14 research outputs found
Managing lupin Anthracnose
Anthracnose in lupins was first reported in commercial crops in Western Australia in September 1996. By October 1996, several thousand lupin breeding lines and wild types of 11 lupin species were sown in New Zealand for resistance screening. In 1997, resistance to anthracnose was confirmed in several breeding fines and commercial cultivars of narrow-leafed lupins (I. angustifolius), landraces of albus lupins (I. albus) and wild types of several other lupin species. Important information on critical seed infection levels and fungicide seed treatment has also been determined
Crop Updates 2007 - Lupins, Pulses and Oilseeds
This session covers forty eight papers from different authors:
1. South east agricultural region, Mark Seymour1 and Jacinta Falconer2, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2Cooperative Bulk Handling Group
2. Central agricultural region, Ian Pritchard, Department of Agriculture and Food
3. Great Southern and Lakes region, Rodger Beermier, Department of Agriculture and Food
4. Northern agricultural region, Wayne Parker and Martin Harries, Department of Agriculture and Food
5. Development of anthracnose resistant and early flowering albus lupins (Lupinus albus L) in Western Australia, Kedar Adhikari and Geoff Thomas, Department of Agriculture and Food
6. New lupins adapted to the south coast, Peter White, Bevan Buirchell and Mike Baker, Department of Agriculture and Food
7. Lupin species and row spacing interactions by environment, Martin Harries, Peter White, Bob French, Jo Walker, Mike Baker and Laurie Maiolo, Department of Agriculture and Food
8. The interaction of lupin species row spacing and soil type, Martin Harries, Bob French, Laurie Maiolo and Jo Walker, Department of Agriculture and Food
9. The effects of row spacing and crop density on competitiveness of lupins with wild radish, Bob French and Laurie Maiolo, Department of Agriculture and Food
10. The effect of time of sowing and radish weed density on lupin yield, Martin Harries and Jo Walker, Department of Agriculture and Food
11. Interaction of time of sowing and weed management in lupins, Martin Harries and Jo Walker, Department of Agriculture and Food
12. Delayed sowing as a strategy to manage annual ryegrass, Bob French and Laurie Maiolo, Department of Agriculture and Food
13. Is delayed sowing a good strategy for weed management in lupins? Bob French, Department of Agriculture and Food
14. Lupins aren’t lupins when it comes to simazine, Peter White and Leigh Smith, Department of Agriculture and Food
15. Seed yield and anthracnose resistance of Tanjil mutants tolerant to metribuzin, Ping Si1, Bevan Buirchell1,2 and Mark Sweetingham1,2, 1Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, Australia; 2Department of Agriculture and Food
16. The effect of herbicides on nodulation in lupins, Lorne Mills1, Harmohinder Dhammu2 and Beng Tan1, 1Curtin University of Technology and 2Department of Agriculture and Food
17. Effect of fertiliser placements and watering regimes on lupin growth and seed yield in the central grain belt of Western Australia, Qifu Ma1, Zed Rengel1, Bill Bowden2, Ross Brennan2, Reg Lunt2 and Tim Hilder2, 1Soil Science & Plant Nutrition UWA, 2Department of Agriculture and Food
18. Development of a forecasting model for Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus in lupins, T. Maling1,2, A. Diggle1, D. Thackray1,2, R.A.C. Jones2, and K.H.M. Siddique1, 1Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, The University of Western Australia; 2Department of Agriculture and Food
19. Manufacturing of lupin tempe,Vijay Jayasena1,4, Leonardus Kardono2,4, Ken Quail3,4 and Ranil Coorey1,4, 1Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia, 2Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia, 3BRI Australia Ltd, Sydney, Australia, 4Grain Foods CRC, Sydney, Australia
