25 research outputs found

    The Economic and Strategic Motives for Antidumping Filings

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    This paper takes a critical look at the trends in worldwide antidumping (AD) case filings during the last two decades. We examine the motives for AD filings by countries in an attempt to identify whether economic or strategic concerns are driving the recent upsurge in AD use. We begin by providing a comprehensive overview of the data on cases initiated in the 1980 to 1998 period. We then use non-parametric methods to identify national motivations for the use of antidumping. Results show considerable support for the importance of strategic concerns in driving AD case filings. This suggests that the rise in AD activity cannot be solely explained by an increase in unfair trading practices.

    Communication, Advice and Beliefs in an Experimental Public Goods Game

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    We study the efficacy of horizontal versus vertical social learning processes in a public goods game. In one treatment, subjects about to play the game can make nonbinding common knowledge announcements about their intentions while, in another, subjects do not communicate directly with group members but receive common knowledge advice from the previous generation of players. A third treatment has subjects play with neither communication nor advice. We find that groups that engage in peer communication achieve much lower levels of contribution to the public good than do groups that receive advice. We attribute this finding in part to the fact that some subjects in the communication treatment opted to make no announcement during the communication phase of play.Voluntary contributions mechanism, Advice, Communication, Beliefs, Experiments.

    Industrialization and Labor Demand

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    The effects of industrialization on labor demand in the manufacturing sector of a developing economy are linked to the industrial organization of that sector. Using a dominant firm-competitive fringe framework, one can incorporate the existence of both constant and increasing returns technologies in production and allow for the coexistence of both types of firms in the production of a variety of goods. Industrialization, defined as the expansion of dominant firms into the production of an increasing number of manufactured goods, can be either labor-saving or labor-using; neither outcome can be entirely ruled out. Labor creation is most likely to occur the more sensitive dominant firm output is to changes in cost and the less elastic is the fringe supply curve.Industrialization

    A Genome-Wide RNAi Screen for Factors Involved in Neuronal Specification in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    One of the central goals of developmental neurobiology is to describe and understand the multi-tiered molecular events that control the progression of a fertilized egg to a terminally differentiated neuron. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the progression from egg to terminally differentiated neuron has been visually traced by lineage analysis. For example, the two gustatory neurons ASEL and ASER, a bilaterally symmetric neuron pair that is functionally lateralized, are generated from a fertilized egg through an invariant sequence of 11 cellular cleavages that occur stereotypically along specific cleavage planes. Molecular events that occur along this developmental pathway are only superficially understood. We take here an unbiased, genome-wide approach to identify genes that may act at any stage to ensure the correct differentiation of ASEL. Screening a genome-wide RNAi library that knocks-down 18,179 genes (94% of the genome), we identified 245 genes that affect the development of the ASEL neuron, such that the neuron is either not generated, its fate is converted to that of another cell, or cells from other lineage branches now adopt ASEL fate. We analyze in detail two factors that we identify from this screen: (1) the proneural gene hlh-14, which we find to be bilaterally expressed in the ASEL/R lineages despite their asymmetric lineage origins and which we find is required to generate neurons from several lineage branches including the ASE neurons, and (2) the COMPASS histone methyltransferase complex, which we find to be a critical embryonic inducer of ASEL/R asymmetry, acting upstream of the previously identified miRNA lsy-6. Our study represents the first comprehensive, genome-wide analysis of a single neuronal cell fate decision. The results of this analysis provide a starting point for future studies that will eventually lead to a more complete understanding of how individual neuronal cell types are generated from a single-cell embryo

    2002. “The economic and strategic motives for antidumping filings

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    Abstract: This paper takes a critical look at the trends in worldwide antidumping (AD) case filings during the last two decades. We examine the motives for AD filings by countries in an attempt to identify whether economic or strategic concerns are driving the recent upsurge in AD use. We begin by providing a comprehensive overview of the data on cases initiated in the 1980 to 1998 period. We then use non-parametric methods to identify national motivations for the use of antidumping. Results show considerable support for the importance of strategic concerns in driving AD case filings. This suggests that the rise in AD activity cannot be solely explained by an increase in unfair trading practices

    Input tariffs as a way to deal with dumping

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    The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) has significantly reduced the use of tariffs as barriers to international trade in today’s marketplace. The existence of antidumping legislation, however, provides American industry with a method of procuring protection when the pressures of international competition become oppressive. Many American companies have taken advantage of the legislation and claimed injury at the hands of unfair competition from abroad, often winning the imposition of punitive duties on competing imports as compensation for previous underpricing. This article uses an analytical model to explore in detail an intriguing antidumping case, initiated in mid-1990, involving flat-panel display screens for laptop computers. The vertical relationships between laptop screen and laptop computer producers make the results of the analysis applicable to a wide variety of international industries with vertically integrated or vertically related firms.International trade ; Tariff

    Games of strategy

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    xxii, 627p.; ill.; 18c

    Games of strategy

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    xxii, 600 p. : ill. ; 26 cm