257 research outputs found

    The prevalence of head and face pain decreased from 1997 to 2017 in Switzerland

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    Background: Pain in the head and the face is highly prevalent but may have changed during the past years. This study aimed to analyze changes in the prevalence of pain in the head and the face in Switzerland from 1997 to 2017. Methods: This is a secondary analysis of data collected in the Swiss Health Surveys of 1997–2017. Included persons were 15 years and older. Besides studying demographic data, we analyze the item assessing the presence of “headache, pressure in the head, or facial pain” during the past 4 weeks. Percentages with their Wilson confidence intervals are reported for each response option of categorical variables. Moreover, we calculate the age‐standardized number of persons affected by the pain. Results: While 41% reported head and face pain in 1997, the proportion dropped to 31% in 2017. There was a decrease of 19.5% in women and 29.4% in men; after age standardization, the decrease was 16.5% in women and 25.4% in men. The most considerable numerical changes in the percentages of women with pain occurred in those aged 55–69 and 85 and above. In men, the changes were not limited to specific age groups. Conclusions: The proportion of people reporting headaches, pressure in the head, or facial pain has dropped in Switzerland from 1997 to 2017. However, in women, the prevalence diminished more strongly and consistently in the middle‐aged and the elderly than in the young

    Pacific Trans-Formations: politische Ökonomie, Körper und Geschlecht in Larissa Lais Salt Fish Girl (2002)

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    "Seit nordamerikanische ÖkonomInnen in den 1990ern begannen, das 21. Jahrhundert euphorisch als 'pazifisches Jahrhundert' zu feiern, kennzeichnet ein auffĂ€llig prophetischer Utopianismus den Diskurs des 'Pacific Rim', dessen ideologische Konstruktion seit jeher von hegemonialen ReprĂ€sentationsstrategien des Westens bestimmt wird. Fast analog dazu tauchen in der nordamerikanischen fiktionalen Literatur um 2000 Texte auf, die diese diskursive Aneignung im Dienst des globalisierten Kapitalismus und dessen rassistische und sexistische Implikationen ausstellen und konterkarieren. Anhand eines close reading von Larissa Lais Roman Salt Fish Girl untersucht der Aufsatz die Ă€sthetischen, politischen und ethischen Strategien dieser Literatur, die zugleich die Möglichkeit einer egalitĂ€ren, posthumanistischen SubjektivitĂ€t verhandelt." (Autorenreferat)"Beginning in the 1990s a growing number of North-American economists euphorically announced and celebrated the coming of a golden 'Pacific Century', thereby contributing to a prophetic utopianism that increasingly characterizes a Pacific Rim discourse that has been defined by Western conceptualizations for centuries. Almost simultaneously, around 2000, there appeared on the North American literary scene a striking number of fictional texts that address this discursive construction und appropriation of the Pacific area and expose its racializing, sexualizing and gendering implications. By means of a close reading of Larissa Lai's Salt Fish Girl the essay aims to analyze the aesthetic, political and ethic strategies of this literature that also probes possibilities of an egalitarian, post-humanistic subjectivity." (author's abstract

    Interrater agreement in headache diagnoses

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    Background: Diagnosing headache disorders comprises the collection and interpretation of information. This study estimates agreement and bias in the latter. Methods: Physicians and medical students diagnosed eight patients’ headaches using the International Classification of Headache Disorders. We calculated Cohen’s Kappa for all participants and subgroups (board-certified neurologists, physicians working in a neurology department). Moreover, we asked how sure they felt about their diagnoses. Finally, participants estimated the number of different headache diagnoses a patient receives when consulting many physicians for the same headache and indicated the highest acceptable number. Results: The data of 63 participants entered the analysis, of whom 18 were neurologists (18/63, 28.6%), and 41 were currently working at a neurology clinic (41/63, 66.7%). Cohen’s Kappa decreased (0.706, 0.566, and 0.408) with increasing levels of the classification hierarchy. Interrater agreement was highest among neurologists. Physicians not working in a neurology clinic tended to diagnose secondary headaches more often were less confident about their diagnoses. Conclusions: Physicians with less experience in headache disorders struggle more to diagnose headaches than neurologists do; they suspect secondary headaches, disagree, and feel insecure more often. Thus, interpreting a headache history is prone to error and bias

