13 research outputs found


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    This study is aimed at investigating the increased activity and achievement of the students of SMPN 2 Mayang in the academic year 2013/2014 through the implementation numbered heads together (NHT) strategy. The research design employed in this study was classroom action research (CAR) that consists of cyclical procedures. The research findings show that the percentage of students’ learning activity in cycle 1 reached 90,7% and 92,2% in cycle 2. Whereas, the results of the average score of students daily test in cycle 1 was 81,78 and 83,06 in the cycle 2. In reference to the research findings previously described, it completely proved that the students’ activity and their achievement could be improved through the implementation of numbered heads together (NHT) strategy.Keywords: Cooperative learning, NHT, students’academic achievement


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    Despite of its misuse, such as ethical disobidience by the students in the classroom during the teaching and learning process, handphone (HP) is an urgent device in education that facilitates learning.The problem of the research is “How is the implementation of Website Mobile Learning by Using HP to develop Realistics Mathematics Learning on the measurement of the area and the volume of cone?’. The long-term objective of the research is to develop HP as the media of realistics mathematics learning on the measurement of the area and the volume of cone. While the short-term objective of this research is (1) to create website program on the measurement of the area and the volume of cone that can be accessed through HP. (2) The occurence of the development of Realistics Mathematics Education on the measurement of the area and the volume of cone.In general, this research is an attempt to develop a software application on the measurement of the area and the volume of cone for Website Mobile Learning. It used Developmental research in nature The steps of this research include pre-liminary study covering observation and literary study, system analysis, system design, system development, system testing, system verification and validation, sytem revising and review, system tral, and output analysis.Keyword: Realistic Mathematics Education, Wapstie Mobile Learning, Arean And Volume Of Con


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    This research is motivated by the lack of mathematical literacy class VII student Annur Islamic Rambipuji which include communication, reasoning, problem solving and matematisasi. The purpose of this research is to improve students' mathematical literacy class VII Annur Islamic Rambipuji using cooperative learning NHT. This research is conducted as a class action collaboration between researchers and teachers of mathematics. In this study consisted of two cycles, each cycle consisting of four phases: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The instrument used consisted of a feasibility study NHT observation sheet, observation sheets students’ mathematical literacy skills, and test questions that measure students' mathematical literacy skills. Analysis using descriptivequalitative. The results showed that learning with NHT models can improve students' mathematical litercy class VII Rambipuji Annur Islamic Jember. Learning NHT there are 6 phases, namely: (1) preparation; (2) the formation of the group; (3) ensure students have textbooks; (4) discussion of the problem; (5) presentation/giving an answer; and (6) make the conclusion. With the implementation of learning mathematical literacy skills of students at the end of the second cycle reached 65.50% reaching the high category (based on the observation sheet) and 69.15% with both categories (based on test results). Keywords: mathematical literacy, Numbered Head Together, the properties of quadrilateral

    Pengaruh Jigsaw dan Course Review Horay Berbantuan Puzzle Pada Pemahaman Konsep Bentuk Akar Kelas X Di MA. Ashri Jember

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    Learning is the main activity of the educational process. This research aims to know the existence of Jigsaw Influence and Course Review Horay which is Assisted Puzzle on Understanding Concept of Grade Student Root Class in MA ASHRI Jember. The type of research used is experimental research. Based on the results of data analysis, normality test can be known value significance for data Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk. uentially of 0.2 and 0.07. The result is greater than 0.05. For Homogeneity Test obtained Fhitung 1.5171, Ftabel = 4.14 it appears that Fhitung <Ftabel. This shows that the data of the two variables are homogeneous. For Test Hypothesis (Test t) obtained thitung> ttabel (1,94> 1,66757). This shows that the jigsaw model and course review horay with the help of puzzles have an effect on the students' understanding of mathematical concepts. Keyword : Learning Jigsaw model, CRH Model learning, Concept Understandin

    Upaya Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Melalui Simulation Learning dengan Model Hollywood Squares Review

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    Research on Efforts to Increase Activities and Learning Outcomes of the Subject of Data Presentation through Simulation Learning with the Hollywood Squares Review Model. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the application of the Simulation Learning learning method with the Hollywood Square Review learning model could increase student activity and learning outcomes in the data presentation material at MTs Miftahul Ulum This can be seen from an increase in student activity in each cycle and an increase in the average percentage of student learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle II. In the final test of the cycle I, the average percentage of student learning outcomes was 15.38% and the average percentage of tests in the second cycle was 76.92%. Keywords: Simulation Learning, Hollywood Squares Review, Student Activities, Learning outcome

    The Application of E-Learning Model with Quipper School Media to Improve Learning Outcomes

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    This study aims to improve student learning outcomes by applying the e-learning model using the quipper school. This research uses classroom research. The subject of this research is the VIII grade students at MTs. Nurul Ulum. Many students, there are 20 people as recipients of the action and the researchers use data collection methods in the from of interview, observations, and tests. The result of this study can be seen from the indicators of the success of the cycle, in cycle I it can be seen  that student learning outcomes get 60% then in cycle II 85%. From these indicators of success, it is concluded that the application of the e-learning model using the quipper school application on student learning outcomes has increased   Keywords: e-learning, quipper school, learning outcome

    The Analysis of Mathematics Question Items Quality at SMPN 01 Pakusari In the Online Learning Period