20. The impact of lupin based ingredients in ice-cream, Hannah Williams, Lee Sheer Yap and Vijay Jayasena, Curtin University of Technology, Perth WA
21. The acceptability of muffins substituted with varying concentrations of lupin flour, Anthony James, Don Elani Jayawardena and Vijay Jayasena, Curtin University of Technology, PerthWA
22. Chickpea variety evaluation, Kerry Regan1, Rod Hunter1, Tanveer Khan1,2and Jenny Garlinge1, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia
23. Advanced breeding trials of desi chickpea, Khan, T.N.1, Siddique, K.H.M.3, Clarke, H.2, Turner, N.C.2, MacLeod, W.1, Morgan, S.1, and Harris, A.1, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, 3TheUniversity of Western Australia
24. Ascochyta resistance in chickpea lines in Crop Variety Testing (CVT) of 2006, Tanveer Khan1 2, Bill MacLeod1, Alan Harris1, Stuart Morgan1and Kerry Regan1, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia
25. Yield evaluation of ascochyta blight resistant Kabuli chickpeas, Kerry Regan1and Kadambot Siddique2, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2Institute of Agriculture, The University of Western Australia
26. Pulse WA Chickpea Industry Survey 2006, Mark Seymour1, Ian Pritchard1, Wayne Parker1and Alan Meldrum2, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2Pulse Australia
27. Genes from the wild as a valuable genetic resource for chickpea improvement, Heather Clarke1, Helen Bowers1and Kadambot Siddique2, 1Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, 2Institute of Agriculture, The University of Western Australia
28. International screening of chickpea for resistance to Botrytis grey mould, B. MacLeod1, Dr T. Khan1, Prof. K.H.M. Siddique2and Dr A. Bakr3, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2The University of Western Australia, 3Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
29. Balance® in chickpea is safest applied post sowing to a level seed bed, Wayne Parker, Department of Agriculture and Food,
30. Demonstrations of Genesis 510 chickpea, Wayne Parker, Department of Agriculture and Food
31. Field pea 2006, Ian Pritchard, Department of Agriculture and Food
32. Field pea variety evaluation, Kerry Regan1, Rod Hunter1, Tanveer Khan1,2 and Jenny Garlinge1, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia
33. Breeding highlights of the Australian Field Pea Improvement Program (AFPIP),Kerry Regan1, Tanveer Khan1,2, Phillip Chambers1, Chris Veitch1, Stuart Morgan1 , Alan Harris1and Tony Leonforte3, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia, 3Department of Primary Industries, Victoria
34. Field pea germplasm enhancement for black spot resistance, Tanveer Khan, Kerry Regan, Stuart Morgan, Alan Harris and Phillip Chambers, Department of Agriculture and Food
35. Validation of Blackspot spore release model and testing moderately resistant field pea line, Mark Seymour, Ian Pritchard, Rodger Beermier, Pam Burgess and Leanne Young, Department of Agriculture and Food
36. Yield losses from sowing field pea seed infected with Pea Seed-borne Mosaic Virus, Brenda Coutts, Donna O’Keefe, Rhonda Pearce, Monica Kehoe and Roger Jones, Department of Agriculture and Food
37. Faba bean in 2006, Mark Seymour, Department of Agriculture and Food
38. Germplasm evaluation – faba bean, Mark Seymour1, Terri Jasper1, Ian Pritchard1, Mike Baker1 and Tim Pope1,2, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, , 2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia
39. Breeding highlights of the Coordinated Improvement Program for Australian Lentils (CIPAL), Kerry Regan1, Chris Veitch1, Phillip Chambers1 and Michael Materne2, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2Department of Primary Industries, Victoria
40. Screening pulse lentil germplasm for tolerance to alternate herbicides, Ping Si1, Mike Walsh2 and Mark Sweetingham1,3, 1Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, 2West Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, 3Department of Agriculture and Food
