873 research outputs found
Studies on Silage-Making : On the Effect of Some Additives
The author has already published a few reports on the silage-making with some additives. In this paper the result of experiments carried on with 'Shochukasu' (lees of a distilled spirit made from sweet potatoes), starch feed (a by-product in starch manufacture), urea and A.I.V. acid will be reported. (1) A 7 : 3 mixture of white clover and wild plants was respectively preserved either with 'Shochukasu' or with starch feed as additives (cf. Table 1). Investigations on organic acids, the pH value, and the chemical composition of the silages, palatability to live-stock and on nutrient losses during the storage were made, and it was recognized that 'Shochukasu' and starch feed were effective as the additives to the silage-making. The ensiling may be expected as an effective preservation method of 'Shochukasu' itself. The silage prepared with 'Shochukasu' added at the rate of 43 per cent of the green plant seemed to be the most palatable feed to various amimals (cf. Table 4). (2) The use of the amount of 1 per cent of urea in silage-making with the sweet potato and rice bran (80 : 20) seemed to be harmless and the resulting silage was palatable to ruminants ; it had the following properties : pH 4.3, free lactic acid content 2.02, acetic acid content 0.53 and butyric acid content 0 per cent. And sweet potato vine silage prepared with the amount of 1 per cent of urea did not contain butyric acid either. (3) The teosinte silage prepared according to A.I.V. method had very good quality : pH 3.5, lactic acid content 1.58, acetic acid content 0.29 and butyric acid content 0 per cent. The nutrient losses in fermentation process were only 4 per cent in dry matter and 5 per cent in organic matter
Imaging of the fluorescence spectrum of a single fluorescent molecule by prism-based spectroscopy
AbstractWe have devised a novel method to visualize the fluorescence spectrum of a single fluorescent molecule using prism-based spectroscopy. Equiping a total internal reflection microscope with a newly designed wedge prism, we obtained a spectral image of a single rhodamine red molecule attached to an essential light chain of myosin. We also obtained a spectral image of single-pair fluorescence resonance energy transfer between rhodamine red and Cy5 in a double-labeled myosin motor domain. This method could become a useful tool to investigate the dynamic processes of biomolecules at the single-molecule level
Studies on the factors determining the quality of silage.
Analyzing the samples of silage obtained from dairyfarms in different districts of Japan and from the laboratory, the author investigated into factors that determine the quality of silage; and the results obtained on the quality of silage in various positions in a silo, the change of quality after the removal of silage from a silo, the relationship between the pH value and the ammoniac nitrogen content, and also the result of appraisal of silage by means of FLIEG'S method are described in this paper. The results are summarized as follows: (1) It is rarely possible to state that the quality of silage is always homogeneous throughout in a silo from the upper to the bottom layers, not to speak of the surface spoilage. On the average, the pH value of silage in the middle portion is lower than that in the outer, although it cannot be stated that the difference is always significant. (2) In winter season, the change of quality of silage is rather little within about a week after the removal of silage from a silo, if the silage is preserved without exposure to air. It is suggested therefore that an amount of silage for a few days use may be removed at a time for the purpose of labor-saving. (3) A significant positive correlation, γ=+0.603, was found between the pH value and the ammonia nitrogen content (p<0.001). (4) Examples of the results of the appraisal by means of FLIEG's method are presented in Table 9. A significant positive correlation has been found between the results of appraisals by means of FLIEG'S method and those obtained by GNEIST'S. When the two series of results of evaluation were different, the values obtained by FLIEG'S method were slightly higher than those by GNEIST'S