    Paraneoplastic Necrotizing Myopathy with a Mild Inflammatory Component: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Inflammatory myopathies such as dermatomyositis and polymyositis are well-recognized paraneoplastic syndromes. Little is known, however, about necrotizing myopathies in association with cancer. We here describe a case of paraneoplastic necrotizing myopathy with a mild inflammatory infiltrate in a patient with adenocarcinoma. After the rapid development of a severe, disabling muscle weakness, the patient experienced near complete recovery within 4 months under oral prednisone treatment. In the context of the presented case, we will review current knowledge about paraneoplastic necrotizing myopathies

    CME: Idiopathische intrakranielle Hypertension

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    Zusammenfassung. Die idiopathische intrakranielle Hypertension ist eine sekundÀre Kopfschmerzerkrankung und Optikusneuropathie bei erhöhtem intrakraniellem Druck. Sie betrifft vorwiegend adipöse Frauen im gebÀrfÀhigen Alter und stellt sowohl diagnostisch als auch therapeutisch eine interdisziplinÀre Herausforderung dar. HÀufigstes Symptom dieser Erkrankung sind von Photo- und/oder Phonophobie begleitete Kopfschmerzen, die semiologisch oftmals einer MigrÀne sehr Àhnlich sind, gefolgt von transienten visuellen Obskurationen und pulssynchronem Tinnitus. WÀhrend dem Erhalt von Visus und Gesichtsfeld die oberste TherapieprioritÀt zukommt, spielt auch die adÀquate Behandlung der oftmals hartnÀckigen und chronischen Kopfschmerzen eine zentrale Rolle. Ein konservatives Vorgehen mittels Gewichtsreduktion und medikamentöser Therapie ist in den meisten FÀllen ausreichend. Im Falle fulminanter VerlÀufe oder relevanter VisuseinschrÀnkung kommen zusÀtzlich interventionelle Verfahren zum Einsatz. Das Management der Kopfschmerzen richtet sich nach der vorherrschenden Semiologie. CME: Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Abstract. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension is a pressure-induced secondary headache disorder and optic neuropathy. It primarily affects obese women of childbearing age and poses an interdisciplinary challenge both diagnostically and therapeutically. The most common symptom of this disorder are headaches frequently accompanied by photo- and/or phonophobia, whose semiology often resembles that of migraine, followed by transient visual obscurations and pulsatile tinnitus. While protection of visual acuity and visual fields are of first therapeutical priority, adequate headache treatment also plays a key role. In the majority of cases, conservative treatment including weight loss and pharmacological therapy is sufficient. In case of a fulminant disease course or loss of visual function, interventional strategies can be applied additionally. Headache treatment is guided by the predominant semiology

    Neurovascular disease in Switzerland: 10-year trends show non-traditional risk factors on the rise and higher exposure in women

