21 research outputs found
Strategic Leadership to Deal with the Separatism Movement in Papua
The separatist movement in Papua has been a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia for many years. Although various efforts have been made to deal with this problem, the separatist movement still exists and threatens the stability of the Papua region. Therefore, effective strategic leadership policies and strategies are needed to overcome separatist movements in Papua. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of strategic leadership in overcoming separatist movements in Papua as a form of threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. The research method used is library research by collecting data from primary and secondary sources, including journal articles, books, and official documents. The data was then analyzed qualitatively using a descriptive approach. The recommendations for effective strategic leadership in addressing separatist movements in Papua include; acknowledging historical factors, engaging stakeholders, adopting preventive strategies, protecting human rights, leveraging technology, enhancing transparency and accountability, and promoting economic development
DAS Kampar merupakan DAS Nasional, yang melintasi Provinsi Riau dan Provinsi Sumatra Barat. DAS Kampar memiliki tingkat akan kebutuhan air yang sangat tinggi akan tetapi tingkat ketersedian air yang rendah, sehingga dibutuhkannya suatu strategi pengelolaan berkelanjutan suplai air di DAS Kampar guna mengatasi akan permasalahan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian strategi pengelolaan berkelanjutan suplai air DAS Kampar dalam mendukung sistem pertahanan negara. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan analisis tingkat area kebutuhan air dan ketersediaan air menggunakan metode overlay, skoring, dengan menggunakan aplikasi ArcGIS 10.6.1, analisis Multidimensional Scalling dan analisis Logical Framework Analysis (LFA). Hasil analisis menunjukkan; 1) Tingkat area kebutuhan air di DAS Kampar dibagi menjadi 3 tingkatan, yakni rendah, sedang dan tinggi. Tingkat kebutuhan air rendah dengan luas wilayah sebanyak 198.761,25 ha, tingkat kebutuhan air sedang 65.087,13 ha dan tingkat kebutuhan air tinggi dengan luas wilayah sebanyak 2.242.666,86 ha. 2) Tingkat ketersediaan air di DAS Kampar dibagi menjadi 3 tingkatan, yakni rendah, sedang dan tinggi. Tingkat ketersediaan rendah dengan total luasan 1.029.931,92 ha tingkat ketersediaan sedang 1.020.845,15 ha dan tinggi dengan luas wilayah sebanyak 455.738,16 ha. 3) Tingkat keberlanjutan suplai air di DAS Kampar berada pada tingkatan cukup berkelanjutan atau layak dengan nilai skor 54,49. 4) Strategi dalam pengelolaan berkelanjutan suplai air DAS Kampar dilakukan dengan berbagai cara, yakni dengan malakukan perlindungan sumberdaya lahan dan air, meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat, pemanfaatan teknologi, peningkatan peran serta kelembagaan pengelolaan DAS Kampar, dan peningkatan berbagai pihak kepentingan dalam sumberdaya air
Deteksi Vibrasi Pada Pesawat Tanpa Awak Berbasis Arduino Uno Dalam Mendukung Pertahanan Udara
Rapid advances in technology have penetrated various sectors. One of these related to air defense system using hexacopter-type unmanned aircraft. When airborne, hexacopter must maintain balance through rotation of propeller. Therefore, vibration level detection system needed on hexacopter. In this research, direct data processing approach used on microcontroller using FFT method. Fourier algorithm used to convert continuous into discrete signals, while sensor system built using MPU 6050 sensor. Sensor testing carried out by analyzing its characteristics, as well as comparing results of data processing directly and indirectly. Results obtained were in stationary conditions, accelerometer values for x, y, and z axes did not contain any anomalies, indicating that there was no vibration. In floating condition, there are no anomalous values in accelerometer axes x and z values, while on y axis there are anomalous values at frequency of 100-200Hz which indicates presence of vibration. In flying conditions, there are no anomalous values in z-axis accelerometer value, while on x and y axes there are anomalous values at frequency of 100-500Hz which indicates presence of vibration. So, it can be concluded that vibration detection of accelerometer on x, y and z axes using the MPU 6050 sensor can detect vibrations wel
