5 research outputs found

    Sistem Informasi Harga Pokok Proses Bagi USAha Kecil Dan Menengah Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Proses Produksi

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    Accounting Information Systems today has an important role to the progress of an organization included in the business world. The problem that often arises in small and medium enterprises, among others on the system transactions are still done manually, by relying on paper for archiving enterprise data. Of course, such things will be difficult to control and report transaction data namely finance Production Cost and Process Cost. An application system that can help the process along with the transaction data report is required which can present useful information for interested parties to address such problems. The fact that there are still many small and medium-class companies (SMEs) still doing transaction processing, financial records and preparing reports both reports transactions and financial statements of the company manually. Improving the IT mastering is one of the important factors that need to be considered for small and medium enterprises and it also can develop the business wheel. IT development has been moving very rapidly, both in terms of hardware and software which can help the company\u27s performance.One of SMEs in Kebumen district is tile company famous brand of Sokka. Most companies tile in the district Kebumen still use manual accounting system. Tile Company Brands Sokka does the production process using the production machine. Where the process Brands Sokka tile production company produces several kinds of products in the form types of tile press generated from period to period is always the same.The existence of accounting information system is expected to make management transactions and corporate finance better and accurate, and can help entrepreneurs and policy makers in managing the company\u27s finances and taking policy\u27s company as well as scoring at the performance of the company. Therefore, the authors apply a Cost Information System applications Process For Small And Medium Enterprises In Improving the Quality of Production Process using microsoft office 2007 program

    Analisis Perwilayahan dan Strategi Pengembangan Peternakan Kambing di Kabupaten Lumajang

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    Kambing merupakan salah satu ternak ruminansia yang paling banyak dikembangkan, salah satunya di Kabupaten Lumajang. Saat ini, ternak kambing di Kabupaten Lumajang telah memiliki pangsa pasar yang menjanjikan, tidak hanya pasar domestik tetapi juga pasar Internasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perwilayahan dan strategi pengembangan peternakan kambing di Kabupaten Lumajang, untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut diperlukan informasi: wilayah kecamatan yang menjadi basis USAha peternakan kambing; wilayah kecamatan yang melokalisasikan dan menspesialisasikan USAha peternakan kambing; efek pengganda USAha peternakan kambing; dan alternatif strategi pengembangan yang paling efektif dan efisien dalam mendukung pengembangan USAha peternakan kambing di Kabupaten Lumajang. Metode analitik pada penelitian ini berupa analisis Location Quotient, lokalisasi, spesialisasi, Basic Service Ratio, Regional Multiplier, dan Analytical Hierarchy Process. Dari hasil penelitian didapat bahwa terdapat 10 wilayah kecamatan basis USAha peternakan kambing di Kabupaten Lumajang, dan USAha peternakan kambing tidak terlokalisasi dan terkonsentrasi pada suatu wilayah kecamatan tertentu. Usaha peternakan kambing secara kontinu mempunyai efek pengganda baik di wilayah basisnya maupun non-basis. Sementara kriteria yang menjadi prioritas pengembangan adalah kriteria input, sedangkan alternatif yang menjadi prioritas pengembangan adalah modal

    Analisis Potensi Wilayah Berbasis Komoditas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Serta Kontribusinya terhadap Perekonomian Kabupaten Bondowoso

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    Bondowoso regency is one of the regencies in East Java Province which regional economic growth is relatively unprogressive. The main supporters of Bondowoso Regency's economic growth are agriculture, forestry and fishery sectors. This study aims at 1) to determine the kind of crops in each district  in Bondowoso area. 2) to know the potential crops in Bondowoso, 3) To count the crops contribution to the economical sector in Bondowoso 4) To know the economic supporting system in Bondowoso. The method used in this study is analytic. This study also uses the document. The analysis method used is LQ analysis, the strength criteria of LQ,proportion formula, and scalogram analysis. The findings show that ; 1) each district has different comodity result, but the comodity of crops including rice and corn are principally identified in most of Bondowoso area, 2) The comodity such as rice is relatively potential to stand In Bondowoso, 3) the contribution of rice is high, 4) Mostly the districts in Bondowoso area have a good supporting system to stand the potential of crops comodity

    Analisis Pemasaran dan Pendapatan Usahatani Semangka Kelompok Tani Ridho Lestari di Desa Tembokrejo Kecamatan Muncar Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Banyuwangi Regency is one of the centers of watermelon production in East Java Province. Muncar Sub-district is a watermelon producing district with the highest harvest and production area in Banyuwangi. The village of Muncar sub-district known as watermelon producing village is Tembokrejo Village. This research conducted in the Tembokrejo Village at the farmer group of Ridho Lestari has three purposes, namely: (1) to know the marketing channel of watermelon, (2) to know the margin and efficiency of watermelon marketing, and (3) to know the income and efficiency of watermelon farming. The results showed that farmers of watermelon farmer group Ridho Lestari have 4 marketing channels, namely: (a) farmers - wholesalers - retailers - consumers, (b) farmers - middlemen - wholesalers - retailers - consumers, (c) farmers - middlemen - retailers - consumers, and (d) farmers - exporters - importers; (2) the non-exported watermelon marketing margin is low and efficient, while the export marketing margin is high and inefficient; (3) Ridho Lestari farmers' watermelon farmer's income is beneficial and the cost of watermelon farming is efficient

    Sumber Permodalan dan Kelayakan Usahatani Pisang Mas Kirana

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    Kelompok tani sebagai kekuatan yang mendasar merupakan basis integral dari pembangunan pertanian secara nasional yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan masyarakat petani. Perwujudan pengembangan kelompok tani dilaksanakan melalui penguatan dan pemantapan aspek finansial. Keberadaan kelompok tani sangat bermanfaat bagi petani. Anggota kelompok dapat memperoleh kredit lunak dari Bank sebagai modal usahatani pisang mas Kirana. Tujuan penelitian mengidentifikasi sumber permodalan dan kelayakan usahatani pisang mas Kirana pada kelompok tani pisang mas Kirana. Lokasi penelitian adalah Kecamatan Pasrujambe. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian lebih mengarah pada metode diskriptif dan analitis. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan Purposive Sampling dan Snowball sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Metode analisis data menggunakan Analisis kelayakan usaha, dan analisa deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sumber permodalan usahatani pisang mas Kirana berasal dari permodalan mandiri dan bantuan dari pemerintah. Pendapatan yang dihasilkan pada usahatani pisang mas Kirana menguntungkan dan layak untuk diusahakan