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Effective risk factor modification is the prerequisite to prevent neurovascular disease such as stroke or vascular dementia. Non-traditional vascular risk factors (nt-vrfs) including stress significantly add to the risk of neurovascular disease arising from traditional vascular risk factors (t-vrfs). In order to discover sex-specific changes that may underlie previously reported inclines in the prevalence of neurovascular and cardiovascular disease in women, 10-year trends in the prevalence of vrfs in Switzerland were assessed. METHODS Anonymized data from 22,134 participants (51% women) of the governmental Swiss Health Survey, performed every 5 years (2007, 2012 and 2017), were obtained. Epidemiological parameters, t-vrfs and nt-vrfs were analyzed in a cross-sectional study design. RESULTS Over the observation period, the number of women having full-time jobs increased considerably (2007 38%, 2012 39%, 2017 44%). This was accompanied by a substantial rise in the prevalence of nt-vrfs in women and men including stress at work (2007, not available; 2012 women/men 58%/60%; 2017 women/men 66%/65%), low locus of control (women/men: 2007 21%/19%, 2012 22%/19%, 2017 25%/22%) and sleep disorders (women/men: 2007 30%/22%, 2012 28%/20%, 2017 32%/26%). Amongst t-vrfs, only the prevalence of obesity and hypercholesterolemia increased over time in both sexes, whilst other t-vrfs remained stable (hypertension [27%], diabetes [5%]) or decreased (smoking [9.4 cigarettes/day]). CONCLUSIONS A rise in women's economic participation alongside a higher affection with nt-vrfs in the female Swiss population emphasizes the need to improve vascular risk stratification and implement effective preventive measures for neurovascular and cardiovascular disease

    Screening for Cluster Headache—Introduction of the SMARTED Scale

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    Patients with cluster headache often report a long diagnostic delay. This study creates and validates a screening test that could help speed up the diagnostic process. We invited patients to enrol in this diagnostic case–control study if a trigeminal autonomic headache had been suspected or confirmed. Patients in whom the diagnosis of a cluster headache was not made were controls. First, all participants answered 22 diagnostic questions with “yes” or “no”. Next, we eliminated questions that did not distinguish well between the groups. Then, the variables entered a regression model with the headache diagnosis as the dependent variable. Finally, we combined the remaining variables into a diagnostic scale and tested its accuracy. Seventy-four patients participated, 45 of whom suffered from a cluster headache. The analyses identified five questions distinguishing cluster headache patients and controls. These addressed smoking, being awakened by the pain, restlessness during the attack, unilateral tearing, and duration of the attack (hence, the “SMARTED” scale). The area under the ROC curve was 0.938; sensitivity and specificity, the positive and negative predictive values were 98%, 65%, 81% and 94%, respectively. The SMARTED scale validly and accurately screens for cluster headache in patients suspected of a trigeminal autonomic headache

    Aetiology, secondary prevention strategies and outcomes of ischaemic stroke despite oral anticoagulant therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation

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    OBJECTIVE To investigate the aetiology, subsequent preventive strategies and outcomes of stroke despite anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). METHODS We analysed consecutive patients with AF with an index imaging-proven ischaemic stroke despite vitamin K-antagonist (VKA) or direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) treatment across 11 stroke centres. We classified stroke aetiology as: (i) competing stroke mechanism other than AF-related cardioembolism; (ii) insufficient anticoagulation (non-adherence or low anticoagulant activity measured with drug-specific assays); or, (iii) AF-related cardioembolism despite sufficient anticoagulation. We investigated subsequent preventive strategies with regard to the primary (composite of recurrent ischaemic stroke, intracranial haemorrhage, death) and secondary endpoint (recurrent ischaemic stroke) within 3 months after index stroke. RESULTS Among 2946 patients (median age 81 years; 48% women; 43% VKA, 57% DOAC), stroke aetiology was competing mechanism in 713 patients (24%), insufficient anticoagulation in 934 (32%) and cardioembolism despite sufficient anticoagulation in 1299 (44%). We found high rates of the primary (27% of patients; completeness 91.6%) and secondary endpoint (4.6%; completeness 88.5%). Only DOAC (vs VKA) treatment after index stroke showed lower odds for both endpoints (primary: adjusted OR (aOR) (95% CI) 0.49 (0.32 to 0.73); secondary: 0.44 (0.24 to 0.80)), but not switching between different DOAC types. Adding antiplatelets showed higher odds for both endpoints (primary: aOR (95% CI) 1.99 (1.25 to 3.15); secondary: 2.66 (1.40 to 5.04)). Only few patients (1%) received left atrial appendage occlusion as additional preventive strategy. CONCLUSIONS Stroke despite anticoagulation comprises heterogeneous aetiologies and cardioembolism despite sufficient anticoagulation is most common. While DOAC were associated with better outcomes than VKA, adding antiplatelets was linked to worse outcomes in these high-risk patients. Our findings indicate that individualised and novel preventive strategies beyond the currently available anticoagulants are needed. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER ISRCTN48292829

    Thrombolysis in stroke patients with elevated inflammatory markers

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    Objective: To investigate the prognostic value of white blood cell count (WBC) on functional outcome, mortality and bleeding risk in stroke patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis (IVT). Methods: In this prospective multicenter study from the TRISP registry, we assessed the association between WBC on admission and 3-month poor outcome (modified Rankin Scale 3-6), mortality and occurrence of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH; ECASS-II-criteria) in IVT-treated stroke patients. WBC was used as continuous and categorical variable distinguishing leukocytosis (WBC > 10 × 109/l) and leukopenia (WBC 10 mg/l) on outcomes. Results: Of 10,813 IVT-treated patients, 2527 had leukocytosis, 112 leukopenia and 8174 normal WBC. Increasing WBC (by 1 × 109/l) predicted poor outcome (ORadjusted 1.04[1.02-1.06]) but not mortality and sICH. Leukocytosis was independently associated with poor outcome (ORadjusted 1.48[1.29-1.69]) and mortality (ORadjusted 1.60[1.35-1.89]) but not with sICH (ORadjusted 1.17[0.94-1.45]). Leukopenia did not predict any outcome. In a subgroup, combined leukocytosis and elevated CRP had the strongest association with poor outcome (ORadjusted 2.26[1.76-2.91]) and mortality (ORadjusted 2.43[1.86-3.16]) when compared to combined normal WBC and CRP. Conclusion: In IVT-treated patients, leukocytosis independently predicted poor functional outcome and death. Bleeding complications after IVT were not independently associated with leukocytosis. Keywords: CRP; Inflammation; Stroke; Thrombolysis; White blood cell count

    EndoVAscular treatment and ThRombolysis for Ischemic Stroke Patients (EVA-TRISP) registry: basis and methodology of a pan-European prospective ischaemic stroke revascularisation treatment registry

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    PURPOSE The Thrombolysis in Ischemic Stroke Patients (TRISP) collaboration was a concerted effort initiated in 2010 with the purpose to address relevant research questions about the effectiveness and safety of intravenous thrombolysis (IVT). The collaboration also aims to prospectively collect data on patients undergoing endovascular treatment (EVT) and hence the name of the collaboration was changed from TRISP to EVA-TRISP. The methodology of the former TRISP registry for patients treated with IVT has already been published. This paper focuses on describing the EVT part of the registry. PARTICIPANTS All centres committed to collecting predefined variables on consecutive patients prospectively. We aim for accuracy and completeness of the data and to adapt local databases to investigate novel research questions. Herein, we introduce the methodology of a recently constructed academic investigator-initiated open collaboration EVT registry built as an extension of an existing IVT registry in patients with acute ischaemic stroke (AIS). FINDINGS TO DATE Currently, the EVA-TRISP network includes 20 stroke centres with considerable expertise in EVT and maintenance of high-quality hospital-based registries. Following several successful randomised controlled trials (RCTs), many important clinical questions remain unanswered in the (EVT) field and some of them will unlikely be investigated in future RCTs. Prospective registries with high-quality data on EVT-treated patients may help answering some of these unanswered issues, especially on safety and efficacy of EVT in specific patient subgroups. FUTURE PLANS This collaborative effort aims at addressing clinically important questions on safety and efficacy of EVT in conditions not covered by RCTs. The TRISP registry generated substantial novel data supporting stroke physicians in their daily decision making considering IVT candidate patients. While providing observational data on EVT in daily clinical practice, our future findings may likewise be hypothesis generating for future research as well as for quality improvement (on EVT). The collaboration welcomes participation of further centres willing to fulfill the commitment and the outlined requirements