Acts of terrorism are crimes and serious violations of human rights, also the threat of violence that can cause mass casualties and destruction of vital strategic objects. This is an urgent threat that needs to be prepared by designing a bomb detector conceptual design as anticipation of the threat of terrorism in public services. This study aims to obtain operational requirements and conceptual design of bomb detectors as detection of terrorism threats in public services. This study uses a mixed-method with a systems engineering approach and a life cycle model to produce a technological design. The results of operational requirements are sensors, standards, artificial intelligence, integration capability, reliability, calibration mode, portable, and easy to maintain. The configuration design is divided into three stages, namely, 1) sensors including a camera security surveillance system vector image, metal detectors, explosive detectors, and A-jamming; 2) as a processing device, processes an order with the help of an artificial intelligence system; and 3) Â a security computer (surveillance), early warning, and mobile information to provide information to related agencies, especially the anti-terror unit
The Need for Satellite-Based Interoperability to Strengthen Maritime Security: A Study of Indonesian Border Defense
Various border issues in the maritime border area are indeed ongoing, as are the rapid dynamics of the strategic environment. Therefore, strengthening defense and security along the sea border is essential. To ensure optimal military power, the defense concept must adapt to technological advances. A vast sea border area necessitates collaboration and coordination between military and civilian maritime elements to ensure maritime security. The success of the joint operation is dependent on interoperability. This research aims to describe an analysis of the need for satellite-based interoperability that can ensure defense and security in maritime border areas. This study utilized a case study of Indonesian maritime borders. The descriptive qualitative method was used in this study. In-depth interviews and literature reviews on sources relevant to the research objectives were used to collect data. The findings indicate interoperability between military units supported by coastguards in several maritime areas. However, its implementation necessitates an efficient and responsive command system based on electronic communication. As a result, an independent defense satellite is expected to achieve satellite-based interoperability, allowing quick response to various threats along Indonesia's maritime border areas.
Strategic Leadership to Deal with the Separatism Movement in Papua
The separatist movement in Papua has been a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia for many years. Although various efforts have been made to deal with this problem, the separatist movement still exists and threatens the stability of the Papua region. Therefore, effective strategic leadership policies and strategies are needed to overcome separatist movements in Papua. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of strategic leadership in overcoming separatist movements in Papua as a form of threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. The research method used is library research by collecting data from primary and secondary sources, including journal articles, books, and official documents. The data was then analyzed qualitatively using a descriptive approach. The recommendations for effective strategic leadership in addressing separatist movements in Papua include; acknowledging historical factors, engaging stakeholders, adopting preventive strategies, protecting human rights, leveraging technology, enhancing transparency and accountability, and promoting economic development.</p
Terorisme merupakan ancaman nyata, yang menimbulkan suasana teror atau rasa takut secara meluas, yang dapat menimbulkan korban yang bersifat massal, bersifat random, indiscriminate, dan non-selective serta mengandung unsur kekerasan dan kejahatan. Permasalahan penelitian yaitu tentang kebutuhan pengguna untuk desain konseptual detektor bom sebagai pertahanan dan keamanan nasional. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalis kebutuhan operasional dan desain konseptual dalam bentuk desain konfigurasi. Menggunakan toeri design engineering dan life cycle model untuk mendapatkan kebutuhan operasi dengan metode wawancara, observasi dan studi literatur. Teknik analisis menerapkan Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Perhitungan analisa menggunakan Quality Function Deployment (QFD) menghasilkan Benchmark Performance menunjukkan hasil Power Suplai, Deteksi bahan peledak (explosive), Deteksi logam mencapai 84,32 % menunjukan tingkat prioritas kepentingan sangat tinggi dan memberikan komponen yang berkualitas. Jamming 74.50 % dengan tingkat kepentingan yang tinggi dengan komponen yang berkualitas. Power Suplay mencapai 64.05 % dengan kepentingan yang cukup tinggi dengan komponen yang berkualitas. Processing Device dan Receiver Device mencapai hasil 50.32 % dengan kepentingan cukup tinggi dengar fitur-fitur yang detail. Peringatan dini (Sirine), Jaringan Penghubung, dan Sensitifitas baik menunjukkan hasil di 32-39 %.Kata Kunci: Requirement, Detektor Bom, QFD, Terorisme, Pelayanan Masyarakat
