97 research outputs found

    Democracy in Islam: comparative study of Muhammad Abid al-Jabiri and Abdolkarim Soroush’s thoughts

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    Using analytic and interpretative approaches, this research compares al-Jabiriand Soroush’s thoughts about democracy in Islam. To assess Islam’s compatibilitywith democracy, this thesis will analyze the issues of authority, sharia, andfreedom according to the two scholars. Al-Jabiri and Soroush agree that theconcept of authority in Islam cannot be interpreted simply as God’s sovereignty,but it also concerns human rights and sovereignty. A leader put justice as his/hercentral concern in practicing policies for citizens. To pursue this hope, they alsopropose that sharia should be reinterpreted in order to be harmonizing in accordancechanging circumstances and time. Al-Jabiri has different understandingwith Soroush about the relationship between religion and state. Al-Jabiri seesthat Muslims are free to choose democracy as their political life. He doesn’tagree the integration of religion and state. In this case, he doesn’t agree theimplementation of sharia in the state. Meanwhile Soroush sees that religion hasan important role in the state, so that he agrees the implementation of shariabecause according to him it supports the political process of the state.Muhammad Abid al-Jabiri dan Abdolkarim Soroush merupakan intelektual Muslimyang memandang bahwa Islam kompatibel dengan demokrasi, dan keduanyatermasuk dalam kelompok moderat. Untuk menguji apakah Islam kompatibeldengan demokrasi, artikel ini menganalisis isu-isu otoritas, syariah, dan kebebasanmenurut pandangan kedua tokoh tersebut. Kedua intelektual itu memilikipandangan filosofis yang sejalan tentang ide demokrasi dalam Islam. Misalnya,konsep otoritas dalam Islam tidak saja dipahami sebagai bentuk kedaulatan Tuhan,namun yang lebih penting bahwa konsep ini juga memerhatikan aspek hak dankedaulatan manusia. Syariah perlu direinterpretasi agar sesuai dengan konteksperubahan zaman dan dapat mengarah pada pencapaian tujuannya. Perbedaankeduanya terletak pada relasi agama-negara. Dalam hal ini, al-Jabiri memilikipandangan yang “liberal” bahwa konsep sebuah negara tidak perlu berdasarkanidentitas agama. Umat Islam diberikan kebebasan penuh untuk menjalankankehidupan politiknya, tanpa terbebani oleh rujukan teks-teks Islam yang masihdiperdebatkan. Dengan demikian, ia memandang bahwa penerapan syariah dalamsebuah negara tidak perlu karena sesungguhnya syariah belum penah diterapkansecara sempurna. Sedangkan Soroush berpandangan sebaliknya bahwa identitasagama perlu ditambatkan ke dalam ide sebuah negara (demokrasi)

    Pluralitas Agama Dalam Perspektif Permainan: Dialog Antaragama Dalam Hermenutika HG Gadamer

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    The writer tries to analyze the problem of religious plurality through HG Gadamer's hermeneutical analysis. In the article, the writer starts his analysis from the phenomenon of interreligious relationship happens in the world. In the writer's opinion -based on HG Gadamer's analysis-, that human look lost in the phenomenon of hard interreligious relation, on contrary it suggests that the interdependent among religious people. The two categories above don't mean the relation of win or loss, or domination relation, but it is better to say "belonging relation ". Moreover the writer specifies that communicative attitude for knowing the others which together with knowing himself could solve all problems of interreligious relationship with some consensus obtained without any pressure. Knowing the others doesn't mean following other i attitude, but influencing or influenced. Thus, the critical and innovative attitude are needed. Life is just a game


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    penelitian ini mengkaji faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan warga Muhammadiyah memiliki kegairahan ekonomi dan etos kerja dengan memiliki berbagai macam usaha ekonomi seperti swalayan dan bank. Kegairahan perekonomian warga Muhammadiyah kecamatan Pulung Kecamatan Pulung disebabkan karena motif religius. Keikutsertaannya dalam kegiatan amal usaha Muhammadiyah disebabkan oleh pertimbangan-pertimbangan keyakinan dan nilai-nilai keagamaan, yaitu ingin membantu mengembangkan dan menjadi bagain dari kesadaran serta ketaan terhadap Muhammadiyah kata kunci: prilaku ekonomi, warga muhammadiya


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    The main purpose of this study is to explain the various concepts of paradigms in the social sciences. There are three paradigms in the social sciences, the paradigm of social facts, social definition, and social behavior. Social fact is something that is beyond the individual reality therefore social fact divided into two terms of the material entity and non material entity. Material entity is something tangible goods, while the unity of the non material entity is considered to be something that no goods. Social definition paradigm directs attention to how to interpret human social life or how they form a real social life. While the paradigm of social behavior discussing on individual behavior that takes place in an environment that causes or changes due to subsequent behavior. The differences between paradigm must be seen as positive because each paradigms can support buliding scientific traditio