41. Genomic synteny in legumes: Application to crop breeding, Phan, H.T.T.1, Ellwood, S.R.1, Hane, J.1, Williams, A.1, Ford, R.2, Thomas, S.3 and Oliver R1, 1Australian Centre of Necrotrophic Plant Pathogens, Murdoch University, 2BioMarka, University of Melbourne, 3NSW Department of Primary Industries
42. Tolerance of lupins, chickpeas and canola to Balanceâ(Isoxaflutole) and Galleryâ (Isoxaben), Leigh Smith and Peter White, Department of Agriculture and Food
43. The performance of TT Canola varieties in the National Variety Test (NVT),WA,2006,Katie Robinson, Research Agronomist, Agritech Crop Research
44. Evaluation of Brassica crops for biodiesel in Western Australia, Mohammad Amjad, Graham Walton, Pat Fels and Andy Sutherland, Department of Agriculture and Food
45. Production risk of canola in different rainfall zones in Western Australia, Imma Farré1, Michael Robertson2 and Senthold Asseng3, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, 3CSIRO Plant Industry
46. Future directions of blackleg management – dynamics of blackleg susceptibility in canola varieties, Ravjit Khangura, Moin Salam and Bill MacLeod, Department of Agriculture and Food
47. Appendix 1: Contributors
48. Appendix 2: List of common acronym
Crop Updates 2006 - Lupins and Pulses
This session covers sixty six papers from different authors:
1. Lupin Peter White, Department of Agriculture
2. Pulses Mark Seymour, Department of Agriculture
3. Monthly rainfall at experimental sites in 2005
4. Acknowledgements Amelia McLarty EDITOR
5. Contributors
6. Background Peter White, Department of Agriculture
7. Northern agricultural region Wayne Parker, Department of Agriculture
8. Central agricultural region Ian Pritchard and Bob French, Department of Agriculture
9. Great southern and lakes Rodger Beermier, Department of Agriculture
10. South east region Mark Seymour, Department of Agriculture
11. Lupin Peter White, Department of Agriculture
12. Narrow-leafed lupin breeding Bevan Buirchell, Department of Agriculture
13. Progress in the development of pearl lupin (Lupinus mutabilis) for Australian agriculture, Mark Sweetingham1,2, Jon Clements1, Geoff Thomas2, Roger Jones1, Sofia Sipsas1, John Quealy2, Leigh Smith1 and Gordon Francis1 1CLIMA, The University of Western Australia 2Department of Agriculture
14. Molecular genetic markers and lupin breeding, Huaan Yang, Jeffrey Boersma, Bevan Buirchell, Department of Agriculture
15. Construction of a genetic linkage map using MFLP, and identification of molecular markers linked to domestication genes in narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus augustiflolius L) Jeffrey Boersma1,2, Margaret Pallotta3, Bevan Buirchell1, Chengdao Li1, Krishnapillai Sivasithamparam2 and Huaan Yang1 1Department of Agriculture, 2The University of Western Australia, 3Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics, South Australia
16. The first gene-based map of narrow-leafed lupin – location of domestication genes and conserved synteny with Medicago truncatula, M. Nelson1, H. Phan2, S. Ellwood2, P. Moolhuijzen3, M. Bellgard3, J. Hane2, A. Williams2, J. Fos‑Nyarko4, B. Wolko5, M. Książkiewicz5, M. Cakir4, M. Jones4, M. Scobie4, C. O’Lone1, S.J. Barker1, R. Oliver2, and W. Cowling1 1School of Plant Biology, The University of Western Australia, 2Australian Centre for Necrotrophic Fungal Pathogens, Murdoch University, 3Centre for Bioinformatics and Biological Computing, Murdoch University, 4School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, SABC, Murdoch University,5Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań, Poland
17. How does lupin optimum density change row spacing? Bob French and Laurie Maiolo, Department of Agriculture
18. Wide row spacing and seeding rate of lupins with conventional and precision seeding machines Martin Harries, Jo Walker and Murray Blyth, Department of Agriculture
19. Influence of row spacing and plant density on lupin competition with annual ryegrass, Martin Harries, Jo Walker and Murray Blyth, Department of Agriculture
