410 research outputs found
The Changes of Behaviors and Cognitive Functions by Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in the Drug Abusers
Introduction: This study was aimed to find out the effect of CBT on the behaviors i.e. depressive, agressive and antisocial behaviors as well as cognitive functions of patients who were treated in rehabilitation unit at a drug addiction hospital (Rumah Sakit Ketergantungan Obat) in Jakarta. Method: The research design was Quasi experimental pre-post test without control group by providing intervention: CBT for 6 sessions (10–12 times intervention). The population was all patients in the rehabilitation unit with a nursing diagnosis: low self esteem and/or inffective coping strategies. There were 23 participants who involved in this investigation. The data was analized by using dependent and independent sample t, and anova tests. Result: The results showed that p value for depressive behaviours, agressive behaviurs, antisocial behaviors, and cognitive functions were 0.914; 0.001; 0.039; 0.003 respectively. The outcomes indicated that there was significant impact of CBT on agressive behaviors, antisocial behaviors, and cognitive functions (α = 0.05, p value 0.05). Discussion: It is argued that depressive symptoms might not be apparent for the users in rehabilitative phase. The findings also showed that there was significant relation between antisocial behaviors and the length of drug USAge. This affirms exsiting concepts in that long drug USAge brings about serious damage in the users\u27 behaviors and cognitive functions. It is recommended, therefore, to include CBT as an important intervention for clients with drug abuse problems who are cared in rehabilitation center
An Analysis Used in Belis Tradition in Anakalang, Middle Sumba
Belis tradition is part culture in Sumba and a condition to marriage someone. Many kinds of symbols used on it. Belis tradition is not separated from culture. By of culture, Belis be an own culture that has different process and symbols. Because every culture have different process based on that place. Therefore, the researcher has been interested in studying this problem by formulating four researcher problems such as: how the process of Belis tradition, what are the symbols and symbols meaning used in Belis tradition process, what kinds of terms used in Belis tradition?. There are so many symbols and terms used in Belis tradition. The symbols used such as sirih pinang, parang, gading, mamuli, stallion, pig, kombu cloth, rau nyau (janur), gong, kayu kaba (white cloth), and nibu pahori (spear). Every symbols has the meaning itself such as stallion as symbol of masculine. Sirih pinang as symbol of welcoming, and etc. And the terms used in Belis tradition such as year, layewa, ngaba wini, wunang, pahalaku hilu, kadehang, jedi, ahu papalu, and hangera. After the researcher found and discussed the problems of terms and symbols used in Belis tradition, the researcher made a conclusion of the research finding and discussion. From the result of this research, it was obvious that in Belis tradition used some symbols. And every symbol has own meaning. the researcher really hopes that this researcher to complete this study to be perfect. In addition, the researcher really hopes that this research can help other researcher who wants to continue or conduct research in the same field of the study or discuss about language aspect that occur in the Belis tradition especially in Anakalang
Protein and Anthocyanin Production of Waterleaf Shoots (Talinum Triangulare (Jacq.) Willd) at Different Levels of Nitrogen+Potassium and Harvest Intervals
The experiment was conducted at IPB Experimental Station, Leuwikopo, Dramaga, Bogor, from November 2009 untilFebruary 2010 to study the effect of different nitrogen+potassium rates and harvest intervals on protein and anthocyaninproduction of waterleaf shoot (Talinum triangulare (Jacq.) Willd). A randomized complete block design was used with threereplications of two factors, which were four N+K dosages (50 kg urea + 50 kg ha-1 KCl, 50 kg urea + 100 kg ha-1 KCl, 100 kgurea + 50 kg ha-1 KCl, 100 kg urea + 100 kg ha-1 KCl) and three harvest intervals (30, 15, and 10 days). The results showedthat interaction of 100 kg urea + 100 kg ha-1 KCl and 15-day harvest interval produced the highest content (8.29 mg g-1 freshweight) and production (4.72 g plant-1) of protein. The interaction of N+K dosages and harvest intervals were not signifi cantin affecting the anthocyanin content. The highest production of anthocyanin was produced by single treatment of 100 kg urea+ 100 kg ha-1 KCl (152.23 μmol plant-1) and 10 days harvest interval (165.47 μmol plant-1), respectively. Leaf protein levelsnegatively correlated with anthocyanin content
Sistem Informasi Administrasi Gudang Tabung Elpiji 3Kg dengan Metode Fifo Berbasis MultiUser (Studi Kasus di Departemen Barang Jadi PT.Star Global Indonesia Demak)
