3 research outputs found

    Penyuluhan Penyakit Diabetes Melitus Dan Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Di Dusun I Desa Kolam Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan

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    Kesehatan merupakan faktor penting dalam kehidupan seseorang agar dapat beraktivitas setiap harinya. Kesibukan serta sarana transportasi yang memadai untuk menunjang aktivitas sehari-hari menyebabkan sebagian orang kurang melakukan gerakan fisik dan  berolahraga,  sehingga mengakibatkan  proses metabolisme tubuh menjadi terganggu, hal tersebut merupakan sebagian dari faktor yang mendukung terjadinya penyakit diabetes melitus. Diabetes Melitus (DM) merupakan penyakit gangguan metabolik menahun dan  juga menjadi masalah kesehatan di masyarakat paling utama karena komplikasinya bersifat jangka pendek dan jangka panjang. Oleh karena itu perlu diadakannya penyuluhan dan edukasi kepada masyarakat terkhusus di dusun I desa kolam terkait dengan penyakit diabetes melitus dengan tujuan memberikan tambahan pengetahuan mengenai diabetes melitus baik cara pencegahannya dan penanganannya bagi yang telah terkena diabetes melitus. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini dengan memberikan penyuluhan berupa ceramah interaktif dalam bentuk presentase kepada masyarakat. Selain itu, pada acara ini juga dilakukan pemeriksaan Kadar Gula Darah (KGD) gratis bagi masyarakat. Dari hasil kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan sebanyak 24 orang peserta diperoleh 7 orang memiliki kadar gula darah diatas normal > 200 mg/dl dan sebanyak 17 orang kadar gula darahnya normal < 200 mg/dl.   Kata Kunci: Kesehatan, Diebetes Melitus, Penyuluhan, KG

    Determinination Of Iron, Potassium, Calcium, And Sodium In The Fruit Of Guava (Syzygium Aqueum) And Guava Semarang (SyzygiumSamarangense) In Spectrophotometry Atomic Absorpti

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    Syzygium belongs to the guava tribe or Myrtaceae, originating from Southeast Asia. Syzygium is divided into two: small water guava known as Syzygium aqueum and large water guava known as Syzygium samarangense. This study aims to determine the mineral levels of iron, potassium, calcium, and sodium contained in guava and guava Semarang and to compare mineral levels between a guava and guava Semarang. Each sample was dry digested, and then quantitative analysis of iron, potassium, calcium, and sodium was carried out using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) with a wavelength of 248.3 nm; potassium 766.5 nm; calcium 422.7; and sodium 589.0 nm. The advantage of this method is that it can determine the content of minerals in small quantities without being influenced by other minerals. The results showed the levels of iron, potassium, calcium, and sodium in guava and guava Semarang, respectively: (0.2553 ± 0.0077) mg/100g and (0.1548 ± 0.0152) mg/100g; (70.2326 ± 1.5738) mg/100g and (45.7714 ± 0.9827) mg/100g; (3.8588 ± 0.1619) mg/100g and (0.4663 ± 0.0507) mg/100g; (8.1187 ± 0.3375) mg/100g and (6.1648 ± 0.1689) mg/100g. A comparison of mineral content between guava and guava Semarang shows that iron, potassium, calcium, and sodium minerals in guava are more significant than in guava Semarang. Statistically, the different tests of the average content of iron, potassium, calcium, and sodium between guava and guava Semarang using the F distribution found that the content of iron, potassium, calcium, and calcium sodium in guava was significantly higher than in guava Semarang

    Evaluation Of Drug Storage System In A Pharmacy Of Medan City Based On Pharmaceutical Services Standards

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    Pharmacy is a place where pharmaceutical services are held by pharmacists who are responsible for patients. Pharmaceutical services in pharmacies are related to drugs with the aim of achieving definite results to improve the quality of life of patients. So the management of drugs in pharmacies needs to be done properly and precisely to ensure the availability of sufficient and quality drugs in order to achieve optimal service goals by implementing a storage system that is in accordance with pharmaceutical service standards no.73 of 2016. Therefore the purpose of this research is to evaluate the drug storage system in one of the Medan city pharmacies based on pharmaceutical service standards. This research is descriptive with retrospective data collection. The data obtained were grouped into quantitative data presented in tabular form to see visual comparisons, and qualitative data obtained through observation and interviews with informants. The results showed that in several indicators of drug storage in one of the Medan city pharmacies based on Permenkes No. 73 of 2016 there are still those that have not complied with, namely in the preparation of LASA drugs and writing document numbers on drug stock cards. Meanwhile, the standard drug storage indicators are the columns on the stock card consisting of receipt or dispensing date, receipt or disbursement document number, source of origin of the drug, no. batch/no. Lot, expiry date, receipt and disbursement amount, remaining stock, and officer's initials, as well as suitability for drug storage based on dosage form, alphabetical order, and FEFO and FIFO storage methods. Based on the results of the study it was concluded that the drug storage system carried out in one of the pharmacies in the city of Medan did not meet pharmaceutical service standards based on Permenkes No. 73 of 2016