5 research outputs found

    Sequential Decision-Making for Drug Design: Towards closed-loop drug design

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    Drug design is a process of trial and error to design molecules with a desired response toward a biological target, with the ultimate goal of finding a new medication. It is estimated to be up to 10^{60} molecules that are of potential interest as drugs, making it a difficult problem to find suitable molecules. A crucial part of drug design is to design and determine what molecules should be experimentally tested, to determine their activity toward the biological target. To experimentally test the properties of a molecule, it has to be successfully made, often requiring a sequence of reactions to obtain the desired product. Machine learning can be utilized to predict the outcome of a reaction, helping to find successful reactions, but requires data for the reaction type of interest. This thesis presents a work that combinatorially investigates the use of active learning to acquire training data for reaching a certain level of predictive ability in predicting whether a reaction is successful or not. However, only a limited number of molecules can often be synthesized every time. Therefore, another line of work in this thesis investigates which designed molecules should be experimentally tested, given a budget of experiments, to sequentially acquire new knowledge. This is formulated as a multi-armed bandit problem and we propose an algorithm to solve this problem. To suggest potential drug molecules to choose from, recent advances in machine learning have also enabled the use of generative models to design novel molecules with certain predicted properties. Previous work has formulated this as a reinforcement learning problem with success in designing and optimizing molecules with drug-like properties. This thesis presents a systematic comparison of different reinforcement learning algorithms for string-based generation of drug molecules. This includes a study of different ways of learning from previous and current batches of samples during the iterative generation

    Autonomous Drug Design with Multi-Armed Bandits

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    Recent developments in artificial intelligence and automation support a new drug design paradigm: autonomous drug design. Under this paradigm, generative models can provide suggestions on thousands of molecules with specific properties, and automated laboratories can potentially make, test and analyze molecules with minimal human supervision. However, since still only a limited number of molecules can be synthesized and tested, an obvious challenge is how to efficiently select among provided suggestions in a closed-loop system. We formulate this task as a stochastic multi-armed bandit problem with multiple plays, volatile arms and similarity information. To solve this task, we adapt previous work on multi-armed bandits to this setting, and compare our solution with random sampling, greedy selection and decaying-epsilon-greedy selection strategies. According to our simulation results, our approach has the potential to perform better exploration and exploitation of the chemical space for autonomous drug design

    Autonomous Drug Design with Multi-Armed Bandits

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    Recent developments in artificial intelligence and automation support a new drug design paradigm: autonomous drug design. Under this paradigm, generative models can provide suggestions on thousands of molecules with specific properties, and automated laboratories can potentially make, test and analyze molecules with minimal human supervision. However, since still only a limited number of molecules can be synthesized and tested, an obvious challenge is how to efficiently select among provided suggestions in a closed-loop system. We formulate this task as a stochastic multi-armed bandit problem with multiple plays, volatile arms and similarity information. To solve this task, we adapt previous work on multi-armed bandits to this setting, and compare our solution with random sampling, greedy selection and decaying-epsilon-greedy selection strategies. According to our simulation results, our approach has the potential to perform better exploration and exploitation of the chemical space for autonomous drug design

    Using Active Learning to Develop Machine Learning Models for Reaction Yield Prediction

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    Computer aided synthesis planning, suggesting synthetic routes for molecules of interest, is a rapidly growing field. The machine learning methods used are often dependent on access to large datasets for training, but finite experimental budgets limit how much data can be obtained from experiments. This suggests the use of schemes for data collection such as active learning, which identifies the data points of highest impact for model accuracy, and which has been used in recent studies with success. However, little has been done to explore the robustness of the methods predicting reaction yield when used together with active learning to reduce the amount of experimental data needed for training. This study aims to investigate the influence of machine learning algorithms and the number of initial data points on reaction yield prediction for two public high-throughput experimentation datasets. Our results show that active learning based on output margin reached a pre-defined AUROC faster than random sampling on both datasets. Analysis of feature importance of the trained machine learning models suggests active learning had a larger influence on the model accuracy when only a few features were important for the model prediction

    Using Active Learning to Develop Machine Learning Models for Reaction Yield Prediction

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    Computer aided synthesis planning is a rapidly growing field for suggesting synthetic routes for molecules of interest. The methods used are usually dependent on access to large datasets for training, but with a finite experimental budget there are limitations on how much data can be obtained from experiments. Active learning, which has been used in recent studies with success, is a strategy to identify which data points impact model accuracy the most. However, little has been done to explore the robustness of the methods predicting reaction yield. This study aims to investigate the influence of machine learning algorithms and the number of initial data points on reaction yield prediction for two public high-throughput experimentation datasets. Our results show that active learning based on output margin reached a pre-defined accuracy (AUROC) faster than using passive learning. Feature importance analysis of the trained machine learning models suggested active learning had larger influence on the model accuracy when only a few features were important for the model prediction