3 research outputs found

    Systems-level analyses of protein-protein interaction network dysfunctions via epichaperomics identify cancer-specific mechanisms of stress adaptation

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    Abstract Systems-level assessments of protein-protein interaction (PPI) network dysfunctions are currently out-of-reach because approaches enabling proteome-wide identification, analysis, and modulation of context-specific PPI changes in native (unengineered) cells and tissues are lacking. Herein, we take advantage of chemical binders of maladaptive scaffolding structures termed epichaperomes and develop an epichaperome-based ‘omics platform, epichaperomics, to identify PPI alterations in disease. We provide multiple lines of evidence, at both biochemical and functional levels, demonstrating the importance of these probes to identify and study PPI network dysfunctions and provide mechanistically and therapeutically relevant proteome-wide insights. As proof-of-principle, we derive systems-level insight into PPI dysfunctions of cancer cells which enabled the discovery of a context-dependent mechanism by which cancer cells enhance the fitness of mitotic protein networks. Importantly, our systems levels analyses support the use of epichaperome chemical binders as therapeutic strategies aimed at normalizing PPI networks

    Targeting the epichaperome as an effective precision medicine approach in a novel PML-SYK fusion acute myeloid leukemia.

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    The epichaperome is a new cancer target composed of hyperconnected networks of chaperome members that facilitate cell survival. Cancers with an altered chaperone configuration may be susceptible to epichaperome inhibitors. We developed a flow cytometry-based assay for evaluation and monitoring of epichaperome abundance at the single cell level, with the goal of prospectively identifying patients likely to respond to epichaperome inhibitors, to measure target engagement, and dependency during treatment. As proof of principle, we describe a patient with an unclassified myeloproliferative neoplasm harboring a novel PML-SYK fusion, who progressed to acute myeloid leukemia despite chemotherapy and allogeneic stem cell transplant. The leukemia was identified as having high epichaperome abundance. We obtained compassionate access to an investigational epichaperome inhibitor, PU-H71. After 16 doses, the patient achieved durable complete remission. These encouraging results suggest that further investigation of epichaperome inhibitors in patients with abundant baseline epichaperome levels is warranted