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    Secara historis di Barat memang tidak bisa diingkari pernah terjadi ketegangan antar sains dan agama bahkan sampai pada titik yang sangat ekstrim sebagaimana yang pernah dialami Galileo dan beberapa ilmuan lainnya. Namun hal ini tidak terjadi dalam dunia Islam. Konsep Islam memandang bahwa ilmu pengetahuan tidak terpisah dari agama, atau dengan kata lain terintegrasi dalam agama. Semua yang terjadi di dunia ini seharusnya selalu mengacu pada pengagungan pada Tuhan. Tuhan sebagai pusat segalanya (God centered), meski realitas saat ini masih menunjukkan bahwa Islam mengalamai kemunduran dan seakan-akan ilmu terpisah dari agama merupakan hal yang berbeda

    Kemiskinan dan Ekonomi Kesejahteraan

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    Isu kemiskinan seakan tidak pernah habis selama masih banyak warga yang hidup di bawah garis kehidupan yang layak. Kemiskinan perlu diatasi dengan program-program pembangunan ekonomi yang benar-benar mensejahterakan, namun sayangnya hal itu masih sebatas program yang terkesan muluk-muluk, namun belum memberi dampak yang signifikan.Artikel ini akan mengkaji kemiskinan yang dikaitkan dengan konsep ekonomi kesejahteraan, dengan fokus pada pemikiran peraih Nobel 1998 yang merupakan profesor ekonomi kelahiran India, Amartya Sen. Pemikiran-pemikirannya banyak memberikan dasar penting bagi pembangunan ekonomi yang berkeadilan.Ekonomi kesejahteraan perlu ditopang dengan semakin kuatnya peran negara. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengatasi gerak ekonomi kapitalisme yang semakin menghantui kehidupan masyarakat di era modern saat ini. Diharapkan dengan ekonomi kesejahteraan, kemiskinan bisa diatasi dan kehidupan masyarakat menjadi semakin lebih baik. Kata kunci: kemiskinan, ekonomi kesejahteraan, Amartya Sen

    Kritisisme Sejarah Teologi Barat

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    The main purpose of this article consists in investigating the history of theology in the Western culture. This investigation is aimed at finding a new path for understanding the essence of Western theology. Western theology is meant that body of doctrine and tradition developed solely in terms of the temporal and cultural situations within the West. It should go without saying that all doctrinal development takes place within a historical and ideological context which defines not only the issues raised but also the language and concepts used in attempting solutions. It should readily be admitted that even the “purest” theological formulation reflects the thought and terms of its era. It is not doubted that Western theology promotes universal truths which may be applied to all peoples in all places under all circumstances. The resistance comes arise from Liberation theologies. The characteristic of Liberation theologies, whether specifically Black American theologies or Latin American theologies, is to decry the negative impact which traditional Western theology has had, both implicitly and explicitly, upon non-white peoples of the world. For the case of Indonesia, the mergence of Islamic thought or Islamic theology is very unique. Intellectual traditions of Indonesia were developed after contact with reformist and modernist thought without denying local wisdom. Acceptance and rejection of Western Thought without criticism is a weakness

    Pembaharuan Pemikiran Islam dan Relevansinya bagi Pengembangan Pendidikan di Indonesia

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    The issue of renewal will always be associated with the advancement of science and technology as well as the changing demands of the times. Modernization or renewal can be an attempt to improve the situation both in terms of ways, concepts, and a set of methods commonly applied in order to deliver better circumstances. In the context of renewal education is the absolute thing to be done because part of maintaining the existence of education itself. Islamic education is uniquely different from other types of educational theory and practice largely because of the all-encompassing influence of the Qur’an. The renewal of Islamic education is an attempt to actualize the great values of religion in the form of an empirical and historical life. Nurcholis Madjid and Kuntowijoyo are two great Islamic thinkers of Indonesia who seek to actualize Islamic values in everyday life. Although not specific in the world of education, but what is done in Islamic renewal can be used in renewal in education. The values of religion that are still normative and subjective must be transformed into theories that can be translated in the empirical world and become objective. This paper aims to explore the thinking of Islamic renewal of these two figures and find its relevance to the development of Islamic education


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    The main purpose of this study is to explain the various concepts of paradigms in the social sciences. There are three paradigms in the social sciences, the paradigm of social facts, social definition, and social behavior. Social fact is something that is beyond the individual reality therefore social fact divided into two terms of the material entity and non material entity. Material entity is something tangible goods, while the unity of the non material entity is considered to be something that no goods. Social definition paradigm directs attention to how to interpret human social life or how they form a real social life. While the paradigm of social behavior discussing on individual behavior that takes place in an environment that causes or changes due to subsequent behavior. The differences between paradigm must be seen as positive because each paradigms can support buliding scientific traditio


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    The main purpose of this study is to explain the various concepts of paradigms in the social sciences. There are three paradigms in the social sciences, the paradigm of social facts, social definition, and social behavior. Social fact is something that is beyond the individual reality therefore social fact divided into two terms of the material entity and non material entity. Material entity is something tangible goods, while the unity of the non material entity is considered to be something that no goods. Social definition paradigm directs attention to how to interpret human social life or how they form a real social life. While the paradigm of social behavior discussing on individual behavior that takes place in an environment that causes or changes due to subsequent behavior. The differences between paradigm must be seen as positive because each paradigms can support buliding scientific tradition Keyword: Paradigm, social fact, social definition, social behavio
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