32 research outputs found

    Viable nonsense mutants for the essential gene SUP45 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    BACKGROUND: Termination of protein synthesis in eukaryotes involves at least two polypeptide release factors (eRFs) – eRF1 and eRF3. The highly conserved translation termination factor eRF1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is encoded by the essential gene SUP45. RESULTS: We have isolated five sup45-n (n from nonsense) mutations that cause nonsense substitutions in the following amino acid positions of eRF1: Y53 → UAA, E266 → UAA, L283 → UAA, L317 → UGA, E385 → UAA. We found that full-length eRF1 protein is present in all mutants, although in decreased amounts. All mutations are situated in a weak termination context. All these sup45-n mutations are viable in different genetic backgrounds, however their viability increases after growth in the absence of wild-type allele. Any of sup45-n mutations result in temperature sensitivity (37°C). Most of the sup45-n mutations lead to decreased spore viability and spores bearing sup45-n mutations are characterized by limited budding after germination leading to formation of microcolonies of 4–20 cells. CONCLUSIONS: Nonsense mutations in the essential gene SUP45 can be isolated in the absence of tRNA nonsense suppressors


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    Abstract. The article deals with the characteristics of self-image of a person as the central organizing,integrating and regulatory authority of the psyche, and the main result of ontogenetic human mental development. The authors of the article consider the individual’s image “I am a professional” as an objective indicator of the dynamics of the professional consciousness of an individual. The changes in the person’s content and structure, thoroughly characterize the changes in the attitude of the person to him or herself as the subject of professional activity at all psychological levels. The definitions of self-awareness, self-concept self-evaluation and self-image in professional development are considered. Modern research on the person professional development are made on the basis of the person-activity approach which takes into account the unity of both the operational sphere and the sphere of motives and needs of the educational and professional activity. All the students of the Romano-Germanic Philology Faculty andthe Faculty of Math’s and Physics beginning with the freshmen and ending up with the undergraduate students, took part in the research the article describes. The content features of the changes of the self-image ‘I am a professional’ according to the stage of learning were analyzed.Keywords: Professional self-awareness, self-concept, professional, beginner expert, professionalization,student, subject, personality

    Human-centered Model of Interaction within the System “Individual – Higher Educational Establishment”

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    AbstractIn this article the peculiarities of the model of interaction within the system “individual – higher educational establishment” which is centered on the individual's integrity are considered. Statistic and dynamic characteristics are analyzed. The main principles, such asintegrity, decentration, excessiveness, multidimensional resources, cluster organization are discussed. The key concepts of the model and interaction methods are pointed out. The systematic regularities of this model are described. Various types of relations between an individual and the educational environment are characterized


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    Purpose: The article presents the results of the study of the relationship between the type of temperament and the mechanisms of psychological protection used by a person. Methodology: The study was conducted on the basis of the Belgorod State National Research University. The study involved students aged 18-20 years old in the amount of 300 people. The groups were formed taking into account the dominance of the type of temperament. Gr. #1 included respondents with a predominance of sanguine temperament; gr. #2 - phlegmatic; gr. #3 - choleric and gr. #4 - melancholic type. Result: It is shown that there are differences in the severity of the mechanisms of psychological protection in individuals with different dominant temperament. It is revealed that emotionally stable persons with high indicators of strength and balance of nervous processes (sanguine and phlegmatic types) use more complex and ontogenetically later mechanisms of psychological protection. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of --- is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner


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    Цель работы. Статья посвящена анализу отношения младших школьников к современным цифровым технологиям (интернет, компьютер, мобильный телефон).Метод или методология проведения работы. Основным методом исследования является ассоциативный эксперимент. Отношение младших школьников к интернету, компьютеру и мобильному телефону исследуется посредством анализа зоометафор (ассоциаций с представителями животного мира).Результаты работы. Было выявлено, что интернет у младших школьников в большей мере ассоциируется с животным диким, хищным, сильным (тигр, медведь, лев), что отражает чувства уважения, восхищения, признание авторитета. Компьютер в наибольшей мере ассоциируется с домашними животными (кошка, собака), как с чем-то хорошо знакомым, понятным, дружественным, приносящим радость. В ассоциациях к понятию «мобильный телефон» лидирует попугай. Это отражает такие характеристики отношения младших школьников к мобильному телефону, как возможность вербального общения, а также возможность выделиться, привлечь к себе внимание. Исследование показало, что отношение младших школьников к современным цифровым технологиях содержит характеристики их отношения к самим себе (согласуется с образом «Я реальное» и «Я идеальное»).Область применения результатов. Материалы статьи представляют практическую ценность для профессиональной деятельности педагогов, психологов, направленной на обеспечение психологического благополучия младших школьников, профилактику формирования у них компьютерной, мобильной и интернет-зависимости.Выводы. Основные выводы исследования показывают, что животные, ассоциирующиеся с интернетом, компьютером и мобильным телефоном, в большей мере согласуются с представлением детей об идеальных животных и животных, больше всего похожих на них, и практически не представлены на уровне «теневых», не принимаемых детьми собственных качеств.The purpose of the research. The study is devoted to the analysis of schoolchildren’s attitude to modern digital technologies (Internet, computers, and mobile phones).Methods or methodology of the research. The main method of the research is an association experiment. Schoolchildren’s attitude to Internet, computers, mobile phones is analyzed with the help of zoometaphors (associations with animals).Results of the research. It was identified that schoolchildren mostly associate Internet with a wild, rapacious and strong animal (a tiger, a bear, a lion). This reflects the feelings of respect, admiration, authority recognition. A computer more frequently stands for domestic animals (a cat, a dog) as something familiar, good, clear, friendly, joyful. The most currently occurred association to “a mobile phone” is a parrot. It reflects such characteristics of schoolchildren’s attitude to a mobile phone as a possibility of verbal communication, as well as a chance to stand out, to draw attention to oneself. The study showed that schoolchildren’s attitude towards digital technologies represent characteristics of their own attitude to themselves (the correlation between the images “I am real” and “I am ideal”).Scope of application. The data of the research are of great practical importance for professional activities of lecturers, psychologists in providing schoolchildren’s mental well-being and preventing them from computer-, mobile- and Internet-addiction disorders.Final results. The main results of the study showed that the animals associating with Internet, computers and mobile phones are in most cases correspond with the children’s ideas about ideal animals and the animals that look like them, and are not represented at the level of “shady”, personal traits of character unaccepted by the children