PT. Star Global Indonesia Demak adalah salah satu Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pembuatan tabung elpiji 3kg. Dalam melakukan kegiatan pengolahan administrasi gudang masih menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft Excel. Hal ini berimbas pada laporan persediaan yang masih lama dalam pembuatannya sehingga membuang-buang waktu, dan kurang akurat dalam proses pembuatan laporan, sehingga kurang efektif bagi Perusahaan. Untuk itu penulis akan membuat sistem yang mampu mengatasi permasalahan tersebut.  Dalam menyelesaikan masalah tersebut maka penulis mengumpulkan data dan fakta yang ada pada PT. Star Global Indonesia Demak selanjutnya merancang suatu sistem informasi administrasi gudang tabung elpiji yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Perusahaan. Dalam pembuatan sistem informasi administrasi gudang tabung elpiji 3kg, penulis menggunakan bahasa pemograman Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 dan juga MYSQL sebagai database berbasis multiuser. Dengan rancangan sistem tersebut diharapkan mampu menangani permasalahan pada Perusahaan, yaitu memperoleh kemudahan dalam menyajikan laporan administrasi secara cepat dan akurat sehingga tidak membuang waktu terlalu lama
Uji Fitokimia dan Penapisan Senyawa Anti Malaria Asal Tumbuhan Benta (Wikstroemia SP.) terhadap Plasmodium Falciparum
Wikstroemia sp. is used in traditional medicine for medical purposes including malaria in Bangka and Belitung island. However, its use is largely based on the empirical experience rather than scientific investi-gation. The aim of this study is to identify the plant, to investigate the present of some kind of biochemical compound, and to evaluate in vitro antiplasmodial activity of ethanol extracts of Wikstroemia sp. leaves and fruits to Plasmodium falciparum. A visual method was allowed to evaluate the in vitro antiplasmodial activity of the extracts against P. falciparum. The number of parasites per 5,000 erythrocytes on thin Giemsa stained smears was calculated microscopically. IC50 values were determined by probit analysis of SPSS 13 program. The study showed, the plant was identified as Wikstroemia lanceolata. Some biochemical compound which have been investigated were phenol, saponin, and steroid. The antiplasmodial activity of ethanol extracts of Wikstroemia lanceolata fruits and leaves on P. falciparum were not effective as IC50>100 μg/mL. The highest inhibition of 100 μg/mL of Wikstroemia lanceolata fruits and leaves were 5.95% and 16.99% respectively
Transport Metilmerkuri (Mehg) Dan Merkuri Inorganik (I-hg) Terhadap Janin Dan Asi
TRANSPORT METILMERKURI (MeHg) DAN MERKURI INORGANIK (I-Hg) TERHADAP JANIN DAN ASITransport of Methylmercury and Inorganic Mercuryto the Fetus and Breast-Fed InfantHenny Dwi SusantiFakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangJl. Bendungan Sutami 188A Malang 65145E-mail : [email protected] (Hg) merupakan salah satu logam berat yang berbahaya. Toksisitas Hg berbeda sesuai dengan bentuk kimianya, merkuri inorganik (I-Hg) bersifat toksik terhadap organ ginjal, sedangkan merkuri organik seperti metil merkuri (MeHg) bersifat toksik terhadap susunan sistim syaraf pusat. Hg bisa menguap di udara dan dapat menembus sawar plasenta. Kandungan MeHg pada bayi dua kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan darah ibu saat melahirkan, sedangkan kandungan Hg lebih tinggi sebelum persalinan daripada selama periode menyusui, dan kandungan MeHg pada bayi saat menyusui lebih tinggi dibandingkan I-Hg. Metode yang digunakan adalah a literature study approach. MeHg dan I-Hg adalah neurotoksik yang berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan otak dan mudah ditransfer melalui plasenta janin. Bahaya Hg bisa mengakibatkan retardasi mental, penurunan kognitif, penurunan pendengaran, penurunan kemampuan berbicara dan penyakit lain yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada janin. Kandungan MeHg juga ditemukan didalam Air Susu Ibu (ASI) meskipun kecil kandungannya. Pencegahan untuk mengurangi kandungan Hg pada janin dan ibu hamil adalah dengan tidak mengkonsumsi spesies ikan tertentu yang terpapar MeHg.Kata kunci : Metil Merkuri, Merkuri Inorganik, Janin, MenyusuiABSTRACTMercury (Hg) is a heavy metal that is dangerous. Hg toxicity differ according to their chemical forms, the inorganic mercury (I-Hg) is toxic to the kidneys, whereas organic mercury as methylmercury (MeHg) is toxic to the central nervous system arrangement. Hg can evaporate in the air and can penetrate the placental barrier. The content of MeHg in infants two times higher than the maternal blood, whereas higher Hg content before delivery than during the period of breastfeeding, and the content of MeHg in the baby during breastfeeding is higher than I- Hg. The method used was a literature study approach. MeHg and I- Hg is the neurotoxic effect on brain development is transferred through the placenta and fetus. Hg danger can result in mental retardation, cognitive impairment, hearing loss, decreased ability to speak and other diseases that affect the growth and development of the fetus. The content of MeHg also found in mother's milk (ASI) although minor ingredient. Prevention to reduce the amount of Hg in the fetus and pregnant women is by not eating certain fish species were exposed to MeHg
Model Pendidikan Kewirausahaan di Perguruan Tinggi dalam Menumbuhkan Entrepreneur Muda Kreatif dan Inovatif di Kota Semarang
