1 research outputs found

    Moving from Offline to Online: Addressing the Cancer Spectrum Through the National Strategic Plan on Cancer Prevention and Control, Sri Lank - 2020-2024

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    Introduction: Sri Lanka is committed to achieving the global targets at the end of 2025 by a 25% reduction in premature mortality from cancer by intervening from prevention, early detection, treatment palliative care, and surveillance. Current Sri Lankan evidence shows a gradual increase of cancers where many are preventable by risk factor reduction. According to the data of the National Cancer Registry, Sri Lanka in 2019, there were 14,845 (47%) males and 16,989 (53%) females diagnosed with cancer with a total of 31844. One of the recommendations of the imPACT review 2019 was to develop the NSP to achieve quality of life by preventing and control of cancer in Sri Lanka. National Cancer Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka gave the leadership to develop the National Strategic Plan (2020-2024) that provided a direction for the country for cancer prevention and control. Methods: Based on the local and international evidence initial draft was prepared by the NCCP. Feedback was obtained via emails and virtual meetings from all the stakeholders (medical professional colleges, UN organizations, non-government organizations, community-based organizations) due to COVID 19 physical meeting restrictions. This was followed by a series of virtual meetings with the same stakeholders and finalizing the document. Results: The NSP was developed for the year 2020-2024 as a guiding document for Sri Lanka’s response to cancer control and prevention with a vision and a goal to be achieved in cancer prevention and control in the country. This document has laid down seven strategic objectives and seven strategic directions to serve as pillars for the cancer spectrum with a detailed activity plan under each strategic direction. Conclusion and recommendations: The NSP was developed to reduce cancer incidence and mortality via evidence-based strategic objectives of prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment and palliation, surveillance, and research with an activity plan. It was recommended to have close monitoring, mid-term and end of five-year reviews to assess its progress