20. Effect of timing and speed of inter-row cultivation on lupins, Martin Harries, Jo Walker and Steve Cosh, Department of Agriculture
21. The interaction of atrazine herbicide rate and row spacing on lupin seedling survival, Martin Harries and Jo Walker Department of Agriculture
22. The banding of herbicides on lupin row crops, Martin Harries, Jo Walker and Murray Blyth, Department of Agriculture
23. Large plot testing of herbicide tolerance of new lupin lines, Wayne Parker, Department of Agriculture
24. Effect of seed source and simazine rate of seedling emergence and growth, Peter White and Greg Shea, Department of Agriculture
25. The effect of lupin row spacing and seeding rate on a following wheat crop, Martin Harries, Jo Walker and Dirranie Kirby, Department of Agriculture
26. Response of crop lupin species to row spacing, Leigh Smith1, Kedar Adhikari1, Jon Clements2 and Patrizia Guantini3, 1Department of Agriculture, 2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia, 3University of Florence, Italy
27. Response of Lupinus mutabilis to lime application and over watering, Peter White, Leigh Smith and Mark Sweetingham, Department of Agriculture
28. Impact of anthracnose on yield of Andromeda lupins, Geoff Thomas, Kedar Adhikari and Katie Bell, Department of Agriculture
29. Survey of lupin root health (in major production areas), Geoff Thomas, Ken Adcock, Katie Bell, Ciara Beard and Anne Smith, Department of Agriculture
30. Development of a generic forecasting and decision support system for diseases in the Western Australian wheatbelt, Tim Maling1, Art Diggle1,2, Debbie Thackray1, Kadambot Siddique1 and Roger Jones1,2 1CLIMA, The University of Western Australia, 2Department of Agriculture
31.Tanjil mutants highly tolerant to metribuzin, Ping Si1, Mark Sweetingham1,2, Bevan Buirchell1,2 and Huaan Yang l,2 1CLIMA, The University of Western Australia, 2Department of Agriculture
32. Precipitation pH vs. yield and functional properties of lupin protein isolate, Vijay Jayasena1, Hui Jun Chih1 and Ken Dods2 1Curtin University of Technology, 2Chemistry Centre
33. Lupin protein isolation with the use of salts, Vijay Jayasena1, Florence Kartawinata1,Ranil Coorey1 and Ken Dods2 1Curtin University of Technology, 2Chemistry Centre
34. Field pea, Mark Seymour, Department of Agriculture
35. Breeding highlights Kerry Regan1,2, Tanveer Khan1,2, Stuart Morgan1 and Phillip Chambers1 1Department of Agriculture, 2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia
36. Variety evaluation, Kerry Regan1,2, Tanveer Khan1,2, Jenny Garlinge1 and Rod Hunter1 1Department of Agriculture, 2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia
37. Days to flowering of field pea varieties throughout WA Mark Seymour1, Ian Pritchard1, Rodger Beermier1, Pam Burgess1 and Dr Eric Armstrong2 Department of Agriculture, 2NSW Department of Primary Industries, Wagga Wagga
38. Semi-leafless field peas yield more, with less ryegrass seed set, in narrow rows, Glen Riethmuller, Department of Agriculture
39. Swathing, stripping and other innovative ways to harvest field peas, Mark Seymour, Ian Pritchard, Rodger Beermier and Pam Burgess, Department of Agriculture
40. Pulse demonstrations, Ian Pritchard, Wayne Parker, Greg Shea, Department of Agriculture
41. Field pea extension – focus on field peas 2005, Ian Pritchard, Department of Agriculture
42. Field pea blackspot disease in 2005: Prediction versus reality, Moin Salam, Jean Galloway, Pip Payne, Bill MacLeod and Art Diggle, Department of Agriculture
43. Pea seed-borne mosaic virus in pulses: Screening for seed quality defects and virus resistance, Rohan Prince, Brenda Coutts and Roger Jones, Department of Agriculture, and CLIMA, The University of Western Australia
44. Yield losses from sowing field peas infected with pea seed-borne mosaic virus, Rohan Prince, Brenda Coutts and Roger Jones, Department of Agriculture, and CLIMA, The University of Western Australia
