2 research outputs found

    Adherence to Guidelines for Adult (Non-GIST) Soft Tissue Sarcoma in the Netherlands: A Plea for Dedicated Sarcoma Centers

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    Introduction: Optimal management of soft tissue sarcoma (STS) remains a challenge. A nationwide survey assessed the quality of STS care in the Netherlands, thereby aiming to identify potentialities for improvement through more centralized disease management. Methods: From the Netherlands Cancer Registry (NCR), data were obtained on 3317 adult STS patients (excluding gastrointestinal stromal tumor, GIST) diagnosed in 2006–2011. Logistic regression models were employed to compare outcomes on selected clinical indicators reflecting prevailing STS guidelines between high-volume (≥10 resections annually) and low-volume (<10 resections) hospitals, between academic and general hospitals, and between sarcoma research centers and other hospitals, adjusted for case mix. Analyses were performed on imputed datasets (m = 50), generated through multiple imputations by chained equations. Results: Overall, 89% of patients underwent surgical resection. Resection status remained unknown in 24% (excluding those with metastasized disease), and grade was not documented for one-third of tumors. Microscopic residual disease was detected in 20% with an increased risk for older patients, larger and deeply located tumors, and those located in the (retro)peritoneum or upper extremity. Almost half of patients with an R1 resection re

    A single digital droplet PCR assay to detect multiple KIT exon 11 mutations in tumor and plasma from patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors

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    __Background:__ Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are characterized by oncogenic KIT mutations that cluster in two exon 11 hotspots. The aim of this study was to develop a single, sensitive, quantitative digital droplet PCR (ddPCR) assay for the detection of common exon 11 mutations in both GIST tumor tissue and in circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) isolated from GIST patients' plasma. __Methods:__ A ddPCR assay was designed using two probes that cover both hotspots. Available archival FFPE tumor tissue from 27 consecutive patients with known KIT exon 11 mutations and 9 randomly selected patients without exon 11 mutations were tested. Plasma samples were prospectively collected in a multicenter bio-databank from December 2014. ctDNA was analyzed of 22 patients with an exon 11 mutation and a baseline plasma sample. __Results:__ The ddPCR assay detected the exon 11 mutation in 21 of 22 tumors with exon 11 mutations covered by the assay. Mutations in ctDNA were detected at baseline in 13 of 14 metastasized patien