155 research outputs found

    Manufaktur Bodi Kendaraan Shell ECO Marathon (SEM) Tipe Urban Bahan Komposit Serat Karbon

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    In the development of manufacturing industry the use of composite materials began to be widely used. One of them is composite by using fiber glass or fiber carbon, because of its characteristic that can be designed close to certain needs. In addition the specific strength and stiffness are far exceeding the engineering material in general. This research uses carbon fiber composite material as vehicle body material Shell Eco Marathon (SEM), Which a fraction volume of 70% resin polyester and 30% of carbon fiber. The composite is made using Hand Lay Up method that produces vehicle body SEM of consist of main frame and styrofoam. The result of manufacturing the SEM vehicle body is obtained, so that it can be used as an Urban SEM vehicle body

    Dampak Pengiring Pembelajaran Pendekatan Saintifik untuk Mengembangan Sikap Spiritual dan Sosial Siswa

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    Pendidikan pengembangan sikap saat ini belum menghasilkan karaktar bangsa yang diharapkan. Sejalan dengan tantangan ini, tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan guru dalam menyusun rencana pembelajaran saintifik, melaksanakan, dan dampak pengiring pembelajaran terhadap pengembangan sikap spiritual dan sosial siswa. Populasi penelitian adalah guru SMKN Paket Keahlian Teknik Gambar Bangunan se DIY. Sampel 42 guru ditentukan secara quota. Alat pengumpulan data angket dan dokumen. Analisis data secara statistik deskriptif dan deskriptif kualitatif menunjukan kemampuan guru dalam menyusun rencana dan melaksanakan pembelajaran pendekatan saintifik belum memadai. Dampak pengiring pembelajaran saintifik secara kuantitatif mampu mengembangkan sikap spiritual dan sikap social dengan tingkat pencapaian masing-masing sebesar 88% dan 92%. Hasil penelitian ini menegaskan kepada kita, walaupun kompetensi sikap secara spesifik tidak dirumuskan dalam dalam tujuan instruksional, namun perlu dideskripsi target capaiannya dalan setiap tahapan pembelajaran saintifik. Secara komprehensif, pengembangkan sikap siswa perlu sinergi dengan Tripusat Pendidikan yang diteorikan oleh Ki Hajar Dewantoro

    Model Pembelajaran Instruction, Doing, Dan Evaluating (Mpide) Dengan Modul Sebagai Sumber Belajar Pada Pembelajaran Fisika Di SMA

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    This research discusses about review of using learning model. The research\u27s purpose is to describe the most effective syntax of Model Pembelajaran Instruction, Doing, dan Evaluating (MPIDE) with the module as a learning source of physics instructional in SMA. This learning model can be effective if: the learning objectives are achievable, the students\u27 activities in active to very active criteria, the score improvement in middle to high criteria, and the students\u27 learning retention in high criteria. This research is a development research, so the research is done by action research method. Design of this research use Kemmis & MC Taggart cycle. Data collection technique of this research are documentation, observation, test, and interviews. The most effective about this model is when used in second cycle, with learning activities are about 68,6%-97,1% for each indicators. Students\u27 activities in this cycle are included in active to very active. The score improvement (n-gain) in this cycle is 0,6, that included in middle criteria. Students\u27 learning retention is 88,1%, that included in very strong criteria

    Paket Sumber Belajar (Psb) Dengan Analisis Foto Kejadian Fisika (Afkf) Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Pada Pembelajaran Fisika Di Smk (Kajian Pengembangan Pada Pokok Bahasan Fluida Untuk Smk Jurusan Perikanan Dan Kelautan)

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    The purpose of development research for Package of Learning Source (PLS) with Analysis of Physics Phenomenon Photo (APPP) based on local wisdom are to describe logical validity and empirical validity of that product for physics learning at Vocational High School of Fisheries and Marine Majoring. The measured empirical validity is impact of PSB at learning activities, learning outcomes and students response. The design of research is ADDIE development model which modified with development guidelines of the National Education Standard. The techniques of data collection are observation, test and questionnaire. The results of research shows that the logical validity of PLS at 4.08 in valid category and qualify without revision according to National Education Standard. The empirical validity of PLS at learning activity shows that the average value for the listening activities, visual activities, writing activities, oral activities and motors activities is 64.39% in active category; the average value of learning outcomes for the cognitive and affective is 61.85 in medium category; the students response to the PLS is 96.77% positive in very good category. Conclusion of the research shows that the PLS is valid and effective for physics learning at Vocational High School

    Tugas Analisis Wacana Dalam Bentuk Gambar Proses Kejadian Lingkungan Pada Pembelajaran Fisika Di SMA

