22 research outputs found
Pembinaan rohani Islam dapat menyadarkan dan menumbuhkan semangat hidup untuk menjadi manusia yang baik serta untuk bermuhasabah kepada Allah SWT. ada beberapa tahanan dan narapidana Rumah Tahanan Negara Kelas IIB Ponorogo yang merasakan cemas, gelisah, dan menderita maka untuk mengatasi hal ini mutlak di berikan pembinaan kerohanian Islam. Hasil dari pembinaan kerohanian Islam ini akan membentuk jiwa yang lebih religius.Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain fenomenologi dan metode deskriptifAdapun rumusan masalah yang ingin dikaji adalah: 1. Bagaimana bentuk kegiatan pembinaan kerohanian Islam di rumah tahanan Ponorogo ? 2. Bagaimana sikap narapidana dalam mengikuti pembinaan kerohanian Islam di rumah tahanan Ponorogo ? 3. Apakah hasil kegiatan kerohanian Islam terhadap perubahan perilaku narapidana ? Kesimpulan: 1) Bentuk kegiatan pembinaan kerohanian Islam meliputi: Pembelajaran al-Qur’an, Pengajian, Praktek shalat atau bimbingan sholat wajib dan sunnah dan Istighosah atau doa bersama. 2) Sikap tahanan dan narapidana dalam mengikuti pembinaan kerohanian Islam ada tahanan yang peduli dengan sekitarnya. 3) Hasil pembinaan kerohanian Islam terhadap perubahan perilaku tahanan dan narapidana di Rumah Tahanan Negara Kelas II B Ponorogo banyak yang mendapat hidayah, banyak hikmah, sadar diri, tidak mengulangi kesalahan.
Kata Kunci: Pembinaan, Kerohanian Islam Hidu
Pola Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Pada Siswa Tuna Rungu Wicara di SDLB Negeri Punung Pacitan
Sekarang ini sekolah atau lembaga pendidikan untuk anak berkebutuhan khusus masih sangat minim, terbukti sekolah atau lembaga ini biasa dijumpai di tengah-tengah kota saja. Fakta menunjukkan bahwa, masih banyak anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus kurang mendapat perhatian. Sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam pada siswa tunarungu wicara di SDLB Negeri Punung Pacitan tahun pelajaran dan bagaimana implikasi pembelajaran pendidikan sikap keagamaan pada siswa tunarungu wicara di SDLB Negeri Punung Pacitan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SDLB Negeri Punung Pacitan menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Tehnik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Pola pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam pada siswa tunarungu wicara di SDLB Negeri Punung Pacitan dilaksanakan mulai dari pemetaan, penyajian materi dan latihan. Proses pelaksanaan pola pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam pada siswa tunarungu wicara di SDLB Negeri Punung Pacitan mulai dari komunikasi, keaktifan siswa, kesesuaian dengan RPP dan hasil belajar. Implikasi pembelajaran pendidikan sikap beragamaan pada siswa tunarungu wicara di SDLB Negeri Punung Pacitan ada empat bentuk yaitu iman, ibadah akhlak, dan amaliah
Peran Madrasah Diniyah dalam Pembinaan Akhlakul Karimah di Madrasah Diniyah Manba'ul Ulum Dukuh Sekuwung, Kedungbanteng Ponorogo
Madrasah Diniyah Manba'ul Ulum in Dukuh Sekuwung, Kedungbanteng, Ponorogo, plays a significant role in fostering the moral character (akhlakul karimah) of its students through various religious programs. The background of this study highlights the importance of moral education in shaping the character of the younger generation based on Islamic values. The aim of this research is to identify and analyze the moral development programs implemented in the madrasah, the role of teachers in this process, and the impact of these programs on student behavior. This study employs a qualitative descriptive method, utilizing data collection techniques such as observation, interviews, and documentation. The findings indicate that the moral development programs, including religious studies, prayer memorization, and social activities, have successfully enhanced students' religious awareness, discipline, and social responsibility. The role of teachers as role models, mentors, and advisors is crucial in shaping students' character. Additionally, the study identifies several supporting factors such as a conducive school environment and teacher commitment, while also noting challenges such as limited facilities and parental support. The conclusion of this research is that Madrasah Diniyah Manba'ul Ulum effectively contributes to the moral development of its students, although improvements in certain areas are needed to achieve more optimal results
Kritik Nalar Kausalitas dan Pengetahuan David Hume
This research aims at explaining David Hume’s logical critique of causality and knowledge. As library research, the method used is descriptive-qualitative. Data and data sources were obtained from his important works Why Cause is Always A Need and A Treatise of Human Nature and several secondary literatures on causality. The data was carried out through documentation, started by the researcher documenting Hume's thoughts, especially criticism of the law of causality (cause-effect) and knowledge of both of Hume's primary works. The study results explained that Hume criticized the performance of the law of causality, which explained that the existence of a second essence and after it was an impact or certainty of the first essence. The second essential is the consequence and legitimacy of the first one. According to Hume, it cannot serve empirically as the law of causality occurs because the sequential process is stagnant. Hume's skepticism and doubts over dogmatic and metaphysical matters then affect that all knowledge can only be explored with the five senses and is empirical. All irrational and non-empirical characteristics cannot be attributed to a belief and truth. In conclusion, real truths in knowledge are those that can be investigated empirically.
