14 research outputs found

    Knowledge, transparency, and refutability in groundwater models, an example from the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system

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    This work demonstrates how available knowledge can be used to build more transparent and refutable computer models of groundwater systems. The Death Valley regional groundwater flow system, which surrounds a proposed site for a high level nuclear waste repository of the United States of America, and the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS), where nuclear weapons were tested, is used to explore model adequacy, identify parameters important to (and informed by) observations, and identify existing old and potential new observations important to predictions. Model development is pursued using a set of fundamental questions addressed with carefully designed metrics. Critical methods include using a hydrogeologic model, managing model nonlinearity by designing models that are robust while maintaining realism, using error-based weighting to combine disparate types of data, and identifying important and unimportant parameters and observations and optimizing parameter values with computationally frugal schemes. The frugal schemes employed in this study require relatively few (10-1000. s), parallelizable model runs. This is beneficial because models able to approximate the complex site geology defensibly tend to have high computational cost. The issue of model defensibility is particularly important given the contentious political issues involved. © 2013 .Mary C. Hill, Claudia C. Faunt, Wayne R. Belcher, Donald S. Sweetkind, Claire R. Tiedeman, Dmitri Kavetsk

    Lake-Level History of Lake Michigan for the Past 12,000 Years: The Record From Deep Lacustrine Sediments

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    Collection and analysis of an extensive set of seismic-reflection profiles and cores from southern Lake Michigan have provided new data that document the history of the lake basin for the past 12,000 years. Analyses of the seismic data, together with radiocarbon dating, magnetic, sedimentologic, isotopic, and paleontologic studies of core samples, have allowed us to reconstruct lake-level changes during this recent part of the lake\u27s history. The post-glacial history of lake-level changes in the Lake Michigan basin begins about 11.2 ka with the fall from the high Calumet level, caused by the retreat of the Two Rivers glacier, which had blocked the northern outlet of the lake. This lake-level fall was temporarily reversed by a major influx of water from glacial Lake Agassiz (about 10.6 ka), during which deposition of the distinctive gray Wilmette Bed of the Lake Michigan Formation interrupted deposition of red glaciolacustrine sediment. Lake level then continued to fall, culminating in the opening of the North Bay outlet at about 10.3 ka. During the resulting Chippewa low phase, lake level was about 80 m lower than it is today in the southern basin of Lake Michigan. The rise of the early Holocene lake level, controlled primarily by isostatic rebound of the North Bay outlet, resulted in a prominent, planar, transgressive unconformity that eroded most of the shoreline features below present lake level. Superimposed on this overall rise in lake level, a second influx of water from Lake Agassiz temporarily raised lake levels an unknown amount about 9.1 ka. At about 7 ka, lake level may have fallen below the level of the outlet because of sharply drier climate. Sometime between 6 and 5 ka, the character of the lake changed dramatically, probably due mostly to climatic causes, becoming highly undersaturated with respect to calcium carbonate and returning primary control of lake level to the isostatically rising North Bay outlet. Post-Nipissing (about 5 ka) lake level has fallen about 6 m due to erosion of the Port Huron outlet, a trend around which occurred relatively small (± ∼2 m), short-term fluctuations controlled mainly by climatic changes. These cyclic fluctuations are reflected in the sed-imentological and sediment-magnetic properties of the sediments. © 1994, International Association for Great Lakes Research. All rights reserved

    Hydrogeology of Desert Springs in the Panamint Range, California, USA: Geologic Controls on the Geochemical Kinetics, Flowpaths and Mean Residence Times of Springs

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    Over 180 springs emerge in the Panamint Range near Death Valley National Park, CA, yet, these springs have received very little hydrogeological attention despite their cultural, historical, and ecological importance. Here, we address the following questions: (1) which rock units support groundwater flow to springs in the Panamint Range, (2) what are the geochemical kinetics of these aquifers, and (3) and what are the residence times of these springs? All springs are at least partly supported by recharge in and flow through dolomitic units, namely, the Noonday Dolomite, Kingston Peak Formation, and Johnnie Formation. Thus, the geochemical composition of springs can largely be explained by dedolomitization: the dissolution of dolomite and gypsum with concurrent precipitation of calcite. However, interactions with hydrothermal deposits have likely influenced the geochemical composition of Thorndike Spring, Uppermost Spring, Hanaupah Canyon springs, and Trail Canyon springs. Faults are important controls on spring emergence. Seventeen of twenty‐one sampled springs emerge at faults (13 emerge at low‐angle detachment faults). On the eastern side of the Panamint Range, springs emerge where low‐angle faults intersect nearly vertical Late Proterozoic, Cambrian, and Ordovician sedimentary units. These geologic units are not present on the western side of the Panamint Range. Instead, springs on the west side emerge where low‐angle faults intersect Cenozoic breccias and fanglomerates. Mean residence times of springs range from 65 (±30) to 1,829 (±613) years. A total of 11 springs have relatively short mean residence times less than 500 years, whereas seven springs have mean residence times greater than 1,000 years. We infer that the Panamint Range springs are extremely vulnerable to climate change due to their dependence on local recharge, disconnection from regional groundwater flow (Death Valley Regional Flow System ‐ DVRFS), and relatively short mean residence times as compared with springs that are supported by the DVRFS (e.g., springs in Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge). In fact, four springs were not flowing during this campaign, yet they were flowing in the 1990s and 2000s

    Mesilla/Conejos-Médanos Basin: U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Water Resources

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    Synthesizing binational data to characterize shared water resources is critical to informing binational management. This work uses binational hydrogeology and water resource data in the Mesilla/Conejos-Médanos Basin (Basin) to describe the hydrologic conceptual model and identify potential research that could help inform sustainable management. The Basin aquifer is primarily composed of continuous basin-fill Santa Fe Group sediments, allowing for transboundary through flow. Groundwater flow, however, may be partially or fully restricted by intrabasin uplifts and limited recharg