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    An assignment on a review analysis in the form of a process picture of an environmental event on physics studies is a learning assignment which serve a problem in the form of a process picture on an environmental event which is connected to physics conception and must be finished by a student by analyzing the event using the logic and realitic physics cocepts. The objectives of this research are to describe the effective physics learning using an assignment of a review analysis in the form of a process picture on an environmental event, to study the students\u27 learning activenes, the students\u27 physics test results and the retention of the physics test results of the high school students after using this assignment of a review analysis in the form of a process picture on an environmental event. The type of this research is the actions research with a research design using hopkins cycle. The samples of this research are the students of classes X MIA 1, X MIA 4, and X MIA 5 of SMA Negeri Arjasa Kabupaten Jember of the academic year 2014/2015. The method of data collection includes documentation, tests, observation, and interview. The data analysis uses an effectivity test of physics learning, activeness percentage to study the students\u27 activeness during learning, t-test using t-test paired samples with the help of SPSS statistic v16. in order to study the learning results, a retention test to study the strength of the assignment on a review analysis in the form of a process picture of an environmental event on cycle III which is considered to be the most effective, the students\u27 learning activeness can be conidered highly active, especially the component of the students\u27 activeness in being attentive on the teacer\u27s explanation and group discussion, whereas the component of asking questions is considered less active. The students\u27 physics study results after learning using an assignment on a review analysis in the form of a process picture of an environmental event are higher than the students\u27 physics study results before learning with the analysis of t-test > ttable, retention of physics study results for the three classes on every cycle using the assignment on a review analysis in the form of a process picture of an environmental event is considered strong and more motivating for the students with the study result retention can show an improvement if being compared to the post test scores

    Pengembangan Modul Berbasis Gambar Kejadian Riil Untuk Pembelajaran Fisika SMA

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    Development of real events image-based module is a develop of material on physics learning that presents real events images or physics phenomenon that are used to clear up a physics concepts to make it easier to be learnt by students independently.The purposes of this research are to describe the validity of real events image-based module, students' learning achievement, and students' learning activities. This type of research is the development, use research design Borg and Gall. Data collection techniques used are sheets of validation, observation, interview and test. Real events image-based module is said good and decent to be used for teaching physics in senior high school if the product's validity has been tested through logic validity and user validity. Real events image-based module is valid if the logic validity and user validity are > 60,00%. Conclution of this research are : (1) logic validity and user validity real events image-based module are 85,15% and 90,23% with a very valid category. (2) Student' learning achievement after using real events image-based module is 84,8 with a very good, and (3) students' learning activities using real events image-based module is 88,5% with a very active. Keyword : Real events image-based module, learning achievement, learning activities, validit

    Strategi Penggeseran Paradigma Pelatihan dari Orientasi Aktivitas di Kelas ke Hasil di Tempat Kerja

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    Kenyataan masih banyak menunjukan pelatihan yang diselenggarakan hanya terfokus pada aktivitas di tempat pelatihan. Evaluasi yang dilakukanpun terbatas pada hasil belajar di tempat pelatihan. Pelatihan ini tentu belum efektif dan disebut sebagai pelatihan berorientasi aktivitas (PBA). Untuk mengetahui efektivitas pelatihan, maka evaluasi perlu dilakukan sampai di tempat kerja sehingga dapat diketahui apakah ada peningkatan produk/jasa (results) bagi institusi. Jenis pelatihan ini disebut sebagai pelatihan berorientasi hasil (PBH). Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan strategi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi PBH melalui kajian literature yang dipadukan dengan fakta yang terjadi di lapangan. Hasil kajian diharapkan menjadi referensi bagi para perencana dan penyelenggara pelatihan agar mampu menggeser paradigma dari PBA ke PBH

    Mulan\u27s Great Upward Drive Toward Androcentrism in Mulan in Disney Beloved Tales by Jane Brierly, Robyn Bryant and Stephanie Werner

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    This paper seeks to outline the representation of woman character specifically in using her drive in respondingto androcentrism in Mulan in Disney Beloved Tales. It is one of short stories written by Jane Brierly, RobynBryant and Stephanie Werner and published in 2001 in Canada. The androcentrism undergone by woman maincharacter will be discussed. The great upward drive will be discussed and related to the woman maincharacter\u27s response to androcentrisms. This will be placed in the context of woman representation in literaryworks. The approaches used in this discussion are feminist and psychological approach. Feminist approach isused to know the woman character\u27s position in the story and how she is represented. Psychological approach isused to know the psychological state and the response of the main character toward the androcentrisms in thestory . The method of the study used in this thesis is deductive method from the general discussion to the specificdiscussion. The data are collected through library and cyber research. The result of the research shows thatMulan, the main woman character experiences three kinds of androcentrisms namely woman for reproduction,ethical concept and warfare. She uses her great upward drive in responding the three androcentrisms. Therepresentation of Mulan is made very positively that gives good values about woman character in the literarywork
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