Keywords: Causality, Hume, Knowledge, The five senses.
Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan kritik nalar kausalitas dan pengetahuan David Hume. Sebagai penelitian pustaka, metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-kualitatif. Data dan sumber data didapat dari karya-karya Why Cause is Always Necessary dan A Treatise of Human Nature serta literatur-literatur sekunder yang berkaitan dengan tema kausalitas. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dokumentasi, yaitu peneliti mendokumentasikan pemikiran-pemikiran Hume terutama kritik atas hukum kausalitas (sebab-akibat) dan pengetahuan dari kedua karya primer Hume tersebut. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa Hume melakukan kritik atas kinerja hukum kausalitas yang menjelaskan bahwa adanya esensi kedua dan setelahnya merupakan dampak atau keniscayaan atas esensi pertama. Esensi kedua merupakan akibat dan legitimasi dari esensi pertama. Hal demikian yang menurut Hume tidak dapat dijelaskan secara empiris. Menurutnya, hukum kausalitas itu terjadi karena proses keterurutan secara stagnan. Sikap skeptis dan ragu-ragu Hume atas perihal yang sifatnya dogmatis dan metafisik membawa dampak bahwa segala pengetahuan hanya bisa digali dengan panca inderawi dan bersifat empiris. Semua perihal yang sifatnya irasional dan tidak empiris tidak dapat dinisbatkan pada suatu keyakinan dan kebenaran. Pada akhirnya, kebenaran sejati dalam pengetahuan adalah yang dapat diselidiki secara empiris.
Kata kunci: Hume, Kausalitas, Pengetahuan, Panca Inder
Upaya Transformasi Pendidikan Islam Berdasarkan Paradigma dan Filosofinya
This study aims to determine the paradigm of Islamic education based on a philosophical approach. By using the literature review method through steps; editing, organizing, and research findings, this study yields findings that the transformation of Islamic education based on its paradigm and philosophy can be done in the first way, striving to standardize basic values ​​that are maintained and conveyed in an authoritative (conservative) manner, assuming that the participants have not been able or immature, in other words he is a beginner. Secondly, the liberal and moderate changes in attitudes, character and intellectuality as liberal groups, with the assumption that students are mature, both physically and intellectually. And thirdly, the fundamental effort to change structure is fundamentally, both social, economic and political as a group of critics, with the assumption that students are those who are mature and well-established both intellectually and emotionally.
Keywords: transformation, Islamic education, paradigm, philosophy
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui paradigm pendidikan Islam berdasarkan pendekatan filosofis. Dengan menggunakan metode kajian pustaka melalui langkah-langkah; editing, organizing, dan penemuan hasil research, penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa transformasi pendidikan Islam berdasarkan paradigm dan filosofinya dapat dilakukan dengan cara Pertama, pengupayaan pembakuan nilai dasar yang dipertahankan dan yang disampaikan secara otoritatif (konservatif), dengan asumsi bahwa peserta dididk belum mampu atau belum dewasa, dengan kata lain ia adalah pemula. Kedua, pengupayaan perubahan sikap, watak dan intelektualsecara liberal dan moderat sebagaimana kelompok liberal, dengan asumsi bahwa peserta didik sudah dewasa, baik fisik maupun intelektual. Dan ketiga pengupayaan perubahan struktur secara mendasar secara mendasar, baik sosial , ekonomi maupun plitik sebagaimana kelompok kritisme, dengan asumsi bahwa peserta didik adalah mereka yang telah matang dan mapan baik intelektual maupun emosinya.
