1 research outputs found

    Researching the Topical Issues of Competence Approach in Pharmaceutical Education

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    The article is aimed at examining the emergence of a competence approach in higher pharmaceutical education due to the need to bring program requirements closer to the future specialist, society’s requests and the necessities of personal practical professional activity. The problems inherent in the development of professional training of specialists in the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine are generalized. In particular, the growing need for the development of the pharmaceutical education system and insufficient attention to this sphere at both the State and local levels; imperfection of the regulatory framework for the professional training of specialists in the pharmaceutical industry; lack of foreign experience in professional training of specialists in the pharmaceutical industry. Etiology and interpretation of the concept of «competence» are studied. The lack of a unanimous approach to understanding the concept of «competence approach in education» is defined, various authors’ approaches to its content are explored. The reasons for the relevance of higher education development on the basis of competence orientation are determined. The problematic issues of the competence approach in the process of developing the higher education standards are researched, since pharmaceutical education cannot be separated from the strategic tasks of reforming the content of the educational process in Ukraine. Prospects for further research in this direction are the substantiation of methodological principles and organizational mechanisms for the formation of competence standards as a leading vector in the modernization of higher pharmaceutical education