1,260 research outputs found

    On predictive probability matching priors

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    We revisit the question of priors that achieve approximate matching of Bayesian and frequentist predictive probabilities. Such priors may be thought of as providing frequentist calibration of Bayesian prediction or simply as devices for producing frequentist prediction regions. Here we analyse the O(n1)O(n^{-1}) term in the expansion of the coverage probability of a Bayesian prediction region, as derived in [Ann. Statist. 28 (2000) 1414--1426]. Unlike the situation for parametric matching, asymptotic predictive matching priors may depend on the level α\alpha. We investigate uniformly predictive matching priors (UPMPs); that is, priors for which this O(n1)O(n^{-1}) term is zero for all α\alpha. It was shown in [Ann. Statist. 28 (2000) 1414--1426] that, in the case of quantile matching and a scalar parameter, if such a prior exists then it must be Jeffreys' prior. In the present article we investigate UPMPs in the multiparameter case and present some general results about the form, and uniqueness or otherwise, of UPMPs for both quantile and highest predictive density matching.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/074921708000000048 the IMS Collections (http://www.imstat.org/publications/imscollections.htm) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Nonsubjective priors via predictive relative entropy regret

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    We explore the construction of nonsubjective prior distributions in Bayesian statistics via a posterior predictive relative entropy regret criterion. We carry out a minimax analysis based on a derived asymptotic predictive loss function and show that this approach to prior construction has a number of attractive features. The approach here differs from previous work that uses either prior or posterior relative entropy regret in that we consider predictive performance in relation to alternative nondegenerate prior distributions. The theory is illustrated with an analysis of some specific examples.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053605000000804 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    How robust is the evidence of an emerging or increasing female excess in physical morbidity between childhood and adolescence? Results of a systematic literature review and meta-analyses

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    For asthma and psychological morbidity, it is well established that higher prevalence among males in childhood is replaced by higher prevalence among females by adolescence. This review investigates whether there is evidence for a similar emerging female ‘excess’ in relation to a broad range of physical morbidity measures. Establishing whether this pattern is generalised or health outcome-specific will further understandings of the aetiology of gender differences in health. Databases (Medline; Embase; CINAHL; PsycINFO; ERIC) were searched for English language studies (published 1992–2010) presenting physical morbidity prevalence data for males and females, for at least two age-bands within the age-range 4–17 years. A three-stage screening process (initial sifting; detailed inspection; extraction of full papers), was followed by study quality appraisals. Of 11 245 identified studies, 41 met the inclusion criteria. Most (n = 31) presented self-report survey data (five longitudinal, 26 cross-sectional); 10 presented routinely collected data (GP/hospital statistics). Extracted data, supplemented by additional data obtained from authors of the included studies, were used to calculate odds ratios of a female excess, or female:male incident rate ratios as appropriate. To test whether these changed with age, the values were logged and regressed on age in random effects meta-regressions. These showed strongest evidence of an emerging/increasing female excess for self-reported measures of headache, abdominal pain, tiredness, migraine and self-assessed health. Type 1 diabetes and epilepsy, based on routinely collected data, did not show a significant emerging/increasing female excess. For most physical morbidity measures reviewed, the evidence broadly points towards an emerging/increasing female excess during the transition to adolescence, although results varied by morbidity measure and study design, and suggest that this may occur at a younger age than previously thought

    A product of independent beta probabilities dose escalation design for dual-agent phase I trials.

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    Dual-agent trials are now increasingly common in oncology research, and many proposed dose-escalation designs are available in the statistical literature. Despite this, the translation from statistical design to practical application is slow, as has been highlighted in single-agent phase I trials, where a 3 + 3 rule-based design is often still used. To expedite this process, new dose-escalation designs need to be not only scientifically beneficial but also easy to understand and implement by clinicians. In this paper, we propose a curve-free (nonparametric) design for a dual-agent trial in which the model parameters are the probabilities of toxicity at each of the dose combinations. We show that it is relatively trivial for a clinician's prior beliefs or historical information to be incorporated in the model and updating is fast and computationally simple through the use of conjugate Bayesian inference. Monotonicity is ensured by considering only a set of monotonic contours for the distribution of the maximum tolerated contour, which defines the dose-escalation decision process. Varied experimentation around the contour is achievable, and multiple dose combinations can be recommended to take forward to phase II. Code for R, Stata and Excel are available for implementation.We would like to acknowledge funding from the UK Medical Research Council (grant code U1052.00.014) for this work. We would also like to thank the reviewers for providing some excellent suggestions to help improve the manuscript.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/sim.6434/abstract

    Youth vaping and smoking and parental vaping: a panel survey

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    Background: Concerns remain about potential negative impacts of e-cigarettes including possibilities that: youth e-cigarette use (vaping) increases risk of youth smoking; and vaping by parents may have impacts on their children’s vaping and smoking behaviour. Methods: With panel data from 3291 youth aged 10–15 years from the 7th wave of the UK Understanding Society Survey (2015–2017), we estimated effects of youth vaping on youth smoking (ever, current and past year initiation), and of parental vaping on youth smoking and vaping, and examined whether the latter differed by parental smoking status. Propensity weighting was used to adjust for measured confounders and estimate average effects of vaping for all youth, and among youth who vaped. E-values were calculated to assess the strength of unmeasured confounding influences needed to negate our estimates. Results: Associations between youth vaping and youth smoking were attenuated considerably by adjustment for measured confounders. Estimated average effects of youth vaping on youth smoking were stronger for all youth (e.g. OR for smoking initiation: 32.5; 95% CI: 9.8–107.1) than among youth who vaped (OR: 4.4; 0.6–30.9). Relatively strong unmeasured confounding would be needed to explain these effects. Associations between parental vaping and youth vaping were explained by measured confounders. Estimates indicated effects of parental vaping on youth smoking, especially for youth with ex-smoking parents (e.g. OR for smoking initiation: 11.3; 2.7–46.4) rather than youth with currently smoking parents (OR: 1.0; 0.2–6.4), but these could be explained by relatively weak unmeasured confounding. Conclusions While measured confounding accounted for much of the associations between youth vaping and youth smoking, indicating support for underlying propensities, our estimates suggested residual effects that could only be explained away by considerable unmeasured confounding or by smoking leading to vaping. Estimated effects of youth vaping on youth smoking were stronger among the general youth population than among the small group of youth who actually vaped. Associations of parental vaping with youth smoking and vaping were either explained by measured confounding or could be relatively easily explained by unmeasured confounding

    Local councillors in comparative perspective: drawing conclusions

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    The chapters of this book contain the first results of our common research project. They show a rich picture of many aspects of local councillors in 16 countries. It is not the intention of the group that this is the final output from the project. On the contrary: these analyses should be only a first step in the use of this valuable dataset. Further analysis and publications are under way and are foreseen in the future

    Atari to Zelda: Japan’s Videogames in Global Contexts

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    Playback: A Genealogy of 1980s British Videogames

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