4 research outputs found
Оцінка екологічного стану річкового басейну Сіверського Дінця у межах Харківської області
Метою цієї статті є визначення оцінки екологічного стану території басейну Сіверського Дінця, його змін у межах Харківської області за період 1991-2020 рр.
Основний матеріал. Кліматичні зміни, їх вплив на природні компоненти та геоекологічний стан територій є провідним напрямом досліджень сучасної науки. Проблема охоплює глобальні масштаби і не оминула вітчизняних дослідників. Останні десятиліття українські вчені активно долучаються до вивчення змін клімату, які на загальноукраїнському рівні є багатоплановими. Дане дослідження носить регіональний характер та присвячене лише частині території Харківської області – басейну Сіверського Дінця. Сьогодні важливо визначити вплив кліматичних змін на водний, екологічний режим даного басейну, відповідно до рекомендацій Європейської Водної директиви (2003) щодо басейнового принципу управління водними ресурсами. Відомо, що Сіверський Донець є найдовшою річкою Харківської області та однією з найдовших в Україні, відіграє вагому роль у водопостачанні другого за чисельністю населення міста України – Харкова.
Екологічний стан території є складним і багатозначним, представлений сукупністю показників стану природних компонентів у певний момент часу або протягом певного періоду. У роботі екологічний стан розглядається за тридцятирічний період – з 1991 до 2020 р. Вихідними даними дослідження виступили фактичні гідрокліматичні дані Харківського регіонального центру з гідрометеорології ДСНС України, а також дані космознімків та Регіонального офісу Водних ресурсів у Харківській області.
Розглянуто методику обрахунку динаміки екологічного стану басейну Сіверського Дінця у межах Харківської області шляхом вирахування інтегрованого показника динаміки екологічного стану (ІПДЕС) за допомогою статистичного аналізу кліматичних рядів метеорологічних, гідрологічних та екологічних показників за два періоди 1991-2020 рр., 1961-1990 рр.
Висновки і подальші дослідження. В результаті проведених досліджень отримана серія картографічних творів, які описують характер змін кліматологічних, гідрологічних та екологічних показників на досліджуваній території. Встановлені тенденції цих змін та розглянута методика обчислення динаміки екологічного стану досліджуваної території. Подальші дослідження спрямовані на апробацію отриманих результатів, розширення території вивчення, поглиблення прогностичної складової із застосуванням декількох варіантів створення сценаріїв майбутніх тенденцій змін кліматологічних, гідрологічних та екологічних величин
Physical meaning of temperature and evaluation of distribution laws (in the area of the Lake Sevan basin)
Formulation of the problem. In the work, the most general definition of temperature was discussed and presented, the temporal probability distribution of air temperature was analyzed and evaluated. Temperature has no specific definition. Thus it will be difficult to study the nature of any geophysical phenomena, including the characteristics of temperature distribution, without understanding the modern scientific definition and adjustment of temperature.
The aim of the work is to give the most modern reasonable definition of temperature or what the thermometer measures, the answer to which requires a more specific scientific justification, as well as to evaluate the patterns of possible spatiotemporal distribution of air temperature in the territory of Armenia and in the area of the Lake Sevan basin.
Methods. To solve the set tasks, the authors used corresponding research and published works as a theoretical basis in the work.
In the work, the average monthly data of actual observations of the temperature of the ground surface air layer and the amount of precipitation of the «Center for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring» SNCO of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia were used. It was found that temperature is a quantity characterizing the thermal state and radiation of the terrestrial and celestial bodies and, in general, the environment, which is strongly related to the entropy change of the system; temperature is the main thermodynamic characteristic of thermal equilibrium; the thermodynamic and microscopic concepts of temperature coincide; the temperature-heat (energy) difference becomes known in the sense that a system can have high energy but low temperature.
The authors applied the following research methods in the article: mathematical and statistical, extrapolation, analysis, analogy, correlation, cartographic.
Results. Energy depends on the geometry (dimensions) of the system, but temperature does not. A trend of increasing air temperature is observed in the RA territory, which is also a result of the entropy change of the system. It can change very quickly, depending on the environmental factors in the given area (the growth rate of greenhouse farms, the artificial filling of valleys, which are wave carriers of air flow, the relentless use of green spaces for the purpose of public buildings, and other factors) in the process of disrupting the excessively permissible norms, which are currently separate needs serious research and prevention.