45. Desi chickpea, Wayne Parker, Department of Agriculture
46. Breeding highlights, Tanveer Khan 1,2, Pooran Gaur3, Kadambot Siddique2, Heather Clarke2, Stuart Morgan1and Alan Harris1, 1Department of Agriculture2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia, 3International Crop Research Institute for Semi Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), India
47. National chickpea improvement program, Kerry Regan1, Ted Knights2 and Kristy Hobson3,1Department of Agriculture, 2Agriculture New South Wales 3Department of Primary Industries, Victoria
48. Chickpea breeding lines in CVT exhibit excellent ascochyta blight resistance, Tanveer Khan1,2, Alan Harris1, Stuart Morgan1 and Kerry Regan1,2, 1Department of Agriculture, 2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia
49. Variety evaluation, Kerry Regan1,2, Tanveer Khan1,2, Jenny Garlinge2 and Rod Hunter2, 1CLIMA, The University of Western Australia 2Department of Agriculture
50. Desi chickpeas for the wheatbelt, Wayne Parker and Ian Pritchard, Department of Agriculture
51. Large scale demonstration of new chickpea varieties, Wayne Parker, MurrayBlyth, Steve Cosh, Dirranie Kirby and Chris Matthews, Department of Agriculture
52. Ascochyta management with new chickpeas, Martin Harries, Bill MacLeod, Murray Blyth and Jo Walker, Department of Agriculture
53. Management of ascochyta blight in improved chickpea varieties, Bill MacLeod1, Colin Hanbury2, Pip Payne1, Martin Harries1, Murray Blyth1, Tanveer Khan1,2, Kadambot Siddique2, 1Department of Agriculture, 2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia
54. Botrytis grey mould of chickpea, Bill MacLeod, Department of Agriculture
55. Kabuli chickpea, Kerry Regan, Department of Agriculture, and CLIMA, The University of Western Australia
56. New ascochyta blight resistant, high quality kabuli chickpea varieties, Kerry Regan1,2, Kadambot Siddique2, Tim Pope2 and Mike Baker1, 1Department of Agriculture, 2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia
57. Crop production and disease management of Almaz and Nafice, Kerry Regan and Bill MacLeod, Department of Agriculture, and CLIMA, The University of Western Australia
58. Faba bean,Mark Seymour, Department of Agriculture
59. Germplasm evaluation – faba bean, Mark Seymour1, Tim Pope2, Peter White1, Martin Harries1, Murray Blyth1, Rodger Beermier1, Pam Burgess1 and Leanne Young1,1Department of Agriculture, 2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia
60. Factors affecting seed coat colour of faba bean during storage, Syed Muhammad Nasar-Abbas1, Julie Plummer1, Kadambot Siddique2, Peter White 3, D. Harris4 and Ken Dods4.1The University of Western Australia, 2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia, 3Department of Agriculture, 4Chemistry Centre
61. Lentil,Kerry Regan, Department of Agriculture, and CLIMA, The University of Western Australia
62. Variety and germplasm evaluation, Kerry Regan1,2, Tim Pope2, Leanne Young1, Phill Chambers1, Alan Harris1, Wayne Parker1 and Michael Materne3, 1Department of Agriculture 2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia, 3Department of Primary Industries, Victoria
Pulse species
63. Land suitability for production of different crop species in Western Australia, Peter White, Dennis van Gool, and Mike Baker, Department of Agriculture
64. Genomic synteny in legumes: Application to crop breeding, Huyen Phan1, Simon Ellwood1, J. Hane1, Angela Williams1, R. Ford2, S. Thomas3 and Richard Oliver1,1Australian Centre of Necrotrophic Plant Pathogens, Murdoch University 2BioMarka, School of Agriculture and Food Systems, ILFR, University of Melbourne 3NSW Department of Primary Industries
65. ALOSCA – Development of a dry flow legume seed inoculant, Rory Coffey and Chris Poole, ALOSCA Technologies Pty Ltd
66. Genetic dissection of resistance to fungal necrotrophs in Medicago truncatula, Simon Ellwood1, Theo Pfaff1, Judith Lichtenzveig12, Lars Kamphuis1, Nola D\u27Souza1, Angela Williams1, Emma Groves1, Karam Singh2 and Richard Oliver1
1Australian Centre of Necrotrophic Plant Pathogens, Murdoch University, 2CSIRO Plant Industry
Histological observations of latent infection and tissue colonization by Diaporthe toxica in resistant and susceptible narrow-leafed lupins
Latent infection and tissue colonization by Diaporthe toxica was examined by light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy in stems, leaves, and petioles of resistant and susceptible narrow-leafed lupins (Lupinus angustifolius). Resistance was observed during the latent phase of the disease as an incompatible reaction between the host and pathogen that appeared to occur after penetration of the cuticle. Conidia were attached firmly to the cuticle by an extracellular substance presumably exuded from the conidia. Conidia penetrated the cuticle directly via an infection peg and formed subcuticular coralloid hyphae. The frequency of subcuticular coralloid hyphae was similar on stems, leaves, and petioles of each line. At 14 days after inoculation, resistant plants had a high frequency of small coralloid hyphae (10-80 µm length). The epidermal cells beneath these small coralloid hyphae appeared necrotic and collapsed with accumulation of polyphenolics and electron-dense substances and a loss of internal organisation in the cytoplasm. Necrosis was occasionally observed in small coralloid hyphae as well. Susceptible plants had a high frequency of large coralloid hyphae (80-400 µm length) in which intrahyphal hyphae were observed, and host epidermal cells beneath large coralloid hyphae appeared normal. Colonization of tissues below the cuticle began immediately after excision of stems from susceptible plants, but was delayed in resistant plants. At 8 days after excision, hyphae had invaded all stem tissues and initiated the formation of pycnidia in susceptible plants, but few hyphae were observed in stems of resistant plants.Key words: Diaporthe toxica, coralloid hyphae, Lupinus angustifolius, resistance
The expression of resistance to latent stem infection by Diaporthe toxica in narrow-leafed lupins
Resistance to latent infection by Diaporthe toxica was examined in resistant and susceptible cultivars and breeding lines of Lupinus angustifolius (narrow-leafed lupin or blue lupine). Conidial germination (91 ± 1% at 3 days after inoculation) or penetration of the cuticle (14 ± 1% at 3 days and 24 ± 1% at 5 days) by D. toxica were not affected by host resistance. After 5 days, the relative size and number of subcuticular coralloid infection hyphae differed on resistant and susceptible hosts. On susceptible hosts, the majority of coralloid hyphae were large (\u3e100 µm long at 21 days). Resistant hosts had the same density of coralloid hyphae (approximately 300 hyphae per cm2), but the majority were small (\u3c100 µm long). Breeding line CE2:435, which has intermediate resistance, had an equal density (approximately 150 hyphae per cm2) of both types of coralloid hyphae. In excised stems, saprophytic growth from subcuticular latent infections was faster from large coralloid hyphae in susceptible hosts than from small coralloid hyphae in resistant hosts. Small coralloid hyphae often failed to produce saprophytic mycelia and were apparently nonviable. Resistance to latent infection by D. toxica in narrow-leafed lupin is expressed as a reduction in the frequency of large coralloid hyphae, an increase in the frequency of smaller and apparently nonviable coralloid hyphae, and slower saprophytic colonization of host tissue. The type of resistance described, in which the host appears to actively suppress the establishment of “saprophytically competent” latent infection structures, is a new phenomenon in plant disease resistance
Identification of alleles at two loci controlling resistance to Phomopsis stem blight in narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.)