Isu bersatunya Pulau Nusakambangan dengan Pulau Jawa dilatarbelakangi oleh peristiwa sedimentasi yang terjadi di Laguna Segara Anakan. Pulau Nusakambangan dikenal dengan Pulau Penjara yang sangat aman, dimana terdapat tujuh Lembaga Pemasyarakatan untuk menempatkan narapidana high risk. LAPAS Nusakambangan merupakan objek vital Negara yang berada dibawah pengelolaan Kemenkumham. Akibat peristiwa sedimentasi timbul daratan baru di sebelah utara Pulau Nusakambangan, sehingga menyebabkan terbukanya akses menuju LAPAS Nusakambangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan garis pantai yang terjadi di Pulau Jawa yang diprediksi akan bersatu dengan Pulau Nusakambangan dimasa yang akan datang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kombinasi, metode kuantitatif dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Penginderaan Jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk menganalisis perubahan garis gantai yang terjadi berbasis data citra satelit Landsat, kemudian dibuat model persamaan untuk memprediksi terjadinya penyatuan Pulau Nusakambangan dengan Pulau Jawa. Metode kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis dampak perubahan tersebut terhadap keamanan LAPAS Nusakambangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadinya perubahan garis pantai dari tahun 1962 hingga 2018. Perubahan garis pantai disebabkan oleh endapan sedimen di Laguna Segara Anakan yang berasal dari hulu sungai, sehingga terjadilah penambahan luas daratan yang signifikan di Pulau Jawa. Dengan asumsi tidak ada pengaruh pasang surut dan energi gelombang, penurunan luas permukaan perairan pesisir Pulau Nusakambangan akan terus terjadi. Diprediksi pada tahun 2030 luasnya tinggal 2.56% saja, artinya isu penyatuan Pulau Nusakambangan dengan Pulau Jawa itu akanterjadi. Fenomena ini bisa menjadi sumber ancaman bagi LAPAS Nusakambangan. Ancaman yang mungkin terjadi dari aspek keamanan adalah kemungkinan terjadinya pelarian narapidana high risk, penyelundupan narkotika dan akses-akses terselubung para terorisme.Kata Kunci : Teknologi Penginderaan Jauh, Sistem Informasi Geografis, Perubahan Garis Pantai, Sedimentasi, Keamanan LAPAS Nusakambanga
Aerial photo database model of Indonesia's national territory in a Geospatial intelligence perspective
The National Aerial Photo Database is a collection of aerial photographs obtained through aerial photography using specific cameras or sensors with manned or unmanned aerial vehicles across the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. These photographs are stored in a computer system for easy access, management, and updating. No national aerial photo database system currently meets the need for accurate and complete aerial photos and other geospatial information to support decision-making. The present study aimed to develop a model for the National Aerial Photo Database from a geospatial intelligence perspective based on statutory regulations. The collection of aerial photo data in a centralized database commenced with scanning negative film based on location and flight paths and copying all digital data. The original negative films were scanned at 20 μm resolution in a Vexcel Ultrascan 5000 photogrammetry scanner. The resulting size of one scanned photo is 140 Mb to 160 Mb.  This research adopts a qualitative research method with a case study approach. This research involved the electronic implementation of geospatial data and information by utilizing Geographic Information System (GIS) software, image and geospatial information data management, and the Scrum framework. This research concluded that geospatial intelligence efforts can better understand activity patterns, infrastructure development, and potential threats in the national territory. The insights gained from the aerial photo database aid in identifying trends, detecting anomalies, and assessing risks, all of which are critical for better decision-making in national security.