233 research outputs found


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    An illustrated guide to the genera of Myodocopida (Ostracoda: Crustacea) collected from western Japan during the cruise of TRV Toyoshiomaru <Data>

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    広島大学生物生産学部附属練習船「豊潮丸」によって実施された3航海16定点(日本海南部海域,9定点;有明海,1定点;瀬戸内海,6定点)で得られたウミホタル目貝形虫類について報告する。今回の航海で,27種の未記載種と北西太平洋初記録1属1種を含む4科16属36種が採集された。未記載種を数多く含むことから,日本近海におけるウミホタル目の分類学的研究は未だ不十分であるといえる。今後の本目の分類学的研究を促進するため,得られた標本の形態観察結果をもとに属レベルの検索図を提示する。During three cruises of TRV Toyoshiomaru, 4 families, 16 genera, and 36 species of Myodocopida (Ostracoda) were collected from the southern part of the Sea of Japan, Ariake Sea, and Seto Inland Sea. Because most (27/36) species are undescribed, current taxonomic studies are insufficient for these myodocopids. This paper supplies an illustrated guide to the genera of Myodocopida obtained on these cruises. This contribution is expected to lead to improved taxonomic knowledge of Myodocopida.本研究の一部は日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金(特別研究員奨励費,No. 263700,田中隼人)により行われたものである

    Misophriopsis okinawensis sp. nov. (Crustacea: Copepoda) from Hyperbenthic Waters off Okinawa, South Japan, with Definitions of Related Genera Misophria Boeck, 1864 and Stygomisophria gen. nov.

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    A new misophrioid copepod Misophriopsis okinawensis (Crustacea) is reported from Kume Island, Okinawa, South Japan. A full description of the new misophrioid is presented, together with supplementary notes on the males of Misophria pallida Boeck, 1864. Consideration of the phylogeny of the new species led to a reassessment of the affinities between all the named species of Misophria Boeck, 1864 and Misophriopsis Boxshall, 1983. A new genus, Stygomisophira, is recognised based on Misophria kororiensis Boxshall et Iliffe, 1987. Diagnoses are presented of all three genera

    Tide-induced reworking of planktonic foraminifers on the outer shelf and slope off the Miyako Island, southern Ryukyus, Japan: Preliminary results

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    Significance of sediment reworking to a shallower environment is preliminarily discussed by occurrences and oxygen isotopes of planktonic foraminifer (Globolotalia inflata) tests collected from the sea bottom sediments on the insular shelf to slope, off the Miyako Islands, southern Ryukyus, Japan. The isotopic data and comparison with the present water temperature-depth profile indicate that vertical distribution of G. inflata with size of 300-355µm ranges from 135 to 250m (average 160m). Strong tidal currents between the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean developed in the study area may induce the transpotation of sediment particles to a shallower environment. This is demonstrated by the occurrences of this species in sediment deposited in depth shallower than inhabiting depth. The analyzed tests were not altered by long-time contact with bottom water because they preserve surface structures and a narrow range of oxygen isotopic composition. Shortly after G. inflata died and settled on sea bottom, the tests were commonly transported to the shallower environment by the upwelling, which may result from strong tidal currents and the topographic feature of the Ryukyu Island Arc

    A new genus and species of oceanic planktonic Tisbidae (Crustacea, Copepoda, Harpacticoida) with enlarged modified eyes

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    Both sexes of a new monotypic genus of Tisbidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) are described from the epi- or mesopelagic zone in the Kuroshio region, Japan. Gyorome guttatum gen. et sp. nov. belongs to a monophyletic lineage of deepwater holoplanktonic genera defined by a suite of characters. Within this clade, Gyorome gen. nov. appears most closely related to Neotisbella Boxshall, 1979. The most distinguishable feature of G. guttatum gen. et sp. nov. is the presence of large, paired, frontal modified eyes, each consisting of a baculiform ocellus, a globular (Gicklhorn’s?) organ, and a semi-parabolic plate. The taxonomic position of Tisbe spinulosa Bradford &amp;amp; Wells, 1983 is discussed and a key to the six meso- and bathypelagic tisbid species is provided. Confusion surrounding earlier literature reports of supernumerary elements on the caudal ramus in some harpacticoid taxa is clarified. Secondary modifications of ocellar components of the typical naupliar eye in the Harpacticoida are reviewed. It is suggested that the development of specialized eyes in G. guttatum gen. et sp. nov. may provide a means for detecting bioluminescent food particles in oligotrophic pelagic environments. The large, vaulted prosome indicates the species is an opportunistic macrophage that has adopted gorging as a feeding strategy