Studies on the Chemical Composition and Quality of Silage : XIV. The Influence of Wilting of Grass on the Feeding value of Silage
本実験は,サイレージの発酵的品質と飼料価値との関係を知るための研究の一環として計画したものである. 2番草のイタリアンライグラスを伸長期に破砕しながら収穫し,日乾法によって材科草の乾物を21.7%(DM20区),39.9%(DM40区),60.3%(DM60区)に調節して,それぞれ実験用サイロに埋蔵してサイレージを調製した. なお,DM60区は気密条件で調製した. でき上りサイレージについてヒツジによる消化試験を実施し飼料価値を求めた. 実験結果の要約は次のようである. 1)でき上りサイレージのpH価は,DM20区:3.80,DM40区:4.02,DM60区:4.25であり,評点は,DM20区:90点,DM40区およびDM60区:100点であり,アンモニア態窒素比率は,それぞれ,5.79,5.12,3.72で低い値であった. すなわち,乾物含量の異なる材料からほば近い発酵的品質のサイレージが調製された. 2)ヒツジによる消化試験の結果,粗タンパク質の消化率は日乾の程度の低い区ほど高く,NFEの消化率は日乾の程度の高い区ほど高くなる傾向が認められた. 乾物中のTDNも日乾の程度の高い区ほどわずかに高くなる傾向がうかがえた. しかし,分散分析の結果,各区の各成分の消化率およびDCP,TDN含量間に有意差は認められなかった. 3)本実験の結果などから,日乾の効果は主として発酵的品質の改善を通じて発現されるものであることが推測された
Studies on the Feeding Value of By-Products of the Sugar Beet Cultivation in Warm Regions. : I. The chemical Composition and Feeding Value of Beet Tops.
The cultivation of the sugar beet in warm regions has been encouraged for the purpose of decreasing importation of sugar and of utilizing by-products of the sugar beet cultivation to live-stock feeding. With a view to making clear the chemical composition and the feeding value of by-products of the sugar beet cultivated in warm regions, some experiments have been made. The results obtained are summarized as follows : (1) No distinct variation in chemical composition of sugar beet tops could be found between the various varieties, nor between beet tops harvested at different times. Crude protein content of blades was over 20 per cent. (2) Oxalic acid contents in various parts of sugar beets were determined. (cf. Table 4). Beet tops contained 0.25-0.51 per cent. oxalic acid. In beet tops of such varieties as KL-E. Verna and Polish content of oxalic acid was comparatively high, but in those of KL-AA and Cesena rather low. (cf. Table 5). (3) Carotene content was 2.9 mg./100 g. in beet tops in the bolting Period and 2.7 mg./100 g. in beet top silage. (4) The results of digestion experiments on rabbits using beet tops (with dry matter content 12. 2 percent.) showed that the digestibility of organic matter was 91.7 per cent ; the digestible crude protein was 1.64 per cent. and the total digestible nutrient 9.5 per cent. (cf. Tables 6 and 7). (5) The beet top silage made without any additive had a satisfactory pH 4.09, and contained 2.65 per cent. lactic acid, 0.47 per cent. acetic acid, and 0 per cent. butyric acid. The rate of ammoniacal nitrogen to the total nitrogen was 5 per cent. The silage seemed to be palatable to live-stock. (6) Oxalic acid content of the beet top silage was 0.43 per cent. It was found that about thirty percent of oxalic acid diminished during storage. (7) The results of digestion experiments with the beet top silage on rabbits are shown in Table 12. Contents of dry matter, digestible crude protein and the total digestible nutrient of the silage were 13.5, 1.5 and 9.6 per cent. respectively. (8) The loss of dry matter during storage was 27 per cent. Besides, the loss of nutrients in oozed juice was also studied. (cf. Table 16)
Studies on Silage-Making XI. : The Effects of Adding Morea Liquid Feed or Molasses to Rice Straw to make Silage
糖ミツ尿索液体飼料(Moreaと記す)および糖ミツのイネワラサイレージへの添加効果を知るために,乾燥イネワラの水分を約72%に調節し,5%量のMoreaまたは糖ミツを添加して常法により,サイレージを調製した. でき上りサイレージの成分・品質ならびに消化率を調査して,これらの添加効果を検討した. 実験結果の要約はつぎのようである. 1)各区サイレージのpH価は,Morea区5.18,無添加区4.92,糖ミツ区3.90で,糖ミツ区がもっとも低かった. 2)サイレージの乳酸含量は,糖ミツ区3.13%,Morea区0.94%,対照区0.32%であり,酪酸はいずれの区にもみられた. 品質は糖ミツ区82点,Morea区25点,対照区12点となり,糖ミツ添加の効果が認められた. 3)全窒素に対するアンモニア態窒素の比率は,糖ミツ区(4.6%)はきわめて低く,対照区(41.8%),Morea区(37.5%)はきわめて高かった
Studies on the Feeding Value of Chinese Milk-Vetch. : I. On the Chemical Composition of Chinese Milk-Vetch and the Quality of Chinese Milk-Vetch Silage.