    Gene Amplification as a Mechanism of Yeast Adaptation to Nonsense Mutations in Release Factor Genes

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    Protein synthesis (translation) is one of the fundamental processes occurring in the cells of living organisms. Translation can be divided into three key steps: initiation, elongation, and termination. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, there are two translation termination factors, eRF1 and eRF3. These factors are encoded by the SUP45 and SUP35 genes, which are essential; deletion of any of them leads to the death of yeast cells. However, viable strains with nonsense mutations in both the SUP35 and SUP45 genes were previously obtained in several groups. The survival of such mutants clearly involves feedback control of premature stop codon readthrough; however, the exact molecular basis of such feedback control remain unclear. To investigate the genetic factors supporting the viability of these SUP35 and SUP45 nonsense mutants, we performed whole-genome sequencing of strains carrying mutant sup35-n and sup45-n alleles; while no common SNPs or indels were found in these genomes, we discovered a systematic increase in the copy number of the plasmids carrying mutant sup35-n and sup45-n alleles. We used the qPCR method which confirmed the differences in the relative number of SUP35 and SUP45 gene copies between strains carrying wild-type or mutant alleles of SUP35 and SUP45 genes. Moreover, we compare the number of copies of the SUP35 and SUP45 genes in strains carrying different nonsense mutant variants of these genes as a single chromosomal copy. qPCR results indicate that the number of mutant gene copies is increased compared to the wild-type control. In case of several sup45-n alleles, this was due to a disomy of the entire chromosome II, while for the sup35-218 mutation we observed a local duplication of a segment of chromosome IV containing the SUP35 gene. Taken together, our results indicate that gene amplification is a common mechanism of adaptation to nonsense mutations in release factor genes in yeast.RSF grant 18-14-00050; State Research Program (0112-2016-0015


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    The article deals with the legal aspects of obtaining medical care by employees of internal Affairs, shows the problems of medical care for patients in this category, both in medical organizations of the Ministry of internal Affairs, and in third-party medical institutions.The possibilities of a compromise approach in providing medical care to the Ministry of internal Affairs on a contractual basis between medical organizations of the Ministry of internal Affairs and third-party medical organizations are presented.В статье рассматриваются правовые аспекты получения медицинской помощи сотрудниками внутренних дел, показаны проблемы медицинского обеспечения пациентов данной категории, как в медицинских организациях системы МВД, так и в сторонних медицинских учреждениях. Представлены возможности компромиссного подхода в обеспечении медицинской помощью сотрудников МВД на договорной основе между медицинскими организациями системы МВД и сторонними медицинскими организациями

    Analyse de mutants faux sens et non sens dans le gène essential SUP45 chez saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Chez S. cerevisiae, les gènes SUP45 et SUP35 codant respectivement eRF1 et eRF3 sont essentiels. Nous avons isolé 16 mutants viables ayant une mutation faux sens ou non sens dans le gène SUP45. Toutes les mutations faux sens sont localisées dans la région de la protéine eRF1 qui reconnaît le codon STOP, elles n'altèrent ni le faux de la protéine, ni son interaction avec eRF3. Toutes les mutations non sens conduisent à un phénotype de suppression omnipotente et à la viabilité (testée dans 3 souches différentes). Pour tous ces mutants, la quantité d’eRF1 est réduite par rapport à la souche sauvage et elle est corrélée à la perte d'efficacité de la terminaison de la traduction. De plus, la quantité de certaines tRNA qui ont la capacité potentielle de lire des codons de terminaison était plus élevée chez ces mutants, ce qui pourrait expliquer le phénomène de translecture.RENNES1-BU Sciences Philo (352382102) / SudocSudocFranceF