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the quality of math problems with integer material for class VII A SMP 01 Pakusari during the online learning period. The quality of the analyzed items was reviewed in terms of validity, reliability, differentiation and difficulty level. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The subjects in this study were class VII A with 32 students. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the quality of the mathematical questions with the integer material in terms of the validity of the questions that were declared valid were 13 questions (62%) and there were 8 invalid questions (38%). In terms of reliability, there were 21 questions (100%) and 0% unreliable questions with a total r11 of 0.71. In terms of distinguishing power, there are 3 questions (14%) with good distinguishing power, 1 question (5%), 2 questions (10%), 2 questions (10%) have bad distinguishing power there are 15 questions (71%). In terms of difficulty level, there are 7 questions in the difficult category (33%). There were 12 questions in the medium category (57%) and there were 2 questions in the easy category (10%). Keywords: quality of question items, online learning period

    RME Berbasis Video Streaming untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Di SMP Darunnajah Wuluhan Jember

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    Most students assume that mathematics is a complex subject and has a higher level of difficulty in its teaching. The subject of this study is the seventh grade students of Darunnajah Wuluhan Jember Middle School. Based on the existing problems in this study, a problem was formulated, namely how the process of implementing RME based on Video Streaming in Grade VII students of Darunnajah Wuluhan Middle School and whether RME based on Video Streaming could improve students’ learning outcomes. The results revealed that the students’ learning outcomes respective in Cycle I was 70.05% and Cycle II was 94.1%. Thus, it shows an increase of 11.8% in mathematics learning. It can be concluded that RME based on Video Streaming can improve students’ learning outcomes. Keywords: RME, Video Streamin


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    Permasalahan yang terjadi di MTs. Ma’Arif Ambulu Jember yaitu media pembelajaran yang digunakan sangatlah minim, guru menunggu adanya media dari sekolah, pada pembelajaran sehari-hari guru terkadang menggunakan aplikasi Whatsapp untuk memberi materi berupa file pdf yang nantinya siswa akan diminta mempelajarinya secara mandiri. Penerapan Problem Based Learning (PBL) berbantuan animaker bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa pokok bahasan statistika dengan responden 30 siswa di MTs Ma’arif Ambulu. Pengumpulan data menggunaakan observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara, Peneliti menggunakan observasi aktivitas guru dan tes hasil belajar siswa sebagai analisis data. Peneliti juga memilih penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang menggunakan 2 siklus. Rata-rata hasil penelitian pada siklus I disebutkan presentase aktivitas guru sebesar 83.3% dan prsentase aktivitas siswa 65%. Kemudian pada siklus II presentase aktivitas guru sebesar 93,3% dan presentase aktivitas siswa sebesar 85%. Untuk presentase hasil tes belajar siswa pada siklus I sebesar 76,3% termasuk kriteria baik. Kemudian untuk siklus II presentase yang didapatkan sebesar 81,3% yang termasuk dalam kriteria baik. Jadi terbukti dengan adanya penelitian ini dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa.Ahiri, J. (2017). Penilaian Autentik Dalam Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Uhamka PressAnni, Catharina Tri dan Achmad Rifa’i. (2011). Psikologi Pendidikan. Semarang: UNNES PressArikunto, S. (2014). Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara Azizah, Aisyah Dan Zanthy, Luvy Sylviana. (2021). Penerapan Pembelajaran Daring Materi Persamaan Garis Lurus Pada Siswa Kelas VII Menggunakan Pendekatan Saintifik Berbantuan Media Video Animasi. Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika Inovatif. Volume 4, No. 5, 1213-1222 Imas Kurniasih & Berlin Sani. (2015). Ragam Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran untuk Peningkatan Profesionalitas Guru. Jogjakarta: Kata PenaKunandar. (2016). Langkah Mudah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Sebagai Pengembangan Profesi Guru. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.Mashuri, Delila Khoiriyah. (2020). Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Video Animasi Volume Bangun Ruang Untuk Sd Kelas V. JPGSD. 08 (05), 893 – 903.Mufida, Amelia Azmy. (2012). Gambaran Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Diare Pada Anak Usia Sekolah (6-12 Tahun) di SD Negeri Sukorejo Kota Blitar. Skripsi. Universitas Airlangga.Munawar, Badri, Hasyim, Ade Farid dan Ma’arif, Minhatul. (2020). Desain PengembanganBahan Ajar Digital Berbantuan Aplikasi Animaker Pada PAUD Di Kabupaten Pandeglang. Jurnal Golden Age, Universitas Hamzanwadi Vol. 04 No. 2, Desember 2020, Hal. 310-321Ngalimun. (2017). Strategi Pembelajaran. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Parama Ilmu.Rusman. (2012). Model-Model Pembelajaran: Mengembangkan Profesionalisme Guru. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada Rusmono. (2017). Strategi Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning. Jakarta : Ghalia Indonesi

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi SPLDV dengan Model Pembelajaran TAI Di SMP 18 Ma’arif Ibrohimi Jember

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    This study aims to improve students' understanding of the SPLDV material by applying the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) learning model. The type of research used is Classroom Action Research with the spiral system with the Hopkins model, which begins with preliminary action then continues with planning, action, observation, and reflection. The study was conducted in 2 cycles. Based on the results of the study, it was obtained that students' learning outcomes in cycle I obtained an average of 76,25 with a percentage of 65% and an increase in learning cycle II was obtained by an average of 88 with a percentage of 90%. This proves that the application of the TAI learning model can improve student learning outcomes on SPLDV material in class VIII SMP 18 Ma'arif Ibrohimi Karang Semanding. Keyword: Assisted Individualization (TAI), learning outcome