The chinese milk-vetch. Astragalus sinicus L., is cultivated in paddy-fields as the winter crop from late September (or early October) to late May. This crop develops very vigorously under suitable conditions. The crop heretofore has mostly been cultivated for the purpose of utilizing it as the green manure, but its full utilization as the fodder is very important since the crop is rich in nutrients. The authors are at present investigating the feeding value of this plant from the nutritional viewpoint; in this paper, however, the results obtained on the variations of the chemical composition and of the yield of nutrients in various growing stage and on the silage-making from the chinese milk-vetch, will be reported. The following are some of the results obtained: (1) The chinese milk-vetch cultivated in paddy-fields as the winter crop was reaped eight times at intervals of approximately a week from April 16 (before the bloom stage) to June 3 (the early stage of the seed maturity). These eight samples of chinese milk-vetch reaped at different times were analyzed. It was inferred that the yields of solid substance and of crude protein per 10 a. were about the maximum in the stage of full bloom. (2) The crude protein content of chinese milk-vetch in the stage of full bloom was 40.5 % in leaves, 12.4 % in stems and 28.6 % in floweres. The distribution of crude protein was as follows: 47.3 % in the portion of leaves, 44.7 % in the portion of stems and 8.0 % in the portion of flowers. The artificial digestibility of crude protein of leaves, of stems and of flowers was respectively 64.4, 64.8 and 71.3 per cent. The crude protein content of pods in the early stage of the seed maturity was 29 per cent on the dry matter basis and nearly equal to that of flowers. (3) Chinese milk-vetch was ensiled according to the following scheme: The quality of resulted silages was excellent or good m the wilted- and semiairtight-lot. The silage of the wilted-lot was found to have the following properties: pH 3.99, lactic acid content 2.58, acetic acid content 0.66 and butyric acid content 0 per cent. (4) The results of digestion experiment on rabbits are shown in the Tables 13 and 14. The digestibility of organic matter of silage in semiairtight-lot, wilted-lot, cut on June 3-lot, and in no chopping-lot was respectively 64.2, 58.2, 26. 8 and 38.9 per cent. (5) The ratio of water soluble nitrogen to the total nitrogen was higher in good silage than in poor silage. (6) In good silage the results of calculation of the digestibility of silage protein by WATSON'S formula practically agreed with the results of digestion experiments on rabbits. (7) The ratio of amino nitrogen to the total nitrogen in the silage of low pH vallues was higher than that in the silage of high pH values
Studies on the Chemical Composition and Quality of Silage : IX. The Relation between the Quality and Feeding Value of Silage (2)
サイレージの発酵的品質と飼料価値との関係を知るために,岡山県下の酪農家で実用されているサイレージ104点を集めて発酵的品質を調査するとともに資料成分を分析し,品質と成分ならびに飼料価値との関係を統計的に追究した. サイレージのFLIEG法による評点と乾物ならびに粗タンパク質の含量との間にそれぞれ正の有意な相関が,評点と粗繊維ならびに粗灰分との間にそれぞれ負の有意な相関が認められた. 評点とDIJKSTRAの計算式によって算出したDCPならびにデンプン価との間にそれぞれ有意な正の相関が認められた. これらの諸結果より,サイレージの発酵的品質は,その飼料価値に対し有力な影響をおよぼすものであることが認められた
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