9 research outputs found


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    Changes in the interaction between humans and technology have begun. The existence of technological developments cannot be separated from changes in the pattern of public transactions, which were initially traditional systems into digital systems. This research looks at the factors influencing user repurchase intentions, such as TAM factors and technology attributes, which are very important. This is quantitative research using SEM-PLS. The results showed that the variable Trust mediates the relationship between Security and Privacy Concerns on Repurchase Intention. E-Satisfaction mediates the relationship between Ease of Use, Security, and Privacy Concerns on Repurchase Intention. This research is a form of development of the TAM, which was carried out in Surabaya, so it does not reach all parts of Indonesia. This is because digital payments have not been used evenly, so the results obtained have not projected the acceptance behavior of the Indonesian people as a whole

    The Role of Product Quality and Price Perception in affecting Purchase Decision (Study on Milkmo Product)

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    This research aims to analyze the role of product quality and price perception in affecting purchase decision. The object of this study is Milkmo, which is a startup business that offers milk-based drink coated with chocolate syrup. This research distributes as many as 97 questionnaires to majority of male and female respondents aged 15 to 25 years old, using purposive sampling method. This research uses quantitative method by using multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that product quality and the perception of each price have significant effect on purchase decision of Milkmo product, therefore all hypotheses were upheld. This implies that the business owner should improve the quality of the product and set the price of the product carefully so they would not be rivaled by their competitors


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    The number of online fraud is increasing in Indonesia, the main cause is customers who are tempted by low prices, so many online sellers are trying to increase consumer confidence by providing clear and complete information on their online stores. Through the Elaboration Likelihood Model theory, it will be seen whether customers prioritize emotions that will be represented by price sensitivity or affections represented by information transparency. This study aims to examine whether there is an influence between price sensitivity, information transparency, and buying interest for luxury goods. The object of this research is prospective buyers from AuthenticStoreSby. The sample collection method uses a purposive sampling of 130 people, which will be distributed online to Authenticstoresby followers in Indonesia. The SPSS application is used for multiple linear analysis of this study. The results of this study are price sensitivity and information transparency have a significant influence on consumer buying interest in luxury goods. However, information transparency does not significantly influence price sensitivity in luxury goods

    Leader-Member Exchange Paradigm in RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang

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    Research aims: The study was conducted to discuss the phenomenon of destructive leadership, cynicism, and employee performance that occurred at Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang Hospital. The purpose of this study is to look at the effect of destructive leadership on employee performance, the effect of cynicism on employee performance, and the moderation effect of cynicism on destructive leadership and employee performance at Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang Hospital.Design/Methodology/Approach: This study employed a partial least square (PLS) multivariate statistical technique. Sampling used a saturated sampling method, and the respondents were all employees of the Finance Department from 50 hospitals. The Likert scale was utilized as a measurement tool for the questionnaire.Research findings: This study's results indicated that the destructive leadership variable positively and significantly influenced the employee performance variable. Based on the questionnaire results, it was known that Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang Hospital’s employee performance had a positive nature in responding to the existence of destructive leadership so that performance was maintained.Theoretical contribution/Originality: Companies can develop strategies to anticipate destructive leadership and weaken cynicism because both attitudes can impact employee performance.Practitioner/Policy implication: This research is expected to provide insight into leaders’ and employees' behavior regarding the phenomenon of destructive leadership and cynicism to improve employee performance because companies with a positive culture can undoubtedly make employees comfortable so that they will do work optimally.Research limitation/Implication: This research’s implication shows that the employees’ behavior in Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang Hospital was very good because employees could show positive attitudes even with pressures, such as destructive leadership and cynicism


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    Kebersihan sebuah universitas mencerminkan upaya lembaga pendidikan tinggi tersebut untuk menjaga agar kegiatan belajar mengajar berlangsung dengan baik, karena kebersihan semua sarana dan prasarana sangat mendukung proses pembelajaran  Gedung universitas yang terjaga kebersihannya akan menjadi tempat belajar yang nyaman bagi mahasiswa dan tempat bekerja yang menyenangkan bagi staf dan dosen, yang pada gilirannya akan memberikan kontribusi optimal bagi nusa dan bangsa.  Di Universitas Ciputra, hal tersebut tidak mudah diwujudkan, namun tenaga petugas kebersihan sebagai garda terdepan mengemban tugas untuk melakukan dan menjaga kebersihan, mereka tetap harus dapat melakukan tugas tersebut dengan baik. Berdasarkan wawancara dan observasi, umumnya para petugas kebersihan diberikan pelatihan dasar secara singkat saat bergabung dan selanjutnya bekerja secara langsung di lapangan dengan pengawasan seorang team leader, dan mereka belum memiliki pengetahuan lebih jauh mengenai sanitasi dan higiene lingkungan. Atas dasar hal tersebut maka dilaksanakan sebuah kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan sanitasi dan higiene lingkungan, kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja bagi petugas kebersihan di Universitas Ciputra, agar mereka dapat melakukan tugasnya dengan lebih baik. Pelatihan ini bekerjasama dengan mitra Property Management Universitas Ciputra sebagai penghubung dan pengatur terselenggaranya pelatihan bagi  Cleaning Service di Universitas Ciputra.  Metode yang digunakan adalah model pelatihan kepada para petugas kebersihan dengan mengukur sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan dilakukan. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan sanitasi dan higiene lingkungan, kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja  petugas tenaga kebersihan di lembaga pendidikan tinggi setelah mengikuti pelatihan sebesar 17 persen terutama dalam hal pengetahuan secara teori mengenai sanitasi dan higiene lingkungan, kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja.  Kata kunci: cleaning service, higienis, professionalitas, sanitas, Universitas Ciputra

