5 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analyse the institutional capacity of provincial governments of West-Java and East-Java on e-government in Indonesia in order to provide lessons learned for the government in developing e-government institutions. It uses a qualitative method with a case study approach to explore the implementation of e-government in local governments. This research focuses on five dimensions of the action environment, public sector institutions, task networks, organizations and human resources, and the Chief Information Officer (CIO). The results showed that, the action environment dimension of each region has different social and economic profiles so that the literacy level of the population in responding to e-government also varies. For the second and third dimensions, unlike the East Java province, the West Java province has specific rules and procedures as well as clear standards and planning related to e-government. Yet, the West Java province has not determined particular regulation on task and duty of its Office of Communication and Information. The aspect of the human resource dimension shows that the professional ICT group has not yet been fulfilled and there are still many positions related to IT are occupied by those who have no IT background. With regard to CIOs, only West Java province that has specific rules regarding CIOs

    Responding to climate change: policy integration and the Indonesian forestry sector

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    Literature on the integration of cross-cutting issues, or policy integration, has given little attention to how policy-making processes allow for policy integration as well as present barriers. There is also little evidence of how sectoral ministries respond to crosscutting issues and in what way they are affected by pressure to address such issues, including those promoted by ‘competing’ agencies. Climate change presents a significant and important issue for integration into many areas of public policy. Many government ministries and departments are tasked with responding to climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives. Forestry is a key sector in building a response to climate change and so an investigation into how policy-makers and policy-making processes have responded to climate change can shed light on the integration of cross-cutting issues. The thesis reports on investigation into how the Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia, has responded to climate change and into the organisational arrangements developed in the response to climate change. The research developed an innovative framework for the analysis of policy integration, generating conclusions in relation to the policy process, organisational arrangements and the influence of key actors, including policy champions and boundary spanners

    Modul Pelatihan Dasar Calon PNS: Whole Of Goverument

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    iii,60p.:ills.; 21 c

    Efektifkah Pelaksanaan Penjaminan Mutu Melalui Akreditasi Lembaga Pelatihan Pemerintah di Indonesia?

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    The implementation of ASN competency development is closely related to the quality of education and training provided by the Educational Institution (Lemdik). The National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) as the agency assigned the task of fostering the implementation of education and training for ASN employees has conducted quality assurance to ensure the implementation quality of the education and training. Even though quality assurance has been carried out routinely, training problems still arise. This study aims to analyze the implementation of accreditation as a quality assurance process carried out by Educational Institutions. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques through document review, FGDs, and in-depth interviews. The results of the study showed that the implementation of accreditation has not been able to portray aspects of leadership and organizational commitment as part of quality assurance. The results of the study found that the fulfillment of data and information in the implementation of accreditation had not been carried out routinely. From these findings, the results of the study recommended that the quality assurance process must be viewed from the management cycle. Besides, there also needs an improvement in data and information management systems. Keywords: State Civil Apparatus (ASN), Quality Management, Accreditation, Competency Development Abstrak Pelaksanaan pengembangan kompetensi ASN berkaitan erat dengan kualitas penyelenggaraan diklat yang diberikan oleh Lembaga Pendidikan (Lemdik). Lembaga Administrasi Negara (LAN) sebagai instansi yang diberikan tugas dalam membina pelaksanaan pendidikan dan pelatihan pegawai ASN telah melakukan penjaminan mutu untuk menjamin kualitas penyelenggaraan diklat. Meskipun penjaminan mutu telah dilaksanakan secara rutin, tetapi permasalahan diklat masih sering muncul. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pelaksanaan akreditasi sebagai proses penjaminan mutu yang dilakukan oleh lemdik. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui telaah dokumen dengan memanfaatkan berbagai dokumen terkait proses akreditasi tahun 2019, FGD, dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan akreditasi belum mampu memotret aspek kepemimpinan dan juga komitmen organisasi sebagai bagian dari penyelenggaraan penjaminan mutu. Hasil kajian menemukan pemenuhan data dan informasi dalam pelaksanaan akreditasi belum dilakukan secara rutin sehingga menyebabkan data dan informasi yang diberikan cenderung disiapkan hanya untuk keperluan akreditasi. Dari dua temuan ini, hasil kajian merekomendasikan bahwa proses penjaminan kualitas harus dilihat dari siklus manajemen, serta perlu penambahan data dan informasi yang mencerminkan aspek kepemimpinan, integritas dan komitmen pegawai. Selain itu, perlu ada perbaikan sistem pengelolaan data dan informasi untuk menjamin bahwa data yang diunggah benar-benar mencerminkan aktivitas dan penjaminan kualitas di setiap tahapan. Kata kunci: ASN, Manajemen Mutu, Akreditasi, Pengembangan Kompetens