277 research outputs found
Analisis Beberapa Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penanaman Modal Asing pada Industri Manufaktur di Jawa Timur
The foreign investor into East Java is expected to fulfill the requirement of capital as well as the incentive in defraying development besides cultivation of domestic capital in production process especially in industrial sector of manufacture. Reason selecting of foreign investment at industry of manufacture become research object because foreign investment at industry of manufacture natural growth is fluctuative. This research aims to identify the influence of Amount of Industry, Domestic Product of Regional Bruto, Foreign Currency Rate, and Inflation to Foreign Investment. Secondary data is used and is taken in range time of 15 years. Doubled linear regression Analysis is used to analyze the research's data. Result of doubled linier regression analysis indicated that the amount of industry of manufacture, domestic product bruto regional, foreign currency rate and inflation have an effect on foreign investment at industry of manufacture simultaneously. While result which is examined by partial variable amount of industry of manufacture domestic product and regional bruto does not have influence which significant to foreign investment at industry of manufacture, result of examination by partial foreign currency rate variable and inflation have influence which is significant to foreign investment at industry of manufacture
Perubahan Pola Pencaharian Nafkah dalam Kaitannya dengan Persepsi Masyarakat Pedalaman terhadap Pendidikan
: Changes in subsistence patterns in relation to the perception of rural communities towards education. This study aims to describe the pattern of subsistence in rural communities before and after roads and bridges built, and a shift in the perception of rural communities towards education before and after the construction of infrastructure. The phenomenological perspective qualitative research was conducted on Bakumpai people in Tumbang Samba Central Kalimantan. Data collection techniques include in-depth interviews and participatory observation. The study found that after roads and bridges were built, the people did not anymore work in illegal logging, illegal gold mining, in Prau Kelotok, but they changed working in the field of travelling, transportation of goods, trade, agriculture and horticulture, freshwater (rivers) fisheries, and other services; there was a growing awareness in public perception that children need to be more intelligent and being educated in higher school level to seek knowledge in the hope of being useful person to the society, the nation, and the country
Supplementation of Sapindus Rarak and Garlic Extract in Feed Containing Adequate Cr, Se, and Zn on Rumen Fermentation
The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of Sapindus rarak extract (SRE) with or without garlic extract (GE) on in vitro ruminal fementation. This research was conducted experimentally with a randomized block design, with 7 treatments and 5 blocks. The treatments were: R0: dairy cow feed; R1: R0 + 1.5 ppm Cr + 0.3 ppm Se + 40 ppm Zn; R2: R1 + 1.8 g/kg methanol extract of lerak fruit meal (SRE); R3: R2 + 0.25 ppm of garlic extract (GE); R4: R2 + 0.50 ppm of GE; R5: R2 + 0.75 ppm of GE; R6: R2 +1.0 ppm of GE. The results showed that the supplementation of SRE alone or without GE did not affect the pH, however, it decreased crude fiber digestibility. The supplementations of SRE and GE, decreased crude fibre digestibility as much as 13.01% up to 16.6%. The supplementation of 1.8 g/kg SRE + 0.25 ppm GE in the dairy cattle diet was able to decrease ace-tate, protozoal population and increase propionate. The supplementation of 1.8 g/kg SRE and 0.25 ppm garlic represents the best combination for dairy cattle feed in improving ruminal fermentation based on feed digestibility, fermentation products, and rumen bacterial population
Diskriminasi Gender dalam Kebijakan Pesantren
Pondok pesantren Al Muhamad Cepu sebagai lembaga pendidikan Islam yang bercorak salaf dan modern tidak menutup kemungkinan terdapat beberapa kebijakan yang masih di anggap diskriminatif terhadap kesetaraan gender contoh kasus kebijakan seperti adanya penekanan dan memperketat peraturan pada santri putri pada saat izin keluar, dengan alasan menjaga untuk tidak terjadi hubungan ghoiru muhrim (lawan jenis), ruang relasi gender terasa sangat minim sekali di pesantren ini, mengutip pernyataan omid safi bahwa kesetaraan dan keadilan gender harus diberikan kepada kaum wanita bukan sebagai hadiah atau belas kasihan, melainkan mereka adalah bagian dari umat manusia yang memang memiliki hak melekat atas semua yang semestinya mereka dapatkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memahami secara mendalam kondisi pesantren Al Muhamad Cepu yang menimbulkan perlakuan diskriminatif terhadap santri putri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan instrument kunci adalah peneliti sendiri. Sedangkan dalam proses pengumpulan datanya peneliti menggunakan alat bantu instrument yaitu berupa lembaran catatan data, tape recorder, foto, dan instrumen lain yang terkait dengan kebutuhan peneliti. Penelitian ini memberikan kesimpulan bahwa di pondok pesantren Al Muhamad Cepu telah berjalan sebuah peraturan yang baik untuk membentuk pribadi disiplin dengan harapan alumninya akan menjadi insan yang berbudi luhur dan berakhlaqul karimah, karena pesantren bertindak dan berfungsi sebagai bengkel moral. Tetapi apabila dilihat dengan kacamata kesetaraan gender pedoman pengasuh yang masih normatif dan bersifat universal seperti tidak melanggar molimo dan memiliki azas manfaat yang dijadikan landasan oleh pengurus keamanan santri putri. penafsiran dan pengejawantahannya di lapangan masih cenderung bersifat patriarkhi, dengan bukti adanya perbedaan peraturan antara santri putri dengan santri putra dalam hal urusan keluar pesantren. Pesantren putri lebih terasa diperketat daripada pesantren putra, pesantren putri lebih sulit untuk menjalin relasi di luar sedangkan pesantren putra bebas
Studi Perilaku Harian Monyet Ekor Panjang ( Macaca Fascicularis ) di Pulau Tinjil
Long-tailed monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) has wide area deployment. They are social animals that interact each other. The purpose of this study was to determine the long-tailed monkey daily activities (Macaca fascicularis) that live around the base camp on the Tinjil Island Banten . The method used for observation of daily activities using scan sampling. Most done activity from this research is foraging. The percentage of daily activity are fo: 43.45% foraging; move 22.96%; silent 12.59%; Grooming 10%; playing 5.92%; agonistic 3.70%; sleep 1.38%
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