The genetics of resistance to Phomopsis stem blight caused by Diaporthe toxica Will., Highet, Gams & Sivasith. in narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) was studied in crosses between resistant cv. Merrit, very resistant breeding line 75A:258 and susceptible cv. Unicrop. A non-destructive glasshouse infection test was developed to assess resistance in the F1, F2, selected F2-derived F3 (F2:3) families, and in selfed parent plants. The F1 of Unicrop Ă— 75A:258 (and reciprocal cross) was very resistant, and the F2 segregated in a ratio of 3:1 (resistant: susceptible), which suggested the presence of a single dominant allele for resistance in 75A:258. In Merrit Ă— Unicrop (and reciprocal), the F1 was moderately resistant, and the F2 segregated in a ratio of 3:1 (resistant: susceptible). Thus Merrit appeared to carry an incompletely dominant resistance allele for resistance. The F1 of Merrit Ă— 75A:258 (and reciprocal) was very resistant and the F2 segregated in a ratio of 15:1 (resistant: susceptible), which supported the existence of independently segregating resistance alleles for resistance in 75A:258 and Merrit. Alleles at loci for early flowering (Ku) and speckled seeds (for which we propose the symbol Spk) segregated normally and independently of the resistance alleles. Resistant F2 plants gave rise to uniformly resistant or segregating F2:3 families, whereas susceptible F2 plants gave rise only to susceptible F2:3 families. However, the variation in resistance in the F2 and some F2:3 families of crosses involving 75A:258, from moderately to extremely resistant, was greater than that expected by chance or environmental variation. We propose the symbols Phr1 to describe the dominant resistance allele in 75A:258, and Phr2 for the incompletely dominant resistance allele in Merrit. Phr1 appears to be epistatic to Phr2, and expression of Phr1 may be altered by independently segregating modifier allele(s)
A competitive ELISA for detecting resistance to latent stem infection by Diaporthe toxica in narrow-leafed lupins
Resistance to Diaporthe toxica in 12 lines of narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) was assessed by a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Seedlings were inoculated with the pathogen and after 21 days resistance was assessed by counting latent infection structures in epidermal tissue under the microscope. Infected stem pieces were then incubated for 6 days in moist chambers before treatment with antisera to D. toxica. There was a high correlation between the ELISA reaction and the frequency of latent infection structures on the 12 lines (r = 0.92, P \u3c 0.001). Visual confirmation of the ELISA result was obtained by further incubating the excised stems for up to 12 days and assessing the degree of fungal development. There was a high correlation between the ELISA result after 6 days incubation and visual ratings of fungal development after 12 days incubation (r = 0.89, P \u3c 0.001). The ELISA test distinguished susceptible, resistant and very resistant lines, but failed to distinguish the intermediate line from resistant lines. A similar result was obtained with visual observation of fungal development on excised stems, with the exception that the intermediate line was not distinguishable from susceptible lines. The most accurate assessment of resistance was by microscope observation of latent infection structures, which allowed quantitative assessment of resistance and consistently separated susceptible, intermediate, resistant and highly resistant lines
Identification of anthracnose resistance in Lupinus albus L. and its transfer from landraces to modern cultivarsra
Anthracnose is a major disease of lupins in Western Australia (WA). The disease wiped out the WA albus lupin industry in 1996 and since then, anthracnose resistance has been a major focus for WA lupin breeding. In an endeavour to find a source of resistance to anthracnose, all available germplasm in WA was screened against anthracnose in New Zealand over the summer of 1997 and 1998, and resistance was identified in Ethiopian landraces. The resistance was present in many Ethiopian landraces within a close geographical distribution, suggesting a similar genetic basis of resistance. Crosses were made between the resistant landraces and agronomically superior lines. The progeny were tested for anthracnose resistance, yield, seed quality, and other agronomic characters. The most superior line, Andromeda, was released for commercial production in WA. It was developed from an F3-derived single-plant selection of a cross between an anthracnose-resistant landrace P27175 from Ethiopia and a well adapted but highly susceptible WA breeding line 89B10A-14. Andromeda has a significantly higher level of resistance to anthracnose than the previous cv. Kiev Mutant and is recommended in the medium- to low-rainfall area of the northern wheatbelt of WA. Further breeding effort has resulted in significant improvement in the level of resistance within the WA breeding program, and early generation lines are more resistant than advanced lines. The best resistant lines are, however, in a late flowering background and only an incremental improvement has been achieved in combining early flowering with anthracnose resistance, which seems to be a complex process
Application of next-generation sequencing for rapid marker development in molecular plant breeding: a case study on anthracnose disease resistance in <it>Lupinus angustifolius</it> L.
