4 research outputs found

    Characterization of Con C, a lectin from Canavalia cathartica Thouars seeds

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    Con C, a lectin from Canavalia cathartica, a wild species of Canavalia was isolated and partially characterized. Mannose-agarose resin was used as an affinity matrix for purification. The lectin showed strong agglutination activity (2.34 AU/ng protein) towards rabbit erythrocytes. Con C agglutinated A, B and O groups of human blood with a preference for A and 0 groups. The native molecular weight of lectin was 62 kDa and the subunit molecular weight was 31 kDa. No carbohydrate moiety was found to be associated with the lectin. Con C showed a broad pH optima of pH 4-8. Total inactivation of lectin activity occurred at 70 degrees C when heated for 10 min. The lectin was found to be mitogenic for mouse-spleen cells (total). N-terminal analysis revealed 94% homology with C ensiformis lectin (Con A). C. cathartica is a legume with high nutritional values and less antinutritional factors and the potential of the same is yet to be exploited. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

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    Not AvailableSouthwest coast of India has great potential for development of deep sea fishing for crustaceans. Earlier exploratory surveys have revealed the existance of commercially exploitable stocks of deep-sea prawns, lobsters and crab along the Kerala coast and schemes are under way for their large scale exploitation. FORV Sagar sampada , in her 40th and 42nd cruises, undertook a detailed survey of the resource characteristics of deep sea crustaceans between Trivandrum and ponnani during january-february, 1988 and the results are presented in this paper. In the bottom trawlsoperated between 60 and 777 m depths, prawns formed sizable portion of the catch from the Quilon Bank. with maximum abundance (64-201 kg/hr) between 290 and 370m depth. The multi species catch consisted of appreciable quantities of large and medium sized species such as Aristeus alocki: Heterocarpus woodmasoni, H.gibbosus Plesionika spinipes, solenocera hextii and Penaeopsis jerryi suggesting scope for their commercial exploitation and export. The deep sea spiny lobster puerulus sewelli recorded the highest yield (180 kg/hr) at 235-307m depth of Trivandrum Among other crustaceans, the swarming Charybdis (Goniohellenus) smithii was an important component registering maximum catch at 240-380m depth of Alleppey. Information on sex ratios, size frequency and mean size distribution, abundance of breeding population etc, from different bathymetric zones have been provided for important species.Not Availabl