    Remembering Fischer Black

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    The on-site training for high-school students in the Takehara Marine Science Station of Hiroshima University roused their interest of the sea. Especially, generating experiment of sea urchin, anatomy of fishes, and animal collections from the uninhabited island were the most popular among students. As a result of this training, understanding and the interest of marine organisms and environments in almost all students have increased, so the on-site training might be effective in the prevention of high school student's losing interests in science

    パプアニューギニアで食用とされるミナミスナホリガニHippa adactylaの分子的同定

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    パプアニューギニアのラバウル近郊で現地人により採取されたスナホリガニの一種ミナミスナホリガニHippa adactyla Fabricius, 1787について,核18S及びミトコンドリア16SリボソームRNA遺伝子配列を解析し,近縁種間及び同種内の関係について分子的に比較した。その結果,インド-太平洋域に広く分布するとされる本種において,パプアニューギニア産個体はインド洋産個体と分子的に異なる一方,台湾産個体とは極めて近い関係にあることが示された。あわせて,本種を「グムグム(Gum Gum)」と呼んで食用とする現地の習慣を,他の地域の食習慣とともに紹介した。本稿は,南太平洋域のスナホリガニ類の分子的情報と,同域での食用採取について,初めて報告するものである。A specimen of Hippa adactyla Fabricius, 1787, was collected from Blanche Bay, Papua New Guinea. Nuclear 18S and mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences were examined for interspecies and intraspecies comparisons. The result suggests some genetic similarity and diversification of this species distributed widely in the Indo-Pacific. We also report a local culture of eating the animal under the name “Gum Gum”. This is a pioneering report on the genetic perspective and fishing of a mole crab in southwest Pacific

    A New Species of Paramacrochiron (Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Macrochironidae) Associated with the Rhizostome Medusa Rhopilema hispidum Collected from the Gulf of Thailand, with a Phylogenetic Analysis of the Family Macrochironidae

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    Paramacrochiron thailandicum n. sp. (Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Macrochironidae) is described from the rhizostome medusa Rhopilema hispidum occurring in the Gulf of Thailand. The new species is distinguishable from other congeners mainly by detailed features of the fourth legs and the urosome in both sexes. Copepodid and adult stages of the genus Paramacrochiron seem to be host-specific to rhizostome medusae, but may spend periods free in the plankton or benthos during the absence of the host. A cladistic analysis shows that the Macrochironidae comprises two main lineages. Paramacrochiron is recovered as a monophyletic group, located on one lineage together with Pseudomacrochiron, which appears as a paraphyletic taxon with the limited character set used. The other main lineage comprises the genera Macrochiron and Sewellochiron, but the sole species of the latter genus, Sewellochiron fidens, is nested within Macrochiron. This analysis provides little support for maintaining Sewellochiron as a separate genus

    Ecological study of three hydrozoan species associated with three different nassariid gastropod species in the Seto Inland Sea

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    広島県竹原市近海において潮間帯に生息する腹足類アラムシロにエボシクラゲ属の1種,潮下帯に生息する腹足類ムシロガイ,キヌボラにそれぞれタマクラゲ,ミサキアミネウミヒドラのポリプが共生し,これらの調査期間中の共生率はそれぞれ9.1%,93.8%,83.8%であることが明らかとなった。これらの組合せには例外がみられず,宿主特異性は高かった。エボシクラゲ属の1 種の生殖体は6,9月,タマクラゲは8月のみ出現していたが,ミサキアミネウミヒドラは4–7,9,11,12月と頻繁に出現していた。また,ムシロガイ,キヌボラに比べて,アラムシロが底質中に潜行している時間は長い傾向が認められた。3種のポリプのうち,エボシクラゲ属の1種のみ厚い囲皮を備えるが,この形態は宿主が潮間帯に生息するため,干出による乾燥への適応であるかもしれない。また,このことが本種の共生率が低い原因の一つとして考えられる。Polyps of three hydrozoan species associated with three gastropod species of the family Nassariidae were observed in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan: (1) Leuckartiara sp. with Nassarius festivus occurring in the intertidal zone as well as (2) Cytaeis uchidae with N. livescens and (3) Stylactaria misakiensis with N. japonicus occurring in the sublittoral zone. Each hydrozoan species was highly host-specific, without any exceptional combination. The host utilization rates of the three hydrozoan species were markedly different; as such, the host utilization rate of Leuckartiara sp. occurring in the intertidal zone was less than 10%, whereas that of C. uchidae and S. misakiensis occurring in the subtidal zone ranged from 84% to 94%. Sexual reproduction was limited to summers in Leuckartiara sp. and C. uchidae, but it occurred yearround in S. misakiensis. The burying behavior of host shells differed among the three species; specifically, the intertidal N. festivus was buried in the sediments for over 20 h a day, while the subtidal C. uchidae and S. misakiensis were buried for less than 7 h a day. The ecological differences among the examined hydrozoan species associated with specific nassarrid hosts likely strengthen their niche segregation