40 research outputs found
Risk Factor of Stillbirth among Pregnant Women at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung from 2017–2020
Background: Stillbirth is one of the most devastating pregnancy outcomes that affects approximately 2.6 million pregnancies worldwide. Several factors have been identified to be associated with stillbirth, and grouped based on the pathophysiological aspects, such as maternal, placental, fetal, and unknown or unexplained factors. This study aimed to describe the prevalence, along with the baseline and risk factor characteristics of stillbirth among singleton pregnancies at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study design was conducted, including all stillbirth medical records from 2017 to 2020 obtained from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung. Medical records with complete baseline data, 2nd–3rd trimester pregnancies, and singleton pregnancies were collected.Results: The prevalence of stillbirth cases in this study was 2.2%. Most of the cases occurred in the age range of 20–35 years old (64.4%) with the gestational age of >28 weeks (65.8%). Of all risk factors observed, hypertensive disorders were the most common medical conditions found (45.6%), followed by unknown factors (17.8%), and congenital abnormalities (14.2%).Conclusions: The majority of stillbirth patients are at their optimal reproductive age, nulliparity, and have hypertensive disorders during pregnancy, specifically the superimposed preeclampsia subtype. Although the prevalence is considerably low, early management of the risk factors, particularly hypertensive disorder, is important to prevent its occurrence
Knowledge and Severity of Female Urinary Incontinence and Reasons for Not Seeking Treatment
Urinary incontinence (UI) is a commonly overlooked problem in women, particularly women of post-menopausal age. Despite the medical, social, and hygiene burdens conferred by UI to its sufferers, past studies have shown that only a few among women afflicted with UI sought treatment. This may be due to various reasons: lack of knowledge and awareness of UI or a wrong belief of UI as a natural part of aging. This study aimed to investigate the association between knowledge and severity of UI and reasons for not seeking treatment among post-menopausal women in Bandung, Indonesia. This was an analytic cross-sectional study conducted at the Geriatric and Gynecology Clinic, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, in September 2013. Ninety-one women who met the inclusion criteria were interviewed to assess their knowledge of UI. The severity of UI was assessed using Urinary Distress Inventory 6 (UDI-6). Data were analyzed using the chi-square test. Sixty-five respondents (70.7%) had poor knowledge of UI. Knowledge of UI was not associated with awareness of UI as a medical condition (p=0.633). The difference in UI severity was associated with the perception of UI as a normal part of aging (p=0.008). Post-menopausal women are poorly informed regarding urinary incontinence. However, knowledge alone might not be adequate to encourage women to seek treatment. Further studies are needed to investigate women’s reasons for not seeking treatment for UI
The Bacterial Vaginosis among Pregnant Women in Jatinangor
Background: Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is polymicrobial that causes superficial vaginitis due to a shift in vaginal flora. In pregnant women, BV can result in a significant risk of some serious consequences. The objective of this study was to identify the BV prevalence and to explore the characteristics and personal hygiene practices among pregnant women.Methods: This study was conducted in Desa Cipacing, Jatinangor, using the cross-sectional descriptive method, including pregnant women. The BV was detected by Gram-stained vaginal smears using Nugent Score. Furthermore, other microorganisms such as trichomoniasis and candidiasis were detected by direct microscopic observation. The questionnaire was distributed, consisting of details of personal hygiene practices.Results: In total, 17.9% of 52 pregnant women included were diagnosed with BV and 14.3% with mixed infection. Pregnant women with BV were predominantly aged younger than 25 years (61.1%), nullipara (50%) and in a second-trimester pregnancy (50%).Conclusions: Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is common among young pregnant women, predominantly in their first pregnancy. It is related to personal hygiene practices, indicating the need for targeted interventions of healthcare education among these young pregnant women to reduce the BV prevalence
Midwife profession must have good competence because it has an impact in improving the quality of health service. Survey of Midwifery Diploma III Institutions. Midwife competencies that match work requirements are only 15%. To improve the competence of midwives, the laboratory learning process must be carried out properly according to standards. The combination of self and peer assessment methods is learning to get feedback, encourage students to be more active, independent, responsible, practice evaluation skills and encourage deep learning to maximize the achievement of competencies. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of a combination of self and peer assessmentlearning methods on D III Midwifery student competencies. This research is a quantitative study with a quasi-experimental pre-post test design. The study population was all students of D III Midwifery Semester III with a total of 75 people. Sampling uses simple random sampling technique which is divided into three groups for self assessment, peer assessment and a combination of self and peer assessmentmethods, each group totaling 25 people. The research instrument uses a checklist. The statistical test used is Kruskal_Wallis. the results showed that the combination of self and peer assessmentmethods showed more increases by 13.2% (
Maternal Risk Factors among Pregnant Women with Miscarriage
Background: Approximately, 4.1% of maternal deaths in Indonesia occur due to miscarriage. Miscarriage might be caused by various factors such as fetal, maternal, and external factors. Monitoring and early detection of maternal factors might prevent miscarriage. This study aimed to analyze the influence of maternal factors on the incidence of miscarriage. Methods: This was an analytic observational study with a case-control design conducted in Banjar District, South Kalimantan in August–September 2022. Data was collected from the medical records of pregnant women who experienced miscarriage (n=60) and pregnant women who did not (n=120). Data was analyzed using the chi square test and logistic regression. The level of maternal risk factors for the incidence of miscarriage was determined from the odds ratio (OR) value at a 95% confidence interval.Results: The results revealed that parity (p=0.000; OR=2.2), nutritional status (p=0.000; OR=77.1), level of education (p=0.001; OR=3.5), and employment status (p=0.000; OR=8.1) had a significant effect on the incidence of miscarriage.Conclusion: Maternal factors such as parity, nutritional status, education level, and employment status influence on the incidence of miscarriage, therefore, it is essential to educate pregnant women on various factors related to miscarriage
