18 research outputs found

    Health profile for Danish adults with activity limitation: a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background Studies have indicated that people with disabilities die earlier and may experience a poorer health than the general population. This study investigated 31 factors related to health and well-being, health behaviour and social relations among Danish adults with activity limitation (AL). Methods This study was based on data from the Danish Health and Morbidity Survey (DHMS) 2013 where 25,000 men and women aged 16 years or older were selected randomly from the adult Danish population. A total of 14,265 individuals answered the self-administered questionnaire including 100 questions on health-related quality of life, health behaviour, morbidity, consequences of illness and social relations. Based on an international standard question on AL, 888 individuals (6%) were defined as having profound AL and 4180 (29%) as having some AL. Multiple logistic regression analyses were used to analyse the associations between activity limitation and 31 indicators of health. The results were presented as relative risks 95% confidence intervals. Results Twenty-eight of 31 indicators showed consistently poorer health and well-being, health behaviour and social relations among individuals with AL as compared to individuals without AL. The increased relative risks were in a range of 7-661% the risk among individuals without AL. An example is obesity where RR (95% CI) was 2.07 (1.82–2.37). Only contact with internet friends was significantly higher among individuals with AL as compared to individuals with no AL. There was no association between alcohol and AL and no association between fast food and some AL. Conclusion Danish adults with AL experience a poorer health and well-being, and have an unhealthier lifestyle and poorer social relations than adults without AL. People with activity limitation should be prioritized in public health and efforts done to secure availability and flexibility of health care services and primary prevention programs. Policies should address accessibility, availability and affordability of health care and health behaviour among people with activity limitation

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    Conceptualization, operationalization, and content validity of the EQOL-questionnaire measuring quality of life and participation for persons with disabilities

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    Abstract Background Measurement of quality of life demands thoroughly developed and validated instruments. The development steps from theory to concepts and from empirical data to items are sparsely described in the literature of questionnaire development. Furthermore, there seems to be a need for an instrument measuring quality of life and participation in a population with diverse disabilities. The aim of this paper was to present and discuss the initial steps in the development of the Electronic Quality of Life questionnaire (EQOL). Methods The development of EQOL included six steps: 1) Establishing conceptual understanding; 2) Development of interview guides which build on the conceptual understanding; 3) Qualitative interviews of 55 participants (10–40 years old) with different types and severities of disabilities; 4) Conceptualization of domains identified in the qualitative data through thematic analysis; 5) Operationalization of the identified domains into items and; 6) Evaluation of content validity of the first version of the EQOL-measure. Content validity was examined by cognitive interviews with participants in the target group as well as by continuous feedback from an advisory board. Results We identified six domains (function and health, environment (physical and social), social network, wellbeing, occupation, and managing strategies) based on themes derived from the qualitative interviews and on conceptual discussions within the author group. These domains were incorporated in a conceptual model and items were generated to measure the content of each domain. Participants expressed satisfaction with EQOL but most participants felt that there were too many items. Conclusions In total, 191 items were included in the questionnaire. Participants felt that the EQOL-questionnaire was relevant to their quality of life and participation. We have shown that it is possible to include quality of life and participation for people with various disabilities in one instrument. Although capturing less detail than a condition specific instrument, EQOL includes aspects perceived important for people with disabilities who are not included in general surveys. This is relevant when for example evaluating environmental adaptations and when comparing populations with various disabilities