The long-term variability of surface air temperature in the area of the Lake Sevan basin is analyzed. The analysis carried out made it possible to give a quantitative assessment characterizing the climate change in this region over the past 98 years. An analysis of the observational data showed that the trend of climate warming is confirmed by an increase in air temperature both in winter and over a long period of time. The change in surface air temperature occurs at a rate of 0.002 ºС/year to 0.012 ºС/year and is generally 0.008 ºС/year (or 0.08 ºС/10 years) for all analyzed stations. The results obtained confirm the presence of two periods of warming observed in 1927–1970 and 1971–2021. All the results obtained in the course of the work testify to the trend of climate mitigation in the area of the Lake Sevan basin at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century
Climate monitoring as an indicator of the hydrological condition of the Siversky Donets river basin
Formulation of the problem. Today, in changing climate conditions, it is very relevant to study the impact of regional climate change on the regime of hydrological indicators and ecological status of the Siversky Donets river basin within Kharkiv region.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Hydrometeorological studies are complex and large-scale. In the late 20th - early 21st centuries, a number of articles studied annual runoff of the rivers of Ukraine under the influence of atmospheric processes. Present-day changes in temperature and humidity of the territory affect the hydrological conditions of the rivers.
The aim of the work is to assess the relationship between climatic and hydrological indicators (environmental dynamics) of the Siversky Donets basin against the background of regional climate change. In these conditions, monitoring of climate, hydrological and environmental indicators, allows us to make further management decisions on water resources management.
Research methods are presented by statistical and cartographic analysis. The source data are a number of climatological, hydrological and environmental observations within the state network of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center of the SES of Ukraine.
Problems of further research. Modern changes in climatic conditions in Ukraine are characterized by locality and rapidity. Considering the volume of water use from the river Siversky Donets, the question arises about the water supply of the region, optimization of its use and further rational management.
Presentation of the main research material. The dates of the ice cover have changed in recent years, and often ice phenomena may not occur at all. We can see significant warming in winter on the example of January air temperatures.
Summer temperatures are growing the fastest (by 0.37°C every 10 years), autumn temperatures are in the second place in terms of growth rate. which means that stable ice cover on most rivers of the Donets basin has been absent in recent decades, which clearly indicates a warming trend.
Practical value. Based on the main provisions of the national environmental policy of Ukraine on the use of water resources the study of changes in hydrological regime of rivers is of practical importance for sustainable management. Calculation of the IWP has revealed that most rivers belong to the third and fourth categories - "moderately polluted" and "polluted", but there are also absolutely catastrophic cases.
Research results. Heavy economic burden on the waterway will increase its over-regulation. In future, comprehensive assessment of climate change impact on the hydrological conditions of the rivers will determine the degree of change in the ecological state of the waterways, their rational use and protect
Modern changes in climatic characteristics and minimum flow of the rivers in the basin of lake Sevan
Formulation of the problem. Studies and data on modern changes in the winter minimum average monthly flow of the rivers of the Lake Sevan basin and their climatic characteristics have acquired great practical importance and considerable interest due to the increased use of water resources for the purposes of various types of economic activities, in particular, in connection with the development of the economy, hydropower, irrigation, population growth and rising living standards. Especially relevant are the calculations of the minimum flow in relation to solving the problems of water supply for settlements, industrial enterprises.
The aim of the work. Assessment of modern changes in the winter minimum average monthly runoff of rivers in the Lake Sevan basin and their climatic characteristics.
Methods. The following methods were used in the work: mathematical-statistical, extrapolation, interpolation, spatial analysis, analogy, correlation and cartography.
Results. A physical map has been compiled with a network of meteorological stations and hydrological posts in the Lake Sevan basin. Close correlations were obtained between the values of the winter minimum average monthly runoff and the average runoff of the winter period for a hydrological year. These dependences can be used for preliminary estimates of the minimum runoff of the winter low-water period of unstudied rivers in the territory under consideration. In the course of the research, the winter minimum average monthly discharges were calculated by months and for the entire observation period, the average value of the minimum runoff for the winter low water, and the linear trend of the climatic characteristic. Based on the obtained results, a map of the distribution of the modul of the average minimum runoff of the winter low-water period and the coefficients of the linear trend of the winter air temperature were constructed. Examples of curves of long-term changes in precipitation amounts for the autumn and winter periods, the sum of positive temperatures and the number of days with a positive average daily air temperature in the winter period for a series of meteorological stations in the study area are presented.
The rivers of the Lake Sevan basin are characterized by an uneven spatio-temporal distribution of winter minimum runoff and climatic characteristics, changes in the winter average monthly minimum runoff, precipitation amounts for the autumn and winter periods are multidirectional, and air temperature changes are only an upward trend. In the area under consideration, there is mainly (by 8 out of 12 stations under study) a tendency to decrease in the values of the minimum average monthly river flow. The conducted studies lead us to the conclusion that the main factor causing changes in the low-water runoff of the rivers in the Lake Sevan basin in winter is the air temperature, or rather, its increase. It follows from this that when calculating and forecasting winter runoff, it is necessary to relate the values of runoff and air temperature