Thought tobring entrepreneurship education in colleges, both of which are integrated in the curriculum and student activities were developed by several universities and is targeted by 2014as many as20 percent of college graduates managed to become a businessman (Institutions of Higher Education,December 22, 2009). The creation of community among faculty and entrepreneurs from college graduatesis intended to accelerate the addition of Indonesian business man who needed to drive economic growth in the nation. Associated with improving the quality and relevance of education which basically includes the development of the moral aspects, morals, mind, character, knowledge, skills, health, art and culture, the development of these aspects, leads to improvement and development of life skills, which is realized through the achievement of basic competencies to survive, and able to adapt them selves to succeed in life. But in fact the institution has not bee nable to resolve the problem of unemployment and bridging the world of education and business world
Kontribusi Kompetensi Kerja Guru Dan Iklim Sekolah Terhadap Kinerja Mengajar Guru Taman Kanak Kanak
Penelitian ini beranjak dari adanya indikasi guru TK di Kabupaten Bangka belum menunjukan kinerja mengajar yang memadai. Untuk mewujudkan kinerja mengajar guru TK yang baik diperlukan adanya kompetensi kerja guru dan iklim sekolah yang mendukung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kontribusi kompetensi kerja guru dan iklim sekolah terhadap kinerja mengajar guru TK di Kabupaten Bangka. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif dan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah guru TK di Kabupaten Bangka yang berjumlah 316 orang. Sampel diambil dengan metode probability samples dan diperoleh sampel sejumlah 76 orang guru. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kuisioner, data yang terkumpul selanjutnya diolah menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linier Hasil penelitian menunjukan gambaran dari variabel kompetensi kerja guru, iklim sekolah dan kinerja mengajar guru TK di Kabupaten Bangka berada pada kategori sangat baik. Hasil uji korelasi ketiga variable menunjukan tingkat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan. Kompetensi kerja guru dan iklim sekolah berkontribusi cukup tinggi terhadap kinerja mengajar guru TK di kabupaten Bangka. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kompetensi kerja guru dan iklim sekolah memberikan kontribusi terhadap kinerja mengajar guru TK di Kabupaten Bangka.This research begins from the indication of a kindergarten teacher in Bangka District not show adequate teaching performance. To create a good teaching performance, kindergarten teacher needs the teachers competency and school climate which support it. The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of the teachers competency and school climate on the teaching performance of kindergarten teachers in Bangka district. The study was conducted using descriptive and quantitative approaches. The population in this study was a kindergarten teacher in Bangka district, amounting to 316 people. Samples taken by the method of probability samples and obtained a sample of 76 teachers. Data was collected using questionnaires, the data collected subsequently processed using linear regression analysis techniques. The results showed a picture of the variables teachers competency, school climate and the teaching performance of kindergarten teachers in Bangka district are in very good category. The third variable correlation test results showed levels of positive and significant relationship. The teachers competency and school climate is high enough to contribute towards the teaching performance of kindergarten teachers in the district of Bangka. Based on research findings, it can be concluded that the teachers competency and school climate contributed to the teaching performance of kindergarten teachers in Bangka district
Penerapan Disiplin sebagai Pemoderasi Hubungan antara Pemberian Kompensasi dan Penghargaan terhadap Kinerja
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the compensation and rewards to the employee of BKKBN in East Java Province performance both simultaneously and partially, and was to determine whether the application of discipline moderated the correlation between compensation and rewards distribution to employee's performance. The Method of sample selection used in this study was cluster sampling technique that took randomly from the population. The numbers of the samples of this study were 82 respondents. The type of data used was primary data collected through questionnaire. The regression analysis with variables moderating was used thoroughly in analyzing the data. To prove moderating variable to become mediation variable or not therefore residual test is used. The results of this study showed that giving compensation and awards simultaneously affected to employee's performance. Distributing compensation partially did not affect employee's performance while distributing awards partially affected the performance of the employees. Application of discipline was a moderating variable affecting the correlation between the compensation and rewards distribution to employee's performance. Keywords: the application of discipline, compensation, reward, performanc
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