1,891 research outputs found

    Econometric versus Engineering Prediction of Water Demand and Value for Irrigation

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    Crop Production/Industries, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,


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    An important issue of debate in economic base literature is whether the export-base theory applies best to the short run, the long run, or both. An attempt is being made here in answering this crucial question by applying a two-step test for cointegration on quarterly employment data, and in gaining insights as to whether or not any unequivocal judgment can be made regarding the validity of the economic base hypothesis.International Relations/Trade,

    Certainty Equivalent Farm Returns from Bt and Non-Bt Cotton

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    Replaced with revised version of paper 02/14/06.Bt cotton, certainty equivalent, insecticide, refuge, returns, risk, simulated yield, spray, Farm Management,

    A Binary Logit Analysis of Factors Impacting Adoption of Genetically Modified Cotton

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    Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) data for 2003 were used to estimate two binary logit models for two definitions of genetically modified (GM) cottonseed adoption. Results indicate conservation tillage did not positively affect adoption of GM cotton with either of these definitions, while adoption of GM cotton in the previous year did. Refuge cotton also did not affect these adoption decisions for the study year.Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS), binary logit model, conservation tillage, cotton, genetically modified seed, herbicide-resistant cotton, jackknife procedure, refuge cotton, stacked-gene cotton, technology adoption, Crop Production/Industries,

    Examining Factors Affecting Population Change in the Southern United States: An Ongoing Case Study

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    Urban sprawl and rural rebound are major foci of recent regional economic studies. Using 1980 and 2000 Census data from 11 southern states, binary logit regressions of population changes in rural-and-metropolitan counties and Black Belt-and-non-Black Belt counties reveal education, poverty, employment, and age differences are related to population changes.African Americans, Black Belt, Census, population change, Rural rebound, Urban Sprawl, Southern, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Labor and Human Capital,

    A Choice-Based Conjoint Experiment with Genetically Engineered Cotton in the Mississippi Delta

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    Producers' preferences for cottonseed are examined using a willingness-to-pay (WTP) approach via mail surveys. Results indicate a positive WTP for yield, technology and fiber quality, and it increases with the level of technology and quality, respectively. WTP varies directly with farm size and inversely with farm labor.Crop Production/Industries,

    Examining Income Convergence in Southern United States

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    County-level data for 11 southern states were used to examine income convergence between 1980 and 2000. Ordinary least squares regression of logarithmic difference on average per capita income in 1980 and 2000 indicated conditional income convergence over the 20-year period. The estimated rate of income convergence was 3.82% per year. This convergence varied across the region based on the initial and changed conditions of population density, African-American population, employment, education, age structure, and travel time to work.Financial Economics,

    Self-Cleaning Applications of TiO2 by Photo-Induced Hydrophilicity and Photocatalysis

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    Self-cleaning materials have gained considerable attention for both their unique properties and practical applications in energy and environmental areas. Recent examples of many TiO2-derived materials have been illustrated to understand the fundamental principles of self-cleaning hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces. Various models including those proposed by Wenzel, Cassie-Baxter and Miwa-Hashimoto are discussed to explain the mechanism of self-cleaning. Examples of semiconductor surfaces exhibiting the simultaneous occurrence of superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic domains on the same surface are illustrated, which can have various advanced applications in microfluidics, printing, photovoltaic, biomedical devices, anti-bacterial surfaces and water purification. Several strategies to improve the efficiency of photocatalytic self-cleaning property have been discussed including doping with metals and non-metals, formation of hetero-junctions between TiO2 and other low bandgap semiconductors, and fabrication of graphene based semiconductor nano-composites. Different mechanisms such as band-gap narrowing, formation of localized energy levels within the bandgap and formation of intrinsic defects such as oxygen vacancies have been suggested to account for the improved activity of doped TiO2 photocatalysts. Various preparation routes for developing efficient superhydrophilic–superhydrophobic patterns have been reviewed. In addition, reversible photocontrolled surfaces with tuneable hydrophilic/hydrophobic properties and its technological applications are discussed. Examples of antireflective surfaces exhibiting self-cleaning properties for the applications in solar cells and flat panel displays have also been provided. Discussion is provided on TiO2 based selfcleaning materials exhibiting hydrophilic and underwater superoleophobic properties and their utilities in water management, antifouling applications and separation of oil in water emulsions are discussed. In addition, ISO testing methods (ISO 27448: 2009, ISO 10678: 2010 and ISO 27447: 2009) for analysing self-cleaning activity and antibacterial action have also been discussed. Rapid photocatalytic self-cleaning testing methods using various photocatalytic activity indicator inks such as resazurin (Rz), basic blue 66 (BB66) and acid violet 7(AV7) for a broad range of materials such as commercial paints, tiles and glasses are also described. Various commercial products such as glass, tiles, fabrics, cement and paint materials developed based on the principle of photo-induced hydrophilic conversion of TiO2 surfaces have also been provided. The wide ranges of practical applications of self-cleaning photocatalytic materials suggest further development to improve their efficiency and utilities. It was concluded that a rational fabrication of multifunctional photocatalytic materials by integrating biological inspired structures with tunable wettability would be favorable to address a number of existing environmental concerns


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    Future agricultural water demands are determined by employing forecasts from irrigated crop acreage models. Forecasts of prices and yields, and variances and covariances of crop returns are employed for forecasting crop acreage. Results provide insights into the value of rational expectations in forecasting agricultural water demand.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Health status of pre-menarcheal and post-menarcheal adolescent girls in West Bengal, India

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    Background: Under nutrition in children and adolescents is a major problem in developing countries like India. Age at menarche is a significant indicator of growth in girls. There are significant differences in anthropometric and body composition characteristics between pre and post-menarcheal girls. These raised our interest to evaluate anthropometrically the health status of pre-menarcheal ad post-menarcheal girls.Methods: This study was conducted in six government schools of Bankura and Hooghly district in West Bengal state. The subjects of this study were chosen at random irrespective of socioeconomic status and religion so that reflection of an overall picture of health status of study region could be achieved. Body weight and height was measured. Body mass index (BMI) and Rohrer Index was calculated. These were compared with existing international standards for evaluation of nutritional status of the selected subjects. Student t test was used to estimate the significance of difference between pre-menarcheal and post-menarcheal girls. P<0.05 was consider as significant. Results: Significant percentage of adolescent girls was stunted, thin and underweight. Overall prevalence of stunting, thinness and underweight was 36%, 29.6% and 29.7% respectively. Percentage of all the above indices was higher in pre-menarcheal girls than post-menarcheal girls. Health status of adolescent girls was very poor. Very low health status is found to be prevalent.Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a high prevalence of under nutrition among adolescent girls. The prevalence is much more in pre-menarcheal girls than post-menarcheal counterpart. There is very high prevalence of low health status of the adolescent girls. Health education and nutrition interventions are needed on priority basis.
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