Kata Kunci: transformasi, pendidikan Islam, paradigma, filosof
Penerapan Metode Taqriri Dalam Menghafal Al-Qur'an Pada Santri Madrasah Dinniyah
The taqriri method, which is a learning technique based on repetition and confirmation of material, is expected to improve students' understanding and learning outcomes in the context of religious education. This research aims to analyze the implementation of the taqriri method on the learning outcomes of students at Madin Syekh Subaqir Sukorejo Ponorogo. This research used a qualitative approach by conducting direct interviews with 3 teachers and 15 students in grades 3 and 4 of TPQ Sheikh Subakir Sukorejo Ponorogo. The data collection technique used was through direct interviews and also conducting observations at TPQ Sheikh Subakir Sukorejo Ponorogo. The results of the research show that the application of the taqriri method has a positive effect on improving student learning outcomes, which is indicated by significant improvements in grades and understanding of teaching material. These findings suggest that the taqriri method should be widely applied in the learning process to improve the quality of education in these institutions, Applying this method to learning to memorize the Al-Qur'an will be more impressive and easier for students, making it easier for students to memorize the Al-Qur'an
M. Iqbal Suyudi. Correlation Between Organizational Citizenship Behavior With Job Performance on Employees PT Metro Pos Jakarta. Skripsi, Jakarta: Concentration of Office Administration Study Program of Economics Education, Department Economics Administration, Faculty of Economic, State University of Jakarta, 2012.
The purpose of this research is to detect correlation between organizational citizenship behavior with job performance on employees PT Metro Pos Jakarta. The research is done during for three months since February until Mei 2012. The method of research is survey method with correlation approach. The population research was all of employees with total 154 employees and just limited at officer staff with toatal 71 employees, and 58 employees for sampling and used proportional random sampling. Instrument that used to get variable data X (Organizational Citizenship Behavior) measured by questionnaire using Likert Scale. For Variable Y (Job Performanc) was also measured using Likert Scale. The analysis test by finding regression equation, that is Y= 44,52 + 0,363X, while analysis rules test that is test normalitas while analysis rules test that is test normalitas regression estimation error Y on X with test liliefors got L hitung0,106 < Ltabel 0,116, matters this means sample comes from population normal
distribution. Significancy test and regression linearity by using analysis table varians (anava) got regression similarity F hitung 19,27 > Ftabel 4,08 that declare regression very mean with regression linearity test that produce Fhitung 0,997 < Ftabel 1,91 that show that regression model that used linear. Correlation coefficient hypothesis test is done with formula product moment produce rxy as big as 0,506. Significancy test with t hitung as big as 4,39 dan ttabel 1,67. Because tcount < ttabel, from watchfulness result so researcher can conclude that found connection significant between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Job Performance on employee PT Metro Pos Jakarta. Determination coefficient test produces KD as big as 25,60%. So can be taken conclusion found which are positive connection and significant between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Job Performance
The Correlation Between IL-1β and IL-10 Levels in Estimating the Risk of Febrile Seizures
Febrile seizures are the most common forms of seizures in children with fever. A data from clinical and experimental studies suggest the potential role of immune generate products in their genesis. The balance between proinflammatory (IL-1β) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokines influences the regulation of infections and plays a role in the pathogenesis of febrile seizures. In existing literature, there is no research on the correlation between IL-1β and IL-10 levels as well as the ratio of IL-1β to IL-10 in estimating the risk of febrile seizures in seizure prone children aged between 3 months and 5 years. In this study, IL-1β, IL-10 levels and ratio of IL-1β to IL-10 in the risk of febrile seizures were investigated, and respondents were divided into three groups: febrile seizures, febrile without seizures and healthy children without histories of febrile seizure. This study has used A cross-sectional design, and each group had 17 co-respondents. IL-1β and IL-10 levels were measured by ELISA. Data were analyzed by SPSS 15. Findings showed there were significant differences between IL-1β and IL-10 as well as in the ratio of IL-1β to IL-10 between febrile seizure patients and healthy children. It was concluded that there were significant correlations between IL-1β and IL-10 levels as well as IL-1β to IL-10 ratios in estimating the risk of febrile seizures
The Qur'an is a guide for Muslims throughout the world, and they must learn it. Educating children to learn the Qur'an should begin as early as possible so that they can better grasp the Qur'an, with no exceptions for children with special needs, such as those with intellectual disabilities, who also have the right to academic and religious education. In general, there are still many children who cannot read the Qur'an. Therefore, this research aims to find out the implementation process, evaluation system, and implications of the application of the tilawati model in learning the Qur'an for children with intellectual disabilities at the Special School of the Foundation for the Development of Disabled Children (YPAC) Surabaya. This study employs a qualitative approach and descriptive method using a descriptive-qualitative research design. The research findings reveal that the process of integrating the tilawati paradigm in learning the Qur'an for children with intellectual disabilities at YPAC Surabaya Special School is carried out in one class with normal children, but is taught differently considering that learning for children with intellectual disabilities takes a long time. Regarding teaching methods, the learning process for these children is carried out by applying classical and individual methods