Some young women including female students in Indonesia are still not free from complaints of dysmenorrhea syndrome. One of the effects of dysmenorrhea is a decrease in learning concentration and daily productivity. Activity that can be pursued is to change lifestyles to be more active in physical exercise, one of which is exercise training. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of moderate-intensity spinning exercise on reducing the symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea pain in female college students. This quantitative research uses a quasi-experimental design pre-test post-test design. Studies subjects numbered 32 where the control and intervention groups each consisted of 16 respondents. The intervention that will be given to the intervention group is a moderate intensity spinning exercise for 3 weeks with the FITT principle. The research data were analyzed by Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon statistical tests. The results of the analysis showed a decrease in dysmenorrhea pain symptoms before the intervention there was no significant difference (p> 0.05), whereas after the administration of the intervention showed there were significant differences in the intervention and control groups with a value of p = 0.001. The influence of moderate-intensity spinning exercise can reduce the symptoms of dysmenorrhea pain by 66%. Educational institutions can implement policies on the use of spinning tools in the environment of students and educate these tools to adolescents in the target area given their effective use to reduce menstrual pain
Kematian perinatal berhubungan dengan peristiwa obstetri seperti lahir mati dan kematian neonatal dini. Kasus kematian bayi di Kabupaten Garut menduduki peringkat kedua tertinggi kematian bayi di Jawa Barat. Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk menurunkan kasus kematian perinatal namun, belum memperlihatkan hasil maksimal. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis penyebab kematian perinatal yang dapat dicegah. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah Sequential Explanatory Mixed Method. Tahap pertama melakukan teknik kuantitatif dengan studi dokumentasi terhadap dokumen Otopsi Verbal Perinatal (OVP) berjumlah 78 kasus. Uji statistik menggunakan fisher exact. Tahap kedua dengan teknik kualitatif dengan indepth interview pada empat orang keluarga bayi yang meninggal, dua orang petugas kesehatan dan dua orang penanggungjawab pencatatan dan pelaporan dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) pada satu orang kepala seksi kesehatan keluarga Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Garut dan empat orang bidan koordinator puskesmas. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Oktober sampai November 2016. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan jarak kelahiran, penyakit penyerta, ketersediaan fasilitas dan rujukan dengan kematian perinatal yang dapat dicegah (p<0,05). Jarak kelahiran dan penyakit penyerta masih berkontribusi terhadap kematian perinatal yang dapat dicegah terkait dengan keterbatasan pengetahuan ibu dan juga deteksi dini baik tingkat keluarga maupun tenaga kesehatan, sedangkan ketersediaan fasilitas kesehatan terkait dengan keterbatasan alat dan sumber daya manusia kesehatan. Sebagian besar kematian perinatal dapat dicegah. Perlu kerjasama semua elemen masyarakat maupun pemerintah dalam upaya menurunkan kematian perinatal yang dapat dicegah.
Pembentukan Kader Sebaya untuk Optimalisasi Kesehatan Seksual Reproduksi Remaja Menyongsong Indonesia Emas : kader sebaya
Masa remaja merupakan masa yang dapat dikategorikan pada tingkat yang memiliki banyak tantangan baik dari diri mereka sendiri ataupun lingkungan. Pendidikan kesehatan secara holistik sangat diperlukan pada masa remaja yang mengalami pertumbuhan untuk menjadi manusia yang lebih baik dalam segi kesehatannya. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah mengoptimalkan kesehatan remaja melalui literasi kesehatan secara holistik. Pelaksanaan kegiatan mengacu pada pelaksanaan posyandu remaja sesuai pedoman di Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Sasaran kegiatan adalah Remaja usia 10-19 tahun. Dalam meningkatkan literasi kesehatan remaja maka media yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah E-booklet yang disusun oleh tim sebagai luaran. Selain itu diadakan pelatihan kader remaja dengan harapan kegiatan: Inhouse training dalam upaya pemberdayaan remaja selanjutnya dapat diteruskan ke depannya oleh kader remaja yang merupakan persebaya remaja di lingkungannya sendiri.Masa remaja merupakan masa yang dapat dikategorikan pada tingkat yang memiliki banyak tantangan baik dari diri mereka sendiri ataupun lingkungan. Pendidikan kesehatan secara holistik sangat diperlukan pada masa remaja yang mengalami pertumbuhan untuk menjadi manusia yang lebih baik dalam segi kesehatannya. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah mengoptimalkan kesehatan remaja melalui literasi kesehatan secara holistik. Pelaksanaan kegiatan mengacu pada pelaksanaan posyandu remaja sesuai pedoman di Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Sasaran kegiatan adalah Remaja usia 10-19 tahun. Dalam meningkatkan literasi kesehatan remaja maka media yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah E-booklet yang disusun oleh tim sebagai luaran. Selain itu diadakan pelatihan kader remaja dengan harapan kegiatan : Inhouse training dalam Upaya pemberdaayaan remaja selanjutnya dapat diteruskan ke depannya oleh kader remaja yang merupakan persebaya remaja dilingkungannya sendiri
Principles of Social Justice in The Regulation of Nutritional Adequacy Rates for Pregnant Women
Abstract:Â Facts that showed there are nutritional problems for pregnant women, reflect gaps in fulfilling nutritional intake for pregnant women and show that pregnant women's rights are not fulfilled. Fulfillment of nutritional adequacy intake is an effort to be healthy and healthy is a basic right for everyone that is mandated in Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 and Pancasila. The government has made regulations and policies to help fulfil pregnant women's right to nutrition.
