57 research outputs found

    Exact cosmological solutions with nonminimal derivative coupling

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    We consider a gravitational theory of a scalar field ϕ\phi with nonminimal derivative coupling to curvature. The coupling terms have the form κ1Rϕ,μϕ,μ\kappa_1 R\phi_{,\mu}\phi^{,\mu} and κ2Rμνϕ,μϕ,ν\kappa_2 R_{\mu\nu}\phi^{,\mu}\phi^{,\nu} where κ1\kappa_1 and κ2\kappa_2 are coupling parameters with dimensions of length-squared. In general, field equations of the theory contain third derivatives of gμνg_{\mu\nu} and ϕ\phi. However, in the case 2κ1=κ2κ-2\kappa_1=\kappa_2\equiv\kappa the derivative coupling term reads κGμνϕ,muϕ,ν\kappa G_{\mu\nu}\phi^{,mu}\phi^{,\nu} and the order of corresponding field equations is reduced up to second one. Assuming 2κ1=κ2-2\kappa_1=\kappa_2, we study the spatially-flat Friedman-Robertson-Walker model with a scale factor a(t)a(t) and find new exact cosmological solutions. It is shown that properties of the model at early stages crucially depends on the sign of κ\kappa. For negative κ\kappa the model has an initial cosmological singularity, i.e. a(t)(tti)2/3a(t)\sim (t-t_i)^{2/3} in the limit ttit\to t_i; and for positive κ\kappa the universe at early stages has the quasi-de Sitter behavior, i.e. a(t)eHta(t)\sim e^{Ht} in the limit tt\to-\infty, where H=(3κ)1H=(3\sqrt{\kappa})^{-1}. The corresponding scalar field ϕ\phi is exponentially growing at tt\to-\infty, i.e. ϕ(t)et/κ\phi(t)\sim e^{-t/\sqrt{\kappa}}. At late stages the universe evolution does not depend on κ\kappa at all; namely, for any κ\kappa one has a(t)t1/3a(t)\sim t^{1/3} at tt\to\infty. Summarizing, we conclude that a cosmological model with nonminimal derivative coupling of the form κGμνϕ,muϕ,ν\kappa G_{\mu\nu}\phi^{,mu}\phi^{,\nu} is able to explain in a unique manner both a quasi-de Sitter phase and an exit from it without any fine-tuned potential.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Accepted to PR

    Black Hole in Thermal Equilibrium with a Spin-2 Quantum Field

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    An approximate form for the vacuum averaged stress-energy tensor of a conformal spin-2 quantum field on a black hole background is employed as a source term in the semiclassical Einstein equations. Analytic corrections to the Schwarzschild metric are obtained to first order in ϵ=/M2\epsilon = {\hbar}/M^2, where MM denotes the mass of the black hole. The approximate tensor possesses the exact trace anomaly and the proper asymptotic behavior at spatial infinity, is conserved with respect to the background metric and is uniquely defined up to a free parameter c^2\hat c_2, which relates to the average quantum fluctuation of the field at the horizon. We are able to determine and calculate an explicit upper bound on c^2\hat c_2 by requiring that the entropy due to the back-reaction be a positive increasing function in rr. A lower bound for c^2\hat c_2 can be established by requiring that the metric perturbations be uniformly small throughout the region 2Mr<ro2M \leq r < r_o, where ror_o is the radius of perturbative validity of the modified metric. Additional insight into the nature of the perturbed spacetime outside the black hole is provided by studying the effective potential for test particles in the vicinity of the horizon.Comment: 21 pages in plain LaTex. Three figures available upon request from the first autho

