2 research outputs found

    Connection Between the Course of Neurodermitis and Oral Focus Finding

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    U radu je opisan slučaj bolesnice koja boluje od neurodermitisa i u koje je potvrđen nalaz oralnoga fokusa. Pogoršanje tijeka neurodermitisa koincidiralo je s otkrićem oralnoga fokusa, a nakon eliminacije oralnoga fokusa stanje neurodermitisa se je poboljšalo.A case of a patient suffering from neurodermitis, and with a finding of oral focus is described. The worsening of neurodermitis was concomitant with a finding of oral focus. After elimination of the focus, neurodermitis regressed from the severe form

    Connection Between the Course of Neurodermitis and Oral Focus Finding

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    U radu je opisan slučaj bolesnice koja boluje od neurodermitisa i u koje je potvrđen nalaz oralnoga fokusa. Pogoršanje tijeka neurodermitisa koincidiralo je s otkrićem oralnoga fokusa, a nakon eliminacije oralnoga fokusa stanje neurodermitisa se je poboljšalo.A case of a patient suffering from neurodermitis, and with a finding of oral focus is described. The worsening of neurodermitis was concomitant with a finding of oral focus. After elimination of the focus, neurodermitis regressed from the severe form