This study aimed to analyze regulations related to the nutritional adequacy rate of pregnant women with the principle of social justice. The method used in this study is normative juridical. The data used is in the form of secondary data derived from primary legal materials, namely Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health, Law Number 8 of 2012 concerning Food, Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 23 of 2014 concerning Efforts to Improve Nutrition and Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 28 of 2019 concerning Recommended Nutritional Adequacy Rates for Indonesian People. Other sources of law are in the form of secondary and tertiary legal materials.
The study results obtained regulations or provisions regarding the nutritional adequacy rate of pregnant women based on the principles of social justice. It can be explained that to carry out these provisions, implement positive legal principles and norms that pay attention to the interests of the community to enable each individual in the community to develop optimally to create the greatest possible happiness for as many people as possible. Along with upholding social justice, the benefits of the law are simultaneously felt.
Abstrak: Fakta yang memperlihatkan terdapatnya masalah gizi ibu hamil, mencerminkan terdapatnya kesenjangan pemenuhan asupan gizi ibu hamil dan memperlihatkan tidak terpenuhinya hak ibu hamil. Pemenuhan asupan gizi yang baik merupakan upaya untuk sehat dan sehat adalah hak asasi bagi setiap orang yang diamanahkan di Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 dan Pancasila. Pemerintah telah membuat peraturan dan kebijakan untuk membantu pemenuhan hak ibu hamil terhadap gizi.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis peraturan terkait angka kecukupan gizi ibu hamil dengan asas keadilan sosial. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu yuridis normatif. Data yang digunakan berupa data sekunder yang berasal dari bahan hukum primer yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2023 tentang Kesehatan, Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 2012 tentang Pangan, Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Upaya Perbaikan Gizi dan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 28 Tahun 2019 tentang Angka Kecukupan Gizi Yang Dianjurkan Untuk Masyarakat Indonesia. Sumber hukum lainnya berupa bahan hukum sekunder juga tersier.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan peraturan atau ketentuan tentang angka kecukupan gizi ibu hamil berlandaskan pada asas keadilan sosial. Hal tersebut dapat dijelaskan bahwa untuk menjalankan ketentuan tersebut, maka menjalankan kaidah-kaidah dan norma-norma hukum positif yang memperhatikan kepentingan masyarakat sehingga memungkinkan setiap individu dalam kelompok masyarakat berkembang secara maksimal agar mewujudkan kebahagiaan sebesar-besarnya bagi sebanyak-banyaknya masyarakat. Seiring dengan ditegakkannya keadilan sosial maka secara bersamaan dirasakan kemanfaatan dari hukum tersebut
Knowledge and Attitude as Factors Affecting Regularity of Antenatal Care Visits
Background: Maternal mortality ratio and infant mortality rate in Indonesia are still high and far from the Millennium Development Goals target. One of the solutions is by making regular antenatal care visits. Factors affecting antenatal care are knowledge and attitude. This study aimed to analyze the influence of knowledge and attitude about antenatal care toward regularity of antenatal care visit.Methods: This analytic study was conducted by using the rapid survey through cross-sectional approach. The study population was pregnant women in Cipacing Village, Jatinangor Sub-district, with 55 samples. Questionnaires were distributed to evaluate the knowledge and attitude, and Kartu Menuju Sehat observation was conducted to investigate antenatal care visit.Results: Out of 55 respondents, 26 had good knowledge, 25 had fair knowledge, and 4 had poor knowledge. Only 13 respondents had a good attitude level, while 42 had fair attitude, and none with poor attitude. As many as 46 respondents did antenatal care visits regularly, while 9 did not. Logistic regression analysis showed that knowledge and attitude had no significant influence towards regularity of antenatal care visit, with influence only approximately 2%. Conclusions: Knowledge, attitude, and regularity of antenatal care among respondents are good enough. Knowledge and attitude are not the dominant factors that affect the regularity of antenatal care visit. Thus a further study is needed to identify the other factors.