays, one of the rapidly Islamic studies is Islamic studies. The Islamic boarding school with their intellectual strength, has a big potential to become an Islamic studies moving spirit in Indonesia. However, in reality, the Islamic economy studies haven\u27t made any good connection to the Islamic boarding school, but it is still concentrated in common universities. The Islamic boarding school establishment participation in Islamic economy studies is considerably important. It is for the Islamic boarding school itself, for the Islamic economy development or even for Moslems as
general. The participation of the Islamic boarding school is needed in order to spread and keep the purity of its syaria law as the solution for the Moslems economic problems. The Islamic boarding school contribution in Islamic economy can be strengthened by the revitalization of fiqh and ushulfiqh studies in Islamic boarding school. By the revitalization of contemporary fiqh and ushulfiqhmuamalah studies which focus on the modern economic problems. The Islamic boarding school has big potential which another institutions don\u27t have, thus the Islamic boarding school studies which are dominated by the fiqhand ushulfiqhstudies. But, the studies are only focused on the problem of worshipping fiqh and only in the scope of Syafiimadzhab (point of view). The studies of fiqhmuamalah haven\u27t been proportionally got place. Besides, the studies in Islamic boarding school haven\u27t conducted studies on contemporary fiqh, so the fiqhmuamalah in Islamic boarding school haven\u27t been grounded and felt reluctant on facing the modern economic realities.
Keywords: Revitalization, Islamic boarding school, fiqhmuamalah, Islamic econom
Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Dan Keunggulan Produk Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Dan Dampaknya Pada Komunikasi Words of Mouth (Studi Pada Pd Bpr Bkk Demak Cabang Sayung, Kab.demak)
Intense competition among banking institutions in terms of marketing products and services to customers in creating a communication satisfaction will influence the words of mouth . Plus builds consumer confidence in yourself is relatively more difficult than just selling products only. Therefore creating a satisfaction to the customers is an absolute thing to do because it can provide the benefits of customer satisfaction for banks . This study aims to analyze whether the quality of service and product excellence affects customer satisfaction and how it impacts on words of mouth communication. The method used is a quantitative method to research the type of survey and questionnaire . Sampling was done by purposive sampling method . The results of the questionnaire were calculated using path analysis with the help of SPSS software . The results show the quality of service affects customer satisfaction 0.373 , product excellence 0.346 and affect customer satisfaction for both together can affect customer satisfaction by 0.154 . WOM affects service quality by 0.101 , the superiority of the product affects WOM 0.092 and both together can affect WOM by 0.166 . The impact of satisfaction with the emergence of communication words of mouth is positive at 0.446 . The calculation of the indirect effect of variables X1 and X2 to Y2 through Y1 is greater than the calculation of the direct effect , this means that the customer satisfaction as a mediating variable of influence of quality of service and product excellence to positively impact WOM and proven
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