859 research outputs found

    Neonatal Rats Exhibit a Predominantly Anti-Inflammatory Response following Spinal Cord Injury.

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    It has been reported that children may respond better than adults to a spinal cord injury (SCI) of similar severity. There are known biomechanical differences in the developing spinal cord that may contribute to this "infant lesion effect," but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. Using immunohistochemistry, we have previously demonstrated a different injury progression and immune cell response after a mild thoracic contusion SCI in infant rats, as compared to adult rats. Here, we investigated the acute inflammatory responses using flow cytometry and ELISA at 1 h, 24 h, and 1 week after SCI in neonatal (P7) and adult (9 weeks) rats, and locomotor recovery was examined for 6 weeks after injury. Adult rats exhibited a pronounced pro-inflammatory response characterized by neutrophils and M1-like macrophage infiltration and Th1 cytokine secretion. Neonatal rats exhibited a decreased pro-inflammatory response characterized by a higher proportion of M2-like macrophages and reduced Th1 cytokine responses, as compared to adults. These results suggest that the initial inflammatory response to SCI is predominantly anti-inflammatory in very young animals

    Magnetic resonance pH imaging in stroke - combining the old with the new

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    The study of stroke has historically made use of traditional spectroscopy techniques to provide the ground truth for parameters like pH. However, techniques like 31P spectroscopy have limitations, in particular poor temporal and spatial resolution, coupled with a need for a high field strength and specialized coils. More modern magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)-based imaging techniques like chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) have been developed to counter some of these limitations but lack the definitive gold standard for pH that 31P spectroscopy provides. In this perspective, both the traditional (31P spectroscopy) and emerging (CEST) techniques in the measurement of pH for ischemic imaging will be discussed. Although each has its own advantages and limitations, it is likely that CEST may be preferable simply due to the hardware, acquisition time and image resolution advantages. However, more experiments on CEST are needed to determine the specificity of endogenous CEST to absolute pH, and 31P MRS can be used to calibrate CEST for pH measurement in the preclinical model to enhance our understanding of the relationship between CEST and pH. Combining the two imaging techniques, one old and one new, we may be able to obtain new insights into stroke physiology that would not be possible otherwise with either alon

    The effect of rapamycin treatment on cerebral ischemia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of animal model studies

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    Background:Amplifying endogenous neuroprotective mechanisms is a promising avenue for stroke therapy. One target is mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a serine/threonine kinase regulating cell proliferation, cell survival, protein synthesis, and autophagy. Animal studies investigating the effect of rapamycin on mTOR inhibition following cerebral ischemia have shown conflicting results.Aim:To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating the effectiveness of rapamycin in reducing infarct volume in animal models of ischemic stroke.Summary of review:Our search identified 328 publications. Seventeen publications met inclusion criteria (52 comparisons: 30 reported infarct size and 22 reported neurobehavioral score). Study quality was modest (median 4 of 9) with no evidence of publication bias. The point estimate for the effect of rapamycin was a 21.6% (95% CI, 7.6%–35.7% p Conclusion:Low-dose rapamycin treatment may be an effective therapeutic option for stroke. Modest study quality means there is a potential risk of bias. We recommend further high-quality preclinical studies on rapamycin in stroke before progressing to clinical trials
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