    Cosmology with nonminimal kinetic coupling and a Higgs-like potential

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    We consider cosmological dynamics in the theory of gravity with the scalar field possessing the nonminimal kinetic coupling to curvature given as κGμνϕ,μϕ,ν\kappa G^{\mu\nu}\phi_{,\mu}\phi_{,\nu}, and the Higgs-like potential V(ϕ)=λ4(ϕ2ϕ02)2V(\phi)=\frac{\lambda}{4}(\phi^2-\phi_0^2)^2. Using the dynamical system method, we analyze stationary points, their stability, and all possible asymptotical regimes of the model under consideration. We show that the Higgs field with the kinetic coupling provides an existence of accelerated regimes of the Universe evolution. There are three possible cosmological scenarios with acceleration: (i) {\em The late-time inflation} when the Hubble parameter tends to the constant value, H(t)H=(23πGλϕ04)1/2H(t)\to H_\infty=(\frac23 \pi G\lambda\phi_0^4)^{1/2} as tt\to\infty, while the scalar field tends to zero, ϕ(t)0\phi(t)\to 0, so that the Higgs potential reaches its local maximum V(0)=14λϕ04V(0)=\frac14 \lambda\phi_0^4. (ii) {\em The Big Rip} when H(t)(tt)1H(t)\sim(t_*-t)^{-1}\to\infty and ϕ(t)(tt)2\phi(t)\sim(t_*-t)^{-2}\to\infty as ttt\to t_*. (iii) {\em The Little Rip} when H(t)t1/2H(t)\sim t^{1/2}\to\infty and ϕ(t)t1/4\phi(t)\sim t^{1/4}\to\infty as tt\to\infty. Also, we derive modified slow-roll conditions for the Higgs field and demonstrate that they lead to the Little Rip scenario.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figures, discussions and references added, to be published on JCA

    Giant wormholes in ghost-free bigravity theory

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    We study Lorentzian wormholes in the ghost-free bigravity theory described by two metrics, g and f. Wormholes can exist if only the null energy condition is violated, which happens naturally in the bigravity theory since the graviton energy-momentum tensors do not apriori fulfill any energy conditions. As a result, the field equations admit solutions describing wormholes whose throat size is typically of the order of the inverse graviton mass. Hence, they are as large as the universe, so that in principle we might all live in a giant wormhole. The wormholes can be of two different types that we call W1 and W2. The W1 wormholes interpolate between the AdS spaces and have Killing horizons shielding the throat. The Fierz-Pauli graviton mass for these solutions becomes imaginary in the AdS zone, hence the gravitons behave as tachyons, but since the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound is fulfilled, there should be no tachyon instability. For the W2 wormholes the g-geometry is globally regular and in the far field zone it becomes the AdS up to subleading terms, its throat can be traversed by timelike geodesics, while the f-geometry has a completely different structure and is not geodesically complete. There is no evidence of tachyons for these solutions, although a detailed stability analysis remains an open issue. It is possible that the solutions may admit a holographic interpretation.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, section 8.2 describing the W1b wormhole geometry is considerably modifie

    Composite vacuum Brans-Dicke wormholes

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    We construct a new static spherically symmetric configuration composed of interior and exterior Brans-Dicke vacua matched at a thin matter shell. Both vacua correspond to the same Brans-Dicke coupling parameter ω\omega, however they are described by the Brans class I solution with different sets of parameters of integration. In particular, the exterior vacuum solution has Cext(ω)0C_{ext}(\omega)\equiv 0. In this case the Brans class I solution for any ω\omega reduces to the Schwarzschild one being consistent with restrictions on the post-Newtonian parameters following from recent Cassini data. The interior region possesses a strong gravitational field, and so the interior vacuum solution has Cint(ω)=1/(ω+2)C_{int}(\omega)=-1/(\omega+2). In this case the Brans class I solution describes a wormhole spacetime provided ω\omega lies in the narrow interval 233<ω<2-2-\frac{\sqrt{3}}{3}<\omega<-2. The interior and exterior regions are matched at a thin shell made from an ordinary perfect fluid with positive energy density and pressure obeying the barotropic equation of state p=kσp=k\sigma with 0k10\le k\le1. The resulting configuration represents a composite wormhole, i.e. the thin matter shell with the Schwarzschild-like exterior region and the interior region containing the wormhole throat.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Scalar multi-wormholes

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    In 1921 Bach and Weyl derived the method of superposition to construct new axially symmetric vacuum solutions of General Relativity. In this paper we extend the Bach-Weyl approach to non-vacuum configurations with massless scalar fields. Considering a phantom scalar field with the negative kinetic energy, we construct a multi-wormhole solution describing an axially symmetric superposition of NN wormholes. The solution found is static, everywhere regular and has no event horizons. These features drastically tell the multi-wormhole configuration from other axially symmetric vacuum solutions which inevitably contain gravitationally inert singular structures, such as `struts' and `membranes', that keep the two bodies apart making a stable configuration. However, the multi-wormholes are static without any singular struts. Instead, the stationarity of the multi-wormhole configuration is provided by the phantom scalar field with the negative kinetic energy. Anther unusual property is that the multi-wormhole spacetime has a complicated topological structure. Namely, in the spacetime there exist 2N2^N asymptotically flat regions connected by throats.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure