824 research outputs found

    Assessing the Value of an Expanded Clinical Genetics Curriculum for Medical Students

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    Discusses an attempt at UMass Medical School to incorporate the potential impact of the expanding genetic technology into first and third year medical school curriculum. Presented at the AAMC (Association of American Colleges) Annual Meeting, RIME (Research in Medical Education) Program, November 2002

    Effects of Deepwater Horizon oil on feather structure and thermoregulation in gulls: Does rehabilitation work?

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    Impacts of large-scale oil spills on avian species are far-reaching.While media attention often focuses on lethal impacts, sub-lethal effects and the impacts of rehabilitation receive less attention. The objective of our study was to characterize effects of moderate external oiling and subsequent rehabilitation on feather structure and thermoregulation in gulls. We captured 30 wild ring-billed gulls (Larus delawarensis) and randomly assigned each individual to an experimental group: 1) controls, 2) rehabilitated birds (externally oiled, rehabilitated by washing), or 3) oiled birds (externally oiled, not rehabilitated). We externally oiled birds with weathered MC252 Deepwater Horizon oil (water for controls) and collected feathers and thermography imagery (FLIR) approximately weekly for four weeks to investigate feather structure (quantified using a barbule clumping index) and thermoregulatory ability (characterized by internal body temperature and external surface temperature). Post-oiling feather clumping was significantly higher in oiled and rehabilitated birds compared to controls, but steadily declined over time in both groups. However, feather microstructure in rehabilitated birds was indistinguishable from controls within three weeks of washing whereas the feathers of oiled birds were still significantly clumped a month post oiling. Internal body temperatures didn\u27t differ in any of the groups, suggesting birds maintain thermoregulatory homeostasis in spite of moderate external oiling. External temperatures for rehabilitated birds didn\u27t differ from controls within a week of rehabilitation. Overall, rehabilitation procedures were effective and washed birds were in better condition compared to non-rehabilitated, oiled birds. This study provides evidence that the benefits of rehabilitation for moderately oiled birds likely outweigh the costs with regard to feather structure and thermoregulation.While feather preening and time were insufficient to reestablish baseline fine scale feather structure in moderately oiled birds, the significant clumping reduction over time may indicate that rehabilitation of lightly oiled birds may not be necessary and deserves further study

    Increasing the Depth of the Recruitment Pool for Future Women Academic Leaders: Should We Begin with Medical School Electives?

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    A 2002 report from the AAMC Project Implementation Committee indicated, “The pool from which to recruit women academic leaders remains shallow” (Bickel, et al., 2002). Since hen, much attention has been focused on improving conditions for women at the faculty level. Yet, few studies address the possibility that the medical school experience could impact the initial depth in this recruitment pool. Is there a trend in medical school that may be negatively impacting women’s success in pursuing a career in academia? Presented at the AAMC (Association of American Colleges) Annual Meeting, RIME (Research in Medical Education) Program, November 2006

    Weaving The Threads of Multiculturalism Throughout Medical Education

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    How do medical students learn about the healthcare impact of essential multiculturalism issues in an increasingly diverse population? This study gauges student participation in a variety of multiculturalism curricula and student assessment of curriculum time devoted to multiculturalism at school versus national levels

    Meeting Students Where They Are: Educating Students with Varying Life Experiences About the Health Care Needs of Persons with Disabilities

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    Purpose: Medical students enter preclinical years with varying levels of experience with individuals with disabilities. Previous experience has been shown to have a significant impact on attitudes toward this population and, hence, has the potential to impact patient care (Tervo et. al, 2002). This study examined the impact of a one-day Interclerkship on students’ self-reports regarding specific components of their attitudes, by level and type of previous disability experience. Methodology: Students met with individuals with physical or cognitive disabilities and their families in small groups to discuss their health care needs and experiences. Students also viewed a short film regarding effective methods of communication with and modifications to the clinical encounter for individuals with physical disabilities. Afternoon workshops covered a wide array of topics including assistive technology, sexuality/childbirth, mental health, community resources and bladder management. Students reported levels of experience cognitive/physical: friends, relatives, schoolmates k-12 and college. 153 (77%) students over two years completed pre-and post-Interclerkship self-assessments that rated attitudes about medical care for patients with disabilities, using a 14-item 5-point Likert scale; means were compared by paired t-test. Students also provided course feedback. Results: There was a highly significant (pConclusions: A single-day Interclerkship improved the attitudes of students’ reporting all levels and types of disability experience

    Residents Report on the Importance of an Undergraduate End of Life Interclerkship

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    Does the perceived value of a third year End of Life (EOL) Interclerkship change after medical students complete their first year of residency? Several research studies indicate students’ perceptions about specific learning experiences change after graduating from medical school. The value that medical students put on their education of end of life issues increases after they leave medical school. This finding highlights the importance of teaching end of life issues to undergraduate medical students. Presented at the AAMC (Association of American Colleges) Annual Meeting, RIME (Research in Medical Education) Program, November 2006

    Evaluation of Restaurant Menus to Determine the Availability of Healthy Food Options and Guide Community Transformation Grant Activities in Massachusetts

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    INTRODUCTION. The availability of healthy menu options in restaurants is an important factor in the prevention of obesity. The Mass in Motion Initiative and two Community Transformation Grant (CTG) projects are conducting statewide longitudinal surveys to determine the availability of healthy food in restaurants in the state of Massachusetts. METHODS. The Community Nutrition Environment Evaluation Data System-Restaurant (C-NEEDS-R) was developed for food environment surveillance. C-NEEDS-R takes into account seasonal and geographic variations in food supplies, cultural relevance, and USDA dietary recommendations. Between summer 2012 and winter 2013, 506 restaurants in 36 Massachusetts towns and cities were surveyed and analyzed. Through menu and site evaluation, the availability of healthy entrees was examined for each restaurant, and the total number of healthy entrees as well as the percent of healthy entrees was calculated for each restaurant. For each municipality, the average number and average percentage of healthy entrees for restaurants within the community was also calculated. RESULTS. The surveyed restaurants had average 3.2 healthy entrees on the menu, accounting for 13.4% of the total number of entrees available. The percentage of healthy options varied widely by restaurant and restaurant type, ranging from 0 to 84%, and only 15 of the 506 surveyed restaurants ( DISCUSSION. As noted, menu evaluation demonstrated that the large majority of the surveyed restaurants had few healthy entrees, indicating a need to increase availability of healthy options. Analysis of restaurant- and community-level variations in availability is useful for CTG programs to formulate and prioritize interventions. Future longitudinal surveys of food stores in the intervention and control communities will help evaluate the effectiveness of CTG interventions

    Meeting Challenges in Caring for Patients with Disabilities: An Interclerkship Course

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    Purpose: People with disabilities use healthcare services more than those without disabilities, yet healthcare systems often fail these individuals. Understanding the needs of those with physical and cognitive disabilities is crucial in providing them with appropriate healthcare. A one-day Interclerkship introduced third-year medical students to key challenges for physicians who care for disabled patients: (1) building trust and confidence, (2) communication, (3) anticipating secondary medical conditions, (4) appropriately modifying clinical encounters, and (5) identifying appropriate community resources. Methodology: Essential elements of patient-centered care for disabled individuals were presented in plenary sessions. In small groups, students met with individuals with physical or development disabilities, their families and their community advocates, discussing healthcare and access concerns. Other workshops, taught by clinical and community experts, addressed assistive technology, parenting challenges, mental health, community resources, sexuality, and end-of-life care. Sixty-seven (69%) students completed pre-and post-Interclerkship self-assessments that rated knowledge, skills, and attitudes about medical care for disabled patients, using a 14-item 5-point Likert scale; means were compared by paired t-test. Students also provided course feedback. Results: There was a highly significant (p80% of the students agreed or strongly agreed that the Interclerkship addressed a topic essential to physician training, providing knowledge and skills not obtained elsewhere. Conclusions: A single-day Interclerkship successfully improved third year medical students self-assessed knowledge, attitudes and skills on providing appropriate medical care for disabled patient. Presented at the AAMC (Association of American Colleges) Annual Meeting, RIME (Research in Medical Education) Program, November 2006
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