27 research outputs found

    Reproductive health situation in South Africa: Emerging policy issue

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    South Africa is still lagging behind with health outcomes, especially when it comes to accessing treatment, prevention and care for reproductive health issues despite the significant progress made with regard to certain aspects of the health system. This study explores the reproductive health situation in South Africa. The study explores some selected health outcomes and related policies from the nine provinces in South Africa. The results indicate that, despite the progress made in the fight against HIV/AIDs and other healthrelated problems, little has been done to improve maternal health care

    Examining inequality of opportunity in the use of maternal and reproductive health interventions in Sierra Leone

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    Poor countries, such as Sierra Leone, often have poor health outcomes, whereby the majority of the population cannot access lifesaving health services. Access to, and use of, maternal and reproductive health services is crucial for human development, especially in developing regions. However, inequality remains a persistent problem for many developing countries. Moreover, we have not found empirical studies, which have examined inequalities in maternal and reproductive health in Sierra Leone

    Risk factors of inconsistent condom use among sexually active youths: Implications for human immunodeficiency virus and sexual risk behaviours in Malawi

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    This study examines the risk associated with inconsistent use of condoms as a risk factor for human immunodeficiency virus/sexually transmitted infections (HIV/STIs) and sexual risk behaviours. The Malawi Demographic Health Survey 2010 data were used. Out of a sample of 2987 males and 9559 females aged 15–24 years, 511 males and 675 females were filtered in the present study. A Chi square test and logistic regression techniques were performed. About 147(28.7%) males and 240(35.6%) females reported inconsistent condom use. The likelihood of inconsistent condom use was higher among females with secondary/higher education (odds ratio’s (OR)=1.46), with more than one partner (OR=4.27), and married males (OR=8.76), with more than one sex partner (OR=1.78).There is a need to raise condom use awareness and improve sexual education about consistent condom use, especially among females, in order to curb the spread of HIV/STIs and reduce sexual risk behaviours

    Correlates of gender characteristics, health and empowerment of women in Ethiopia

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    The low status of women prevents them from recognizing and voicing their concerns about health needs. This study aimed to examine the relationship between gender characteristics, health and empowerment of women in an attempt to understand between 2005 and 2011. Data from the Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS) 2005 and 2011 were used. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to determine the relative contribution of the predictor variables. The hypotheses tested in this study were that gender (men and women), health and empowerment of women in region are highly significant with women’s education and work status. Study findings showed that the low status of women and their disempowerment are highly associated with poor health outcomes. In both 2005 and 2011 men school ages were positively associated with their attainment in primary education, whereas for women it was negatively related with their attainment in some education. In both 2005 and 2011 women in the richest wealth quintile had the highest odds ratio of relating to some education

    Correlates of gender characteristics, health and empowerment of women in Ethiopia

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    The low status of women prevents them from recognizing and voicing their concerns about health needs. This study aimed to examine the relationship between gender characteristics, health and empowerment of women in an attempt to understand between 2005 and 2011. Data from the Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS) 2005 and 2011 were used. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to determine the relative contribution of the predictor variables. The hypotheses tested in this study were that gender (men and women), health and empowerment of women in region are highly significant with women’s education and work status. Study findings showed that the low status of women and their disempowerment are highly associated with poor health outcomes. In both 2005 and 2011 men school ages were positively associated with their attainment in primary education, whereas for women it was negatively related with their attainment in some education. In both 2005 and 2011 women in the richest wealth quintile had the highest odds ratio of relating to some education

    A comparative analysis of contraceptive use in Africa: evidence from DHS

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    The aim of this article is to show a comparative analysis of contraceptive use in areas of traditionally high fertility that have gone through profound changes. Data have been taken from the latest Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS). Logistic regression models were adopted for four selected representative countries, namely Egypt, Mali, Namibia and Niger. There were two selection criteria: data should be recent, and selected countries should have high (Egypt 57.4%; Namibia 46.4%) or low (Mali 7.5%; Niger 10.0%) contraceptive use. The probability of using contraception when a woman has had one to four children is 2.4 times higher than when they have had no children. Contraception data are always gathered at a point of time, but crosssectional data are not sufficient to understand all the mechanisms hidden behind contraceptive use. Different contraceptive behaviours need good estimation tools to develop specific family planning programmes.Web of Scienc

    Is Swaziland on track with the 2015 millennium development goals?

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    According to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) agreement, each participating country has to periodically provide a report that will show the progress on their achievement towards the goals. This article’s aim is to evaluate Swaziland’s prospects of achieving eight MDGs by 2015. This article is an analysis of the current situation of Swaziland, and the aim of this analysis is to look beyond the statistical values to see if the achievements (including lifetime achievements) are on track and whether what is yet to be achieved can really be achieved. Secondary information was collected from various sources. Several countries and organizations have committed themselves to the following eight development goals: (1) eradicate extreme poverty; (2) achieve universal primary education; (3) promote gender equality and empower women; (4) reduce child mortality; (5) improve maternal health; (6) combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; (7) ensure environmental sustainability; and (8) develop a global partnership for development. National development is dependent on many factors; therefore, different countries across the world have adopted the MDGs as means of alleviating many of the social ills hindering progress and development. Based on different sources, Swaziland is on track with its MDGs, and there is no doubt that Swaziland will continue to work hard to these ends. It has been argued that there has been progress made that has resulted in significant changes to people’s lives, but the question that has to be asked is how long these achievements can realistically last. A reduction of the rate of child mortality, maternal mortality and HIV/AIDS in Swaziland are needed

    Child Mortality Rate in Ethiopia

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    Ethiopia childhood mortality has continued to decline although at a swift pace. The drop in urban childhood mortality decline, duration of breastfeeding is the principle reason for the overall decline in mortality trends in Ethiopia. Data from the Ethiopian Demographic and Health Surveys 2000 and 2005 were used. Indirect estimation of Brass and Trussells methods were adopted. Selected demographic and socio-economic variables were included in the analysis with statistically significant effects. Findings clearly show neonatal and post neonatal mortality decline gradually. Even though, Ethiopia childhood mortality rates are still high. The result shows less than 2 years birth interval have higher infant mortality rates than higher birth interval (113 deaths per 1000). The proper spacing of births allows more time for childcare to make more maternal resources available for the care of the child and mother. Therefore, further research is urgent for regional level and national level investigation