Abstract Background In the last 30 years, a number of DNA fingerprinting methods such as RFLP, RAPD, AFLP, SSR, DArT, have been extensively used in marker development for molecular plant breeding. However, it remains a daunting task to identify highly polymorphic and closely linked molecular markers for a target trait for molecular marker-assisted selection. The next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology is far more powerful than any existing generic DNA fingerprinting methods in generating DNA markers. In this study, we employed a grain legume crop Lupinus angustifolius (lupin) as a test case, and examined the utility of an NGS-based method of RAD (restriction-site associated DNA) sequencing as DNA fingerprinting for rapid, cost-effective marker development tagging a disease resistance gene for molecular breeding. Results Twenty informative plants from a cross of RxS (disease resistant x susceptible) in lupin were subjected to RAD single-end sequencing by multiplex identifiers. The entire RAD sequencing products were resolved in two lanes of the 16-lanes per run sequencing platform Solexa HiSeq2000. A total of 185 million raw reads, approximately 17 Gb of sequencing data, were collected. Sequence comparison among the 20 test plants discovered 8207 SNP markers. Filtration of DNA sequencing data with marker identification parameters resulted in the discovery of 38 molecular markers linked to the disease resistance gene Lanr1. Five randomly selected markers were converted into cost-effective, simple PCR-based markers. Linkage analysis using marker genotyping data and disease resistance phenotyping data on a F8 population consisting of 186 individual plants confirmed that all these five markers were linked to the R gene. Two of these newly developed sequence-specific PCR markers, AnSeq3 and AnSeq4, flanked the target R gene at a genetic distance of 0.9 centiMorgan (cM), and are now replacing the markers previously developed by a traditional DNA fingerprinting method for marker-assisted selection in the Australian national lupin breeding program. Conclusions We demonstrated that more than 30 molecular markers linked to a target gene of agronomic trait of interest can be identified from a small portion (1/8) of one sequencing run on HiSeq2000 by applying NGS based RAD sequencing in marker development. The markers developed by the strategy described in this study are all co-dominant SNP markers, which can readily be converted into high throughput multiplex format or low-cost, simple PCR-based markers desirable for large scale marker implementation in plant breeding programs. The high density and closely linked molecular markers associated with a target trait help to overcome a major bottleneck for implementation of molecular markers on a wide range of germplasm in breeding programs. We conclude that application of NGS based RAD sequencing as DNA fingerprinting is a very rapid and cost-effective strategy for marker development in molecular plant breeding. The strategy does not require any prior genome knowledge or molecular information for the species under investigation, and it is applicable to other plant species.</p
Screening for resistance to Diaporthe toxica in lupins by estimation of phomopsins and glucoseamine in individual plants
Immunological and biochemical assays were developed for screening for resistance to Diaporthe toxica in individual plants of narrow-leafed lupins (Lupinus angustifolius). The former was an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for measuring phomopsin mycotoxins and the latter gave an estimation of glucoseamine in infected stem pieces. Stems of L. angustifolius seedlings were inoculated with conidia from D. toxica cultures and, as expected with this latent disease, remained symptomless for 21 days after inoculation. At this time, phomopsins were measured in excised stems that had been incubated for 6 or 8 days to allow mycelial growth from latent infection structures, thereby increasing the phomopsins to detectable levels in individual plants. The estimation of glucoseamine was carried out on the same stems that had been assayed for phomopsins. The method was based on the alkaline deacetylation of chitin to chitosan, the glucoseamine residues of which are de-aminated with nitrous acid, yielding an aldehyde which is determined colorimetrically. At six days after excision, both tests clearly distinguished the very resistant, resistant, intermediate and susceptible lines and they may be useful in large-scale resistance screening in lupin breeding programmes. The ELISA of phomopsins is easier to use and would be particularly useful in the elimination of susceptible plants and those plants expressing intermediate levels of resistance during early generations of the breeding programme