234 research outputs found

    Current distribution and transition width in superconducting transition-edge sensors

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    Present models of the superconducting-to-normal transition in transition-edge sensors (TESs) do not describe the current distribution within a biased TES. This distribution is complicated by normal-metal features that are integral to TES design. We present a model with one free parameter that describes the evolution of the current distribution with bias. To probe the current distribution experimentally, we fabricated TES devices with different current return geometries. Devices where the current return geometry mirrors current flow within the device have sharper transitions, thus allowing for a direct test of the current-flow model. Measurements from these devices show that current meanders through a TES low in the resistive transition but flows across the normal-metal features by 40% of the normal-state resistance. Comparison of transition sharpness between device designs reveals that self-induced magnetic fields play an important role in determining the width of the superconducting transition. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4771984]Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    High-resolution kaonic-atom x-ray spectroscopy with transition-edge-sensor microcalorimeters

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    We are preparing for an ultra-high resolution x-ray spectroscopy of kaonic atoms using an x-ray spectrometer based on an array of superconducting transition-edge-sensor microcalorimeters developed by NIST. The instrument has excellent energy resolutions of 2 - 3 eV (FWHM) at 6 keV and a large collecting area of about 20 mm^2. This will open new door to investigate kaon-nucleus strong interaction and provide new accurate charged-kaon mass value.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of 15th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-15, Pasadena, California, June 24-28, 2013), To be published in a special issue of the Journal of Low Temperature Physics (JLTP

    The Practice of Pulse Processing

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    The analysis of data from x-ray microcalorimeters requires great care; their excellent intrinsic energy resolution cannot usually be achieved in practice without a statistically near-optimal pulse analysis and corrections for important systematic errors. We describe the essential parts of a pulse-analysis pipeline for data from x-ray microcalorimeters, including steps taken to reduce systematic gain variation and the unwelcome dependence of filtered pulse heights on the exact pulse-arrival time. We find these steps collectively to be essential tools for getting the best results from a microcalorimeter-based x-ray spectrometer.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Low Temperature Physics, special issue for the proceedings of the Low Temperature Detectors 16 conferenc

    Optimization and analysis of code-division multiplexed TES microcalorimeters

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    We are developing code-division multiplexing (CDM) systems for transition-edge sensor arrays with the goal of reaching multiplexing factors in the hundreds. We report on x-ray measurements made with a four-channel prototype CDM system that employs a flux-summing architecture, emphasizing data-analysis issues. We describe an empirical method to determine the demodulation matrix that minimizes cross-talk. This CDM system achieves energy resolutions of between 2.3 eV and 3.0 eV FWHM at 5.9 keV.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Presented at the 14th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, Heidelberg University, August 1-5, 2011, proceedings to be published in the Journal of Low Temperature Physic

    Approaches to the Optimal Nonlinear Analysis of Microcalorimeter Pulses

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    We consider how to analyze microcalorimeter pulses for quantities that are nonlinear in the data, while preserving the signal-to-noise advantages of lin- ear optimal filtering. We successfully apply our chosen approach to compute the electrothermal feedback energy deficit (the "Joule energy") of a pulse, which has been proposed as a linear estimator of the deposited photon energy.Comment: Accepted by Journal of Low Temperature Physics. Contribution to the proceedings of Low Temperature Detectors 17, (Kurume Japan, 2017

    A Highly Linear Calibration Metric for TES X-ray Microcalorimeters

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    Transition-edge sensor X-ray microcalorimeters are usually calibrated empirically, as the most widely-used calibration metric, optimal filtered pulse height (OFPH), in general has an unknown dependance on photon energy, EγE_{\gamma}. Because the calibration function can only be measured at specific points where photons of a known energy can be produced, this unknown dependence of OFPH on EγE_{\gamma} leads to calibration errors and the need for time-intensive calibration measurements and analysis. A calibration metric that is nearly linear as a function of EγE_{\gamma} could help alleviate these problems. In this work, we assess the linearity of a physically motivated calibration metric, EJouleE_{Joule}. We measure calibration pulses in the range 4.5 keV<<EγE_{\gamma}<<9.6 keV with detectors optimized for 6 keV photons to compare the linearity properties of EJouleE_{Joule} to OFPH. In these test data sets, we find that EJouleE_{Joule} fits a linear function an order of magnitude better than OFPH. Furthermore, calibration functions using EJE_{J}, an optimized version of EJouleE_{Joule}, are linear within the 2-3 eV noise of the data

    On low-energy tail distortions in the detector responsefunction of x-ray microcalorimeter spectrometers

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    We use narrow spectral lines from the x-ray spectra of various highlycharged ions to measure low-energy tail-like deviations from a Gaussian responsefunction in a microcalorimter x-ray spectrometer with Au absorbers at energiesfrom 650 eV to 3320 eV. We review the literature on low energy tails in othermicrocalorimter x-ray spectrometers and present a model that explains all thereviewed tail fraction measurements. In this model a low energy tail arises fromthe combination of electron escape and energy trapping associated with Bi x-rayabsorbers

    Energy calibration of nonlinear microcalorimeters with uncertainty estimates from Gaussian process regression

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    The nonlinear energy response of cryogenic microcalorimeters is usually corrected through an empirical calibration. X-ray or gamma-ray emission lines of known shape and energy anchor a smooth function that generalizes the calibration data and converts detector measurements to energies. We argue that this function should be an approximating spline. The theory of Gaussian process regression makes a case for this functional form. It also provides an important benefit previously absent from our calibration method: a quantitative uncertainty estimate for the calibrated energies, with lower uncertainty near the best-constrained calibration points.Comment: Submitted to J. Low Temperature Physics for the Proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Low-Temperature Detectors (2021

    A Transition-edge Sensor-based X-ray Spectrometer for the Study of Highly Charged Ions at the National Institute of Standards and Technology Electron Beam Ion Trap

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    We report on the design, commissioning, and initial measurements of a Transition-edge Sensor (TES) x-ray spectrometer for the Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Over the past few decades, the NIST EBIT has produced numerous studies of highly charged ions in diverse fields such as atomic physics, plasma spectroscopy, and laboratory astrophysics. The newly commissioned NIST EBIT TES Spectrometer (NETS) improves the measurement capabilities of the EBIT through a combination of high x-ray collection efficiency and resolving power. NETS utilizes 192 individual TES x-ray microcalorimeters (166/192 yield) to improve upon the collection area by a factor of ~30 over the 4-pixel neutron transmutation doped germanium-based microcalorimeter spectrometer previously used at the NIST EBIT. The NETS microcalorimeters are optimized for the x-ray energies from roughly 500 eV to 8,000 eV and achieve an energy resolution of 3.7 eV to 5.0 eV over this range, a more modest (<2X) improvement over the previous microcalorimeters. Beyond this energy range NETS can operate with various trade-offs, the most significant of which are reduced efficiency at lower energies and being limited to a subset of the pixels at higher energies. As an initial demonstration of the capabilities of NETS, we measured transitions in He-like and H-like O, Ne, and Ar as well as Ni-like W. We detail the energy calibration and data analysis techniques used to transform detector counts into x-ray spectra, a process that will be the basis for analyzing future data

    A robust principal component analysis for outlier identification in messy microcalorimeter data

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    A principal component analysis (PCA) of clean microcalorimeter pulse records can be a first step beyond statistically optimal linear filtering of pulses towards a fully non-linear analysis. For PCA to be practical on spectrometers with hundreds of sensors, an automated identification of clean pulses is required. Robust forms of PCA are the subject of active research in machine learning. We examine a version known as coherence pursuit that is simple, fast, and well matched to the automatic identification of outlier records, as needed for microcalorimeter pulse analysis.Comment: Accepted in J. Low Temperature Physic
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