8 research outputs found

    Visualization of a data leak : how can visualization assist to determine the scope of an attack?

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    The potential impact that data leakage can have on a country, both on a national level as well as on an individual level, can be wide reaching and potentially catastrophic. In January 2013, several South African companies became the target of a hack attack, resulting in the breach of security measures and the leaking of a claimed 700000 records. The affected companies are spread across a number of domains, thus making the leak a very wide impact area. The aim of this paper is to analyze the data released from the South African breach and to visualize the extent of the loss by the companies affected. The value of this work lies in its connection to and interpretation of related South African legislation. The data extracted during the analysis is primarily personally identifiable information, such as defined by the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act of 2002 and the Protection of Personal Information Bill of 2009

    Variation of the gene coding for DARPP-32 (PPP1R1B) and brain connectivity during associative emotional learning

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    Associative emotional learning, which is important for the social emotional functioning of individuals and is often impaired in psychiatric illnesses, is in part mediated by dopamine and glutamate pathways in the brain. The protein DARPP-32 is involved in the regulation of dopaminergic and glutaminergic signaling. Consequently, it has been suggested that the haplotypic variants of the gene PPP1R1B that encodes DARPP-32 are associated with working memory and emotion processing. We hypothesized that PPP1R1B should have a significant influence on the network of brain regions involved in associative emotional learning that are rich in DARPP-32, namely the striatum, prefrontal cortex (comprising the medial frontal gyrus and inferior frontal gyrus (IFG)), amygdala and parahippocampal gyrus (PHG). Dynamic causal models were applied to functional MRI data to investigate how brain connectivity during an associative emotional learning task is affected by different single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of PPP1R1B: rs879606, rs907094 and rs3764352. Compared to heterozygotes, homozygotes with GTA alleles displayed increased intrinsic connectivity between the IFG and PHG, as well as increased excitability of the PHG for negative emotional stimuli. We have also elucidated the directionality of these genetic influences. Our data suggest that homozygotes with GTA alleles involve stronger functional connections between brain areas in order to maintain activation of these regions. Homozygotes might engage a greater degree of motivational learning and integration of information to perform the emotional learning task correctly. We conclude that PPP1R1B is associated with the neural network involved in associative emotional learning

    Diversidade fenotípica e patogênica de Colletotrichum, agente causal da antracnose em mangueira, e identificação de espécie

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a diversidade fenotípica e patogênica de 40 isolados de Colletotrichum obtidos de mangueira no Nordeste do Brasil e identificar diferentes espécies desse fitopatógeno, agente causal de antracnose, através da análise da seqüência da região ITS do rDNA. Quanto à caracterização morfológica e cultural, as colônias dos isolados apresentaram diversidade em relação à cor e aspecto, sendo mais comum à cor branco-cinza, característica de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Não foram observadas variações expressivas na morfologia dos 40 isolados. Os conídios apresentaram-se, predominantemente, hialinos e unicelulares, com formato variando de bastonete para cilíndrico. Todos os isolados produziram apressórios variados em formato e quantidade e apenas 10 isolados apresentaram setas. Para efeito do crescimento micelial e taxa de crescimento foi possível classificar os isolados em sete grupos. Vinte e dois isolados exibiram taxa de crescimento >10mm/dia, considerada típica da espécie C. gloeosporioides. Os isolados foram patogênicos em folhas destacadas de mangueira, induzindo sintomas de antracnose, na forma de manchas escuras levemente deprimidas, e apresentando variações quanto à agressividade. Na identificação específica, baseada na análise da seqüência ITS do DNA ribossomal, 36 isolados amplificaram com o oligonucleotídeos CgInt, específico para C. gloeosporioides e o ITS4, Os isolados CM1, CM4, CM5 e CM10, não amplificaram produtos para nenhum dos oligonucleotídeos específicos, sendo identificados como Colletotrichum spp. Os resultados desse trabalho demonstraram que isolados de Colletotrichum, obtidos de mangueira, apresentam ampla variabilidade morfofisiológica e patogênica. E que, possivelmente, existe mais de uma espécie de Colletotrichum que causa antracnose em mangueira no Nordeste do Brasil