    New value creation and family business sustainability: Identification of an intergenerational conflict resolution strategy

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    Unresolved tensions frequently lead to the failure of family businesses. Parents and their children should be able to work together to resolve protracted problems. This study intends to explore the intergenerational conflict resolution strategy in an effort to develop new family business values and ensure the sustainability of family enterprises. The respondents in this study were 152 family business owners in Eastern Indonesia. The analysis used is PLS-SEM. The results of this study indicate that creating new value requires three intergenerational conflict resolution strategies: intergenerational collaboration, accommodation, and forcing. The results of this study also show that a family business that is able to create new value will be able to have an impact on the sustainability of the family business. This study contributes to the Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode approach, wherein the Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode instrument method leads to the creation of new values and sustainability in family enterprises

    Analisis Product Differentiation, Price Decisions, Product Quality Terhadap Kuatnya Motif Repeat Purchase (Studi Kasus Pada Bisnis Ayam Geprek Silemu)

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    Persaingan bisnis dibidang food & beverage yang semakin kompetitif membuat pelaku bisnis harus memberikan nilai tambah pada produk dan bisnisnya. Hal ini digunakan untuk menciptakan konsumen baru maupun mempertahankan pelanggan untuk melakukan pembelian ulang. Penelitian ini digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan produk, keputusan harga dan kualitas produk terhadap pembelian ulang pada konsumen Ayam Geprek Silemu. Data survei dikumpulkan dari 117 konsumen Ayam Geprek Silemu dan dianalisis menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan analisis Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Product Differentiation, Price Decisions dan Product Quality berpengaruh signifikan secara parsial maupun simultan terhadap Repeat Purchase. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada pengumpulan data primer dan interpretasinya

    Pelatihan Pembelajaran Berbasis E-Learning dengan Platform Learning Management System (LMS) di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Ciputra

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    Pendampingan dan pelatihan pembuatan dan penggunaan E-Learning bertujuan untuk menciptakan inovasi pembelajaran yang berkelanjutan di era industry 4.0. E-Learning merupakan salah satu inovasi teknologi yang dikombinasikan dengan pembelajaran berbasis student center learning. Metode pelaksanaan pendampingan dan pelatihan diawali dengan observasi awal kebutuhan Dosen dan Mahasiswa, tahap selanjutnya adalah sosialisasi awal dan pengantar pembelajaran daring. Tahap ke tiga dan keempat adalah pelatihan penggunaan hingga pengoperasian LMS Moodle. Hasil dari pelatihan ini adalah peserta pelatihan, dalam hal ini Dosen, sudah mempunyai akun E-Learning melalui platform LMS Moodle. Selain itu Dosen dapat membuat dan meng unggah materi, penugasan, kuis, dan hasil evaluasi secara online di LMS Moodle. Dosen juga dapat mengolah hasil nilai dengan menjadikan hasil penilaian sebagai evaluasi pada semester berikutny

    Cynicism and Organizational Change Capabilities as a Predictor for the Project Performance of Ciputra University Students

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    This study discusses cynicism that affects Organizational Change Capabilities on changes in Change Performance in the business start-up project of Ciputra University students. Data collection techniques used in this study used a questionnaire distributed to fellow students who have business projects and at least have a CEO and 2 (two) members. Sampling was carried out with the saturated sampling method and produced 95 questionnaires that were feasible for analysis. In examining the phenomenon of cynicism, in the ability of organizations to organizational performance, this study uses a multilevel analysis technique with a unit analysis unit for start-up project teams. Because the data collected is divided into two levels, the team level (data from the CEO) to assess organizational capability (OCC) & organizational performance (CP) and individual level (data from project members) to assess organizational capability (OCC) & cynicism (Cynicism), then an aggregation of data from individual levels is carried out so that the data can be analyzed at the same level. This research is expected to provide insight and learning to business start-up projects of Ciputra University cynicism (Cynicism) students that affect organizational capability (Organizational Change Capabilities) on changes in organizational performance (Change Performance) in running a business. The results of this study indicate that the organizational ability variable (OCC) influences organizational performance (CP) and if cynicism variable (Cynicism) moderate organizational capability (OCC) then the effect will increasingly affect organizational performance (CP).Keyword:Cynicism, Organizational Change Capabilities